Status: Complete

Falling for the Teacher Is Never a Good Idea

Chapter 11

I was right. It was a very tough decision. Dick went to his friends room to hang out leaving me to sit on my bed rocking back and forth trying to decide whether or not go see Cas. He was getting to me, and I knew it, what was worse is that he knew it.

Finally I decided to go to his room, where I then stood there for a good ten minutes. I brought my hand to the door. And then put it down. I put my hand to it again... and then put it down.

Again and again until my hand was starting to cramp. I took a huff and then blew my air back out hoping for a big bad wolf effect but to no avail. The door stood where it was, and it didn't open.

"Jesus fucking Christ Dean! Pull yourself together," I whispered to myself. I raised my hand one last time and then I...

Well I ran away. I a noise behind the door so I sprinted back down the corridor and then slammed the door to my room open and shut as if I was running from a monster in a horror film.

"Oh god, I'm such a ditz," I said to myself.

I just sighed and flopped onto my bed. It's at that exact moment that my phone decides to ring. I reach for it in my pocket and pick up.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Whoa Dean, why are you out of breath?"

It was Sam, my brother, oh thank god I've missed that little twerp.

"Sammy! How are you?"

"Much better now that you're gone," he replied back, and I wished he could see me stick my tongue out at him, but of course he can't so I just swear at him.

"How is DC? Have you seen anyone important yet?"

"Um, I did see a guy dressed as a hamburger outside of a diner," I told him.

"And did you get his autograph?"

"Sad to say I didn't."

Sam feigned surprise and anger to which I just laughed at.

"No but really, how's the trip?" Sam asks.

"It could be better. I got roomed with an annoying guy who hates me."

"I'm sorry. You just room with him though it could be worse," Sam replied. If only he knew how much worse it actually was. Like the whole making out with my teacher thing.

"Who is it? Anyone I know?"

I think for a minute, "I don't think so, his name is Dick Roman. Sound familiar?"

"Oh yeah, I know him he picked on my friend last year," Sam replied, which caught me by surprise as
I didn't know Sam had ever dealt with bullies.

"Did he pick on you too?"

"Not really. It helps being over six feet tall," Sam answers.

"That's very true," I say and I reposition myself on my bed, to get more comfortable.

"So what have you seen so far?" Sam asks. The little dork has always loved history so I just laugh and list the things off for him.

We talked for about twenty minutes when the door opened and Dick came back in.

"Oh look the little fag is talking to his boyfriend," Dick said, and I turned bright red hoping Sam didn't hear that.

"Uh, Sammy I've gotta go my roomie is back," I tell him.

"Ugh fine, talk to you later Dean, tell him I said he's a douchebag," Sam says before I end the call.

"My brother wants you to know that he thinks you're a douchebag," I tell Dick, with a smile.

He grimaces and walks into the bathroom to take a shower, so I get ready for bed, and read while he's in there because there's no way I'm falling asleep before him.

My phone buzzes and I check to see that I have a new text, from Sam: "Also tell him he looks like a horse."

I laugh at the stupid insult but put the phone back down and keep reading.

I'm not sure how long it took me to fall asleep, but I waited for Dick to start snoring to decide I was ready as well, but set my alarm to go off before Dick's then promptly stole his phone, and added another alarm to his phone to go off around noon playing the most embarrassing song I can think of.
So of course I chose 'Backstreet's Back' by the Backstreet Boys.

I was woken up a little earlier than I would like by my alarm so I quickly hop into the shower to hopefully make the sleepiness go away, and then get out to go downstairs for breakfast where I am one of only a few people down there already.
Cas comes in and stands next to me though, and my heart starts beating a little faster.

"Good Morning Dean," he says in his gravelly voice with a smile on his face, so that I'm sure he knows precisely what's going through my brain. I make to sit down at a chair quickly because if I don't other people might know as well. It's the morning, and I'm really not as in control of my blood flow this early.

I see him sit down next to me and he smiles at the nervousness on my face.

"What do you want?" I ask, trying not to sound rude.

"Hand me your phone."


He raises an eyebrow so I know he's not going to answer but I just reach into my pocket and hand him my phone. He types something, then hands it back to me and promptly walks away. I look at him as he walks away and try not to look at his ass but I dare you not to when someone's has such a fine rear end as him.

My phone buzzes and I look down at it to flip it open.

"This is why."

Great. Now he's going to text me and lurk even further in the depths of my head.

"My god. What crawled up your ass last night?" Charlie asks, sitting down next to me.

I turn, for what feels like the millionth time in the past few days, a bright ruby red. She practically described the dream I had last night, which was disconcerting.

I don't say anything, but my eyes refuse to close down to a normal size so I look back at her with oddly wide eyes that probably make me look like an owl.
"Okay, then," she says.

I sigh and wait for Mrs. Mills to come downstairs and announce we're leaving. Dick should be down here soon as well, and I'm really excited to hearing his alarm later. That should be fun. That's what he gets for not putting a lock on his phone though.