The Moons Pull


Lydia Martin took notice of Derek hovering by Stiles. She cocked her eyebrow as she crossed her arms inspecting the pair.

Lydia sighed dramatically when Derek Hale smiled at Stiles. She watches for a moment before Scott appears beside her.

"Are you seeing this?" Lydia says.

Scott peers. "He was always staring at her like that" He murmurs.

Derek gaze flickers to Scott for a brief moment then pays attention to Stiles.
Scott smiles slowly "I'm glad it's Derek though. He can protect her" He admits.

"Since when ?" Lydia mutters. "This is all of a sudden"

"No" Scott scoffs. "You haven't been paying attention"

Lydia rolls her eyes. "Does she even notice?"

"I have no idea" Scott says witnessing Derek lips pull in a frown.

Stiles blinks and stares at Derek. "Derek" she says snapping his gaze from Scott.

Derek peers at her. His green eyes calm. "Hmmm" he says.

"I just invited you over for dinner" Stiles reminds. Derek face retorts in a grimace.

"Is that a no?" Stiles says wondering.

"It's a maybe" Derek answers grumbling.

Stiles smiles completely appeased. Derek gaze drifts to the pack and he steps toward the pair.

"Pair up" He announces.

Stiles trials over to Lydia and smiles. "What's going on?" The petite girl demands.

"With what?" Stiles wonders absently peering at the sparring of wolfs.

"Derek" Lydia says shooting him a look in the process.

"There isn't much to talk about" Stiles said. "I invited him over for dinner Friday night"

Lydia gasp gripping her arm tightly. "Are you freaking-"

Stiles sighs. "We have been spending time together and yes I am aware of his handsomeness-" She twitches slightly "We are friends"

Lydia raises a eyebrow. "Derek Hale likes you in a way that's always been bad".

"How so?" Stiles challenges.

"He pays attention to you. You're a defenseless human as am I-" Lydia glares. "Why are we friends with werewolf's?" Lydia brows raised.

Stiles scratches her temple and shakes her head. "I am fine. You are fine" she reminds.

"You care about him?" Lydia whispers.

Stiles swallows "I always have" She says nonchalant.

"No, not in a friendship kind of way. In a boyfriend 'I am in love with you' kind of way" Lydia stares at Stiles.

Baffled, Stiles raises a shoulder. "Don't fall in love with the Alpha" Lydia warns.

Stiles grimaces, her words 'To late' wanting to sound. But instead she swallows and mocks Lydia. "You loved a lizard" she points.

Lydia gasps. "You know-"


The best friends pull away sheepishly. Stiles peers ahead at Derek. He motions for her and she trials over. "Lydia too" He says.

"Since you're both one of the weakest members. It's time you two knew how to defend yourselves" Derek expression nonchalant as he peers at them both.

"I am a banshee" Lydia says. "I scream and people go running" She reasons.

"Do you know how to throw a punch?" Derek retorts.

Lydia presses her lips together and crosses her arms. Derek gaze lands on Stiles "Come here" he waves.

Stiles stands in front of him. Derek lips twitch.

"Ready?" He asks softly to her.

Stiles shrugs-

Derek twirls her body- her back hitting him against his chest. She catches her breathe. Lydia covers her mouth wanting to laugh at her friend.

"What do you do?" Derek ask leaning in to her.

Stiles swallows her gaze flickering to the sky. She ponders her life for a moment. "I would wait until one of you saved me" she mused.

"This isn't a joke" Derek snaps.

Stiles laughs anyway. A growl surfaces in her ear. Stiles squirms slightly alarmed now

Stiles hand absently rest on Derek. Derek takes it as distraction as the little electric shock surges.

"Okay" Derek murmurs to her. "Take my arm" Stiles obeys silently. "Twist it" Stiles twists his arm and finally meets his gaze.

"You're a werewolf. This doesn't phase you" She states.

Derek experience darkens. "Never get trap with a werewolf"

Sarcastically, she rolls her eyes. But her chest stiffens from his words. "Scott" Derek says. "Take Lydia and show her techniques"

Stile stands there peering at him until he finally allows himself to peer at her. "I worry" He softly says.

Stiles frowns peering away. "I'm sorry".

Derek inwardly winces as he grew fond of a defenseless human girl. He actually cares for her in a way that causes him to get nauseas.

"I have a bat you know"

Derek snaps his gaze down at her and smiles, his worries vanishes as the human caused him to laugh.


Friday night.

Stiles awaits in her den as her father prepares the last preparation of the casserole.

"So, Derek-" Stiles tenses from her fathers words. Stiles hears incoherent words and chooses to ignore him.

Stiles peers at the clock. It's past six. Stiles catches on that Derek isn't coming. She turns hesitantly.

Sheriff Stilinski stands beside Derek Hale in the foyer. Stiles lips spread in a smile. Her gaze lands on the ice cream in his hands. Stiles lips quiver suppressing a laugh.
Derek glowers at her. "I didn't know what to bring" He tells her.

"It's perfect" She informs. Stiles takes the pint and trails to the kitchen. Her breathing hitched and suddenly she was nervous. Her hands pressed against the counter.
Stiles exhales slowly. She banish any thoughts of the night going terribly wrong.

She enters the dinning room and takes in Derek helping her father set the table. She peers away pondering the thought of him being flawed but perfect.
Derek catches her gaze and his lips pull slightly. Stiles nudges her dad playfully. She sits across from Derek as her Dad sits at the head of the table.

"How are you Derek?" The sheriff asks.

Derek cuts a piece of casserole. His gaze flickers to her Dad. "I'm good. How are you?"

Sheriff Stilinski nods smirking slightly. "How's the werewolf business?" He asks nonchalantly.

Derek expression is calm- casual. Stiles cringes at her Dad. "It's okay" Derek tone dry. "Quiet" he lies effortlessly.

"Good. Don't want you kids getting hurt"

Stiles smiles softly at her dad. The Sheriff returns it. He knew the basic of Derek Hale. Always said hello to him is passing. It didn't help that Derek was once accused of murder all because- The sheriff peered carefully at Stiles. He watched taken aback as his daughter peers at Derek with ..

"Derek?" Sheriff says.

Derek smiles at Stiles and flickers his gaze. "Are you dating my daughter?" He wonders.

Stiles chokes on her food. She grabs the ice water, chugging it. "Dad" she whines. "We are friends".

"No, I'm not" Derek chews swallowing.

Sheriff raises a eyebrow. "What a shame .." He rubs his cheek thoughtfully.

Stiles stares at her Dad grimacing until he catches on. He winks at her slyly and gives her a thumbs up.

Stiles sighs peering at Derek. He's already smiling at her wickedly.


The pair sit crossed legs on the couch. A bowl of ice cream in their hands. Stiles chooses to watch a comedy and Derek chooses to deal with it.

Stiles spoons the desert. "I'm sorry about my dad earlier" She murmurs.

Derek peers sideways. "It's okay. I like your dad" He informs.

"I think he likes you too" She shivers at all the possibilities.

Derek presses his lips together and shifts against the leather. "This movie is stupid"

Stiles nudges him "It isn't" She defends.

Derek peers at her amused. "It is" He states dryly.

Stiles rolls her eyes and smacks his thigh. "Sour wolf" she accuses.

Derek peers at her hands. Stiles peers sheepishly raising her shoulder. A light growl escapes his throat.

Derek moves forward grabbing her wrist. He pins her down against the coach. "You are always testing your limits" He says calmly.

Stiles stares at his lips as he speaks. Derek gaze travels to her moles. His body is pressed against her.

Stiles leans into him. Accepting him completely. Derek hands grip her hair. His fingers traveling through it gently.

Stiles tilts her chin toward him. Derek leans in; his nose skimming her cheek. Her arms wrap around him hugging him tightly.

The shock is tolerable.

His lips brush against cheek. His body leans towards her expose neck. Goosebumps rise on her skin; Derek can sense her nervousness.
He smiles gently and rest his nose in the crevice of her neck.

Derek breathes her in.