Back From the Grave


Morning came so fast. It was like I had only shut my eyes long enough to blink and it was morning again... well if you don't count me waking up in the middle of the night with horrible dreams, which I had more after Sam left. When I walked into the bathroom I noticed the makeup I never took off last night was smeared down my cheeks from tears. I sighed and washed my face.

When Sam came up to ask if I wanted anything to eat I shook my head and told him that I was going to be staying home from school because I wasn't feeling very well. He asked if he should stay to and I said I would be fine on my own.

"If you need anything text me. Ill have my phone on me all day. Okay?" Sam asked as he was walking out to go to school.

"Okay." I yelled to him. I had some plans to do today though.


About 40 minutes after Sam left, and 20 minutes after school had started, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the apartment. It took me a little bit to find my old neighborhood. But I soon enough did. Mom would be leaving from work in about 45 minutes, dad would have already left. I walked up to my... old ... house and rang the doorbell. I saw my mom look out of the window to the left of the door. 'just like always' I thought to myself. She opened the door with a smile but I could see that there was some sorrow in her eyes.

"Good morning. How can I help you?" My used to be mom asked.

I smiled. "Hi, I go to the same school your daughter went to and I just wanted to say im sorry for your loss."

My moms eyes teared up a little bit but her smile grew. "This is something she would do. But she wouldn't be ditching school to do it." With that last part she raised an eyebrow and stopped smiling. I knew that look. That was the look of 'you better tell me why your doing what you are'

"I'm not skipping mam I just don't feel very well. Its nothing contagious. Just a little stomach ace and a little head ace. Thats it." I explained.

"Does your mom and dad know your here?" She questioned. With that I bit my lip. What was I supposed to say here? I guess she noticed. Because she tilted her head and asked, "Do you not have parents?"

I shook my head. "I do, just not here. In this beautiful town. Me and my friend moved here together not to long ago and have been living together. We are both working really hard to pay rent. My friend knows I'm not at school. I don't know if he knows im here."

"Well, you are very nice. I bet your..." she stopped to think "Boyfriend?" I shook my head. "Friend and you would love a place to stay for a while so how about you talk to him. We can get together with my husband and we can talk about you staying here." My jaw dropped.

"Ill talk to him Id love to."

With that she nodded. We decided to do it this Friday. With that I went home.