The Moons Pull


Derek Hale sat alone in his childhood home. Home, it was not a home. The home held nothing but ash from the fire. It held memories of his family nothing else.

Most of his thoughts traveled to the torment of screams from his loved ones- Derek hand absently clenched and his chest tightened. He breathed through his nose and a glare fixed on his face.

Derek was alone in a burnt down home. His burnt home. Derek could not bring himself to demolish his home or sell the property.

The time came and Derek eventually moved across town in a loft. It seemed right at the time. But he always ended up here.

He wanted to remember his family. The good memories that actually did not make his chest tighten with hatred.

Raising to a stance, Derek stalked toward the front door having the plan to leave but the crunching of leaves caught his attention.
Jogging, someone was running in the woods.

Who would be stupid enough to run in these woods? Derek sulked to himself. The Beacon Hills woods were not safe. Anything supernatural could pop out.

Then, it dawned on him. Of course Derek sighed and stalked outside. Shes running in the damn woods again Derek boots crunched against the leafs and effortlessly followed her scent.

Derek scolded and cursed along the way. He was aware of his pace being quickened just to get to her.

Derek took a deep breathe and rolled his shoulders as he stood a few feet away. His gaze was to Stiles Stilinski, she was running right toward him completely unaware of what- or who was lurking.

Derek frowned and disappeared around the tree. He waited patiently for her to pass.
As she grew closer, her heart beat was pumping as her breathes were even. Derek could hear the awful music playing from her earbuds.

Her scent clouded him and Derek hastily stepped out to grab her around the waist. He pinned her against the tree giving her no time in screaming.

Stiles flinched and pushed against him. "What the hell?" Stiles asked pushing him.

Derek expression was scolded. He didn't even acknowledge her fist pounding against him. Derek took a step back and glared at her. "What are you doing?" He asked slowly.

Whenever he talked to Stiles, Derek talked slowly.

"What does it look like?" Stiles asked rolling her brown eyes. Derek stared patiently for a answer. "I'm taking a run" Stiles said tilting her chin.

"Not around here" Derek told her.

Stiles scoffed. "There are no more monsters in beacon hills" She said. Stiles made a funny face. "I think I just jinxed us" She mumbled quickly.

Derek ignored her and furrowed his brows at her.

Stiles shoulders raised sheepishly. "I had nothing better else to do".

Derek looked at her closely. "Where's Scott?".

"Uh" Stiles eyes narrowed. "How am I suppose to know?" She laughed.

Derek always thought her laugh was goofy but he thought just Stiles in general was goofy.

"You're his best friend" Derek stated.

Stiles nodded and smiled. "But you're the Alpha. So where is he?" She challenged.

Derek face hardened. "I don't know".

Stiles smiled and stepped around him. "Nice chat. I always am surprised to see you lurking and thank you for giving me a heart attack" Stiles nodded to him.

Derek sharply peered at her. "Go home Stiles".

"I am" Stiles infringed stepping away.

Derek sighed heavily and turned with her. Stiles glanced up and pursed her lips. "Going somewhere?" She asked confusedly.

"I'm walking you to your car" Derek told her briskly.

Stiles nodded seeming again, unsurprised. Derek has been paranoid and plain guarded lately. Stiles frowned and stumbled up the hill towards the path.

Derek kept quiet and frequently steadied Stiles as lost her balance along the way.

Stiles would get red in the cheeks and her heart beat would have a unsteady beat. Derek peered at her alarmed but that only caused more unsteady heart beats.

Derek sighed and shook his head at her. Stiles would roll her eyes and raise her lips.

Stiles could not deny the crush she held for him. Since she was little. But the whole guarded lunatic werewolf put her off a little. Stiles lost in her thoughts suddenly smiled.

"What is it?" Derek asked peering at her.

Stiles glanced and blinked registering Derek gaze. "Nothing" Stiles dismissed quickly.

Derek peered away feeling annoyed. She didn't tell him why the hell she was smiling so suddenly.

"How's the house?" Stiles pointed to the pathway.

"Still burnt down" Derek answered dryly.

Stiles choked on laughter wanting to escape. She swallowed and looked at him. She nodded still wanting to laugh. "How's the loft?" Stiles asked instead.

Derek's mouth twitched. "It's okay" He said.

Stilled noticed the dryness in his tone and raised her lips in a small smile.

Derek rose his eyebrows recalling a meeting tomorrow. "Meeting after school" Derek said.

Stiles gave him a side glance and nodded. "That a invitation?" She wondered. "I'm not a werewolf".

Derek peered at her questionably. Stiles shrugged her shoulders and her long pony tail swayed.

"You come in handy in situations" Derek spoke suddenly.

Stiles grinned and halted to proudly peer at him. "Saved your ass a few times" She spoke smugly.

Derek held the urge to roll his eyes. "How many times did I return the favor?" He retorted.

Stiles grin disappeared from her lips. Derek sighed and smiled still walking.
Stiles climbed over a rock and wobbled. "Hey? Derek?".

Derek glanced at her and stepped toward her. He peered down and sharply pulled her off the rock. "What?" He asked grumbling.

Stiles hesitantly clasped her hands together. "Would I make a good werewolf?".

Derek gawked and halted in his steps. Stiles stood peering at him with wide eyes. "You want the bite?" He demanded.

"No" Stiles shook her head.

"You would make a horrible werewolf" Derek began to walk. His thoughts traveled and imagine Stiles becoming- No, her body would reject it.
His memories traveled and instantly tensed.

"I wouldn't do it" Derek told her.

"I don't want it. I enjoy being the only human in our gang" Stiles mused walking beside Derek.

Derek rose a eyebrow and met her gaze with a quick smile.
Derek was not sure if Stiles was even human, her scent wasn't ordinary. It held a kick and Derek hated it. Any werewolf would track her.

Derek frowned deeply and glanced to see Stiles happily walking beside him.
Derek peered away with a sigh.

Stiles would be safe. Derek made sure his pack was safe.

Stiles jeep was parked in a open space and Derek grimaced at the old jeep. "Couldn't your dad get you another car?".

Stiles gasped and frowned. "I am fond of my jeep" She eyed him. "I don't go around insulting your flashy car" Stiles grumbled.

Inwardly, Derek chuckled and watched carefully as Stiles climbed in the front seat.
She peered at him and smiled.

"Thanks" She said.

Derek pursed his lips. "Okay" he said.

Stiles scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “You're welcome Stiles'” She mocked.

Derek sighed deeply. "Bye Stiles". Derek would be seeing her later as the sun settled. He made it a habit to check in and it was her house Derek would save for last.
But Stiles had no idea of him being there. That's what Derek liked.

"Goodbye Derek" Stiles said loudly and shifted the jeep in to drive.

Stiles reversed and rolled the wheel finding Derek no longer standing there. She shook her head, laughing at him when he wasn't there.

Stiles fiddled with her radio. She brushed her messy brown hair with her fingers and drove the back roads to her house. The jeep drove sixty along the way and the steering wheel rattled slightly.

"New car" Stiles grumbled to herself.

Stiles head shifted momentarily and a overwhelming rush of emotions passed. It left a ache in her chest. Stiles foot tapped the break and she winced.
Stiles emotions became dark and the rush of sadness over flowed.

Stiles stomped on the brakes and the jeep slid to the side. Stiles took a deep breathe and calmed herself.

Stiles peeked above the steering wheel and blinked several times.

"What the hell?" She whispered staring.

A limp body laid in the middle of the road. Stiles cupped her hand to her mouth and fumbled for her phone.

"Scott" She repeated as she stumbled with her fingers against her cell phone.

Everything in her being was actually screaming for.. Derek?.

Stiles dialed the number and pressed the phone to her ear. "Jesus, Scott pick up" Stiles complained. The call went straight to voice mail.

Stiles rubbed her face and slowly slid off her seat opening the drivers side door. She kept her gaze to the person.
Very slowly, she stepped toward the body.

Please don't be dead Stiles chanted inwardly.

Stiles took a deep breathe and inched toward the body. She gazed down and threw her hands up.
A scream escaped her lips and she bolted backwards.

Hands caught hers, and Stiles twirled around yelping. Derek peered down at her worriedly.

"A body" Stiles whispered. "He's dead".

Derek pulled her away and leant her against her jeep.
Stiles closed her eyes tightly and started to count under her breathe.

Derek hands disappeared from hers and a moment later he was shaking her from her shoulders. "It's okay".

"Someone is dead" Stiles shrieked. Her hand shook against her side.

Derek immediately took notice. "Stiles-" he frowned. She had never reacted in this way. She was so frantic. "What is it?" He probed.

Stiles hesitantly opened her mouth and blink. I don't know she inwardly thought. "I.." She trailed off helplessly.

Derek inched closer towards her and she just stood there like stone. He peered at her sharply.

"How did you know?" She tilted her head up peering at him.

Derek looked uncomfortably away. "I heard the jeep stop".

Stiles stay silent but her eyebrows furrowed at the thought. Her stomach tightened and she pressed against the jeep.

"We have to call this in" Derek stated. "The sheriff-".

Stiles interrupted twitching. "Don't call my dad" She whined. Stiles pondered it for a moment. "Never mind" she mumbled.

Derek stepped away and made the horrific phone call to the station. Sheriff Stilinski knew about the dirty secret of Beacon Hills and Stiles wanted her dad to not be involved in the whole supernatural mess.

She turned suddenly gazing dazedly back at the disfigure body. The mans face was-Stiles peered away quickly.

He did not have a face. It was clawed-

Derek stepped to her side and Stiles peered at him raising her eyebrows.

"A werewolf did this" Derek spoke quietly to her.

Stiles inhaled deeply and processed the possibility. She shoulders raised and her teeth gnawed on her lower lip.

Derek stare was to her and he had the urge to shake the girl senseless.
What was wrong with her?.

Stiles finally peered at him-meeting his gaze anxiously. "I'm sorry".

Derek furrowed his brows and scoffed. "For what?".

"I jinx us" Stiles whispered clearing her throat. Derek stared wondering if she actually believed that.

Stiles truly believed something was in the mist of becoming the new Beacon Hills supernatural mascot.
Her stomach twisted.

Something was coming.


Stiles night was filled with questioning, and Sheriff Stilinski wincing from time to time at her excuse of the mans death.

"Werewolf's?" The sheriff asked and Stiles peered at her dad longingly.

"It's Beacon Hills Dad" She mumbled to him.

Derek had vanished when the police came. Stiles guessed it was because he was once a suspect for murder and she was the reason for it. Memories.

Scott McCall appeared shortly with a worried expression fixed on his face.

"Are you okay?" He had asked for the hundredth time.

"Yes" Stiles gave her best friend a hard look. "I'm completely fine" and she peered away.

Sheriff Stilinski wanted his seventeen year old daughter home quickly with no fuss. Stiles put up a fight and sulked all the way to her house.

Once home, she had showered and changed. She was aware of the time glowing neon but she laid fidget in bed.

Stiles couldn't keep still and the image of the mans face- "Nope" She said out loud.

Stiles grabbed her keys, and hoodie. She ran down the stairs deciding to talk to the Alpha . Stiles amusedly thought of ways to tease Derek.

She flung open the door-

"Oh my god" Stiles yelped.

Derek glared straight at her in the doorway to her home. He wore his signature leather and brooding expression.

"What are you doing at my house?" Stiles asked calmly.

Derek ignored her question. It would only make it worse in her knowing his curiosity.

"In a rush?" Derek instead asked.

Stiles sighed, and pressed her hand against her door frame. "Actually" she said pulling him into her home. "I'm glad you're here".
Stiles closed the front door and turned to see Derek Hale in her house.

Derek gazed around and peered at her. "Want a drink?" She asked lamely.

Derek distinctly heard her heartbeat accelerating. "No".

Stiles nodded and began to climb the stairs to her bedroom. She glanced back anxiously but was surprise to see Derek actually following.

"I was going to see you" She told him.

Derek furrowed his brows. "Why? What's-".

Stiles waved her hand dismissing his worries. "I just have a feeling".

Stiles turned on her bedroom light and stood there for a moment. It was neatly messy in her eyes.

Derek wondered how the hell he ended up in her bedroom.

"A feeling?" He wondered dryly as she sat against her bed. Derek leant against the desk and stared at her for a moment.

Stiles gnawed on her lip. "I had a feeling right before.." She peeked at him sideways.

Derek peered, his interest peaking. "What was the feeling?".

"I had a chest pain and I just felt - like- something was wrong. It wasn't right" Stiles babbled.

Derek processed that patiently. "Okay" he nodded more for her benefit.

"Okay?" She stared squinting at him. "No, this has to be something else".

Derek smirked. "Some things aren't supernatural" He reminded. "People feel things".

Stiles eyes bulge and found it hilarious that Derek Hale was speaking those words to her. "That mans face was clawed off".

"That was a werewolf's doing" Derek said crossing his arms over his chest.

Stiles sighed and rubbed her temple. "I just had a awful feeling" She told him.

Derek mouth twitched. "I'm going to look into it".

Stiles sighed. "Scott doesn't think it was a werewolf". Derek rose a eyebrow. Stiles shifted her gaze away. "A tattoo or a mark was on his wrist".

"What kind of mark?" Derek demanded instantly.

"A circle with a line going through it".

Derek eye narrowed in slits try to recall. He met her gaze. "A cult?" He wondered out loud.

Stiles yawned and nodded. "Sure. That could be it".

Derek peered at her sharply and sighed dramatically.

Suddenly, the sound of tires embracing the driveway caused Derek to twitch. He looked at her, she was obviously tired and run downed for the day.

"You're father is home" Derek murmured.

Stiles breathe caught and she stumbled from where she sat.

Derek chose not to hide his amusement. He rolled his eyes. "Isn't my first time hiding from the father" He said dryly.

Stiles could only gawk.

Derek closed the door and turned to her. He sighed stepping toward her. "You need some rest".

Stiles body turned with him as Derek strutted toward her windowsill.

"Wait" Stiles reached for his arm. Derek tensed under her touch and glanced back hardly. Stiles swallowed the lump bulging in her throat. "Why were you here?" She questioned whispering.

Derek peered away with a shake of his head. Stiles anxiously bit her lip. "Thank you" Derek gazed at her then. "For checking up on me".

No words to her, Derek yanked open the windowsill, and Stiles watched as he just.. Jumped out of her second story room.

Stiles shoulders sunk heavily. "What a cliché".

Stiles bedroom door cracked open and her father stuck his head in. Stiles stood in the middle of her bedroom gawking back at him.

"I'm just going to bed" She smiled sweetly at her dad.

"Damn right you are" He said back. "Goodnight. It's late, get some rest".

The sheriff closed the bedroom door light and his shuffle of his footsteps was heard with the closing of his bedroom door.

Stiles stood in the middle of the bedroom and dazedly peered ahead. Her thoughts were processing the day and it just left her sighing.

Before heading in bed she could not resist the urge to peer outside her bedroom window. A small smile raised to her lips.

That night Stiles dreamt of a wolf howling and the glow of red eyes in the woods of Beacon Hills.

The morning after Stiles stood tiredly next to her locker. She grabbed a textbook and pushed the locker to a shut.

"Hey" Scott announced as he stood in front of her. Stiles smiled and adjusted the hem to her bag.

Scott nose crinkled and he grimaced towards her. "You smell .." Scott sniffed.

Stiles amusedly peered at him. "You're smelling me?".

Scott eyes widen and his mouth hung open to gawk at her. "Derek".

Stiles rose her eyebrows at the name.

"You smell like Derek" Scott informed her.

Stiles rolled her eyes and absently shifted to one foot.
Scott looked to her bewildered.

Stiles wasn't going to admit to having the alpha wolf in her bedroom- not to her best friend.

Stiles raised her lips and casually peered away in knowing.

I smell like him
♠ ♠ ♠
My first teen wolf story, I am so excited about this. As you probably figured Stiles is a girl- Gender bending.
It was new I never did this before.

Comments are welcomed❤️

Thanks for reading.