Loving You Is What I'm Good At


I ran my fingers through my hair as I stepped into Billie's house. He and the guys were having a last minute practice before finishing their newest album and asked me to come by and tell them what I thought. My mind went back to the day I met the boy who changed my life.

I was running behind because the office had lost my schedule and text books. I was upset because it was my best friend's birthday, and I wouldn't be home to celebrate with her. When I finally got my stuff, the late bell had already rang, meaning when I finally got to class, people would be staring at me more so than just for being the new girl.

Walking down the hall, my palms were sweaty and I kept running my heads along the imaginary wrinkles in my shirt. When I finally reached the class, I let out a breath I hadn't noticed I was holding. I pulled the door open to reveal a younger manholding up a sheet of paper.

"Mr. Armstrong, you really outdid yourself once again. If only you applied yourself to other subjects, you'd have the highest grades in the school." He noticed me standing there and smiled at me. "Hello, you must be Brittany. I'm Mr. Billings." I nodded my head and stepped inside the classroom, pulling the door closed.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry I'm late. The office lost my things, then I got a little lost. It won't happen again." He nooded his head and gave me a soft smile.

"That's quite alright. I have kids that are late who have been here since the beginning of the year. There's something about this room that gets kids lost. Love the accent, by the way. Now, have a seat beside Mr. Armstrong and get out a pen and paper. We're starting our love poems today." He nodded toward a boy with curly brown hair and a nose ring. I took my seat and looked over at 'Mr. Armstrong.'

"Hey, I'm Billie." With those three words, my life changed forever.

"Hey, Mac. I'm glad you could make it." Billie pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead, just as he always has. I smiled at him and hugged Mike and Tre'.

"I wouldn't miss my favorite men playing for anything in the world. Besides, I have no life." I laughed and Tre' sat on my lap. I pulled his hair and he jumped off. Billie gave Mike a strange look and cleared his throat.

"Well, we have some news... The finishing touches will go on the album tomorrow, and the record company wants us to hit the road. We start a six-month tour in a week." He trailed off and my stomach dropped.

Wait what? Not only were my very best friends getting ready to leave me, they were going to be gone for six months? That’s not something the average person can easily cope with. I knew I couldn’t ask them not to go, this had only been their dream since they were twelve years old.

“That’s great!” I tried my best to hide the hurt in my voice. “This is what you guys always wanted!”

“Well, there was something we wanted to ask you…” Billie trailed off. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

“Yeah, we all talked about it, and we came to the conclusion that we can’t just leave you here alone. First off, we promised to never leave you, no matter what, but we really can’t imagine not having you around. What would you say if we asked you to be out ‘official merch girl?’” Mike asked, making air quotes around official merch girl.

To say I was happy was an understatement. Not only would I be able to travel and see things I never thought I could, but I would be experiencing it with my best friends. I could barely contain my excitement as a huge grin spread across my face.

“Of course I’ll do it! Why would I say no? You guys are my only friends, I would be lost without you!” They all hugged me, and Billie scooped me up in a bear hug. To say that I didn't feel something for him in that moment would be a complete and utter lie.

This should be one heck of a six months…
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This chapter is short and kind of sucks, but I assure you, it will get better!