The Moons Pull


Stiles reached the hospital wing panting as Scott stood behind her. Stiles stared through the window. Scott touched her shoulder narrowing her gaze to Melissa.

"Guys" she sighed. "It's -" She raised her hands. "Apparently the car was going over fifty. Head on collision".

Stiles ran her fingers through her hair. "The weird thing" Melissa murmured causing their attention. "She was at a red light and-" Melissa breathed. "There was no car sited at the scene"

Stiles met Scott's gaze. A glare was fixed on her face. She breathed through her nose and her hand began to shake.

"Can we see her?" She wondered her tone pained.

"She's unconscious" Melissa informed. "Lydia will be okay" she promised.

Stiles took a shaky breathe and met there worried gazed. "I-" she trailed off and raised her shoulders. "I have to stop this".

Stiles turned away unsteadily and began to walk. "Stiles" Scott called.

Stiles ignored him and walked through the exit doors. She picked up her pace as she saw her jeep.

"Stiles" Scott yelled after her.

A hand reached her shoulder twirling her around. Stiles lowered her gaze. Derek stood frowning down at her. Scott skidded beside her peering at her sharply.

"We have to do something" Stiles whispered.

"What were you planning?" Derek wondered incredulously. "Going there and getting yourself killed?" He pulled away and glared down at her.

Stiles blinked away any tears that were forming. "We get the necklace and she has no power" Stiles stressed.

Derek shook his head. "Doesn't seem right. It was to easy. It's never easy".

Scott nodded pressing his lips together. "Where is Alison?" Derek asked furrowing his brow.

Stiles shoulders tensed. "She was right behind us.." She peered at Scott.

Scott shook his head reaching for his phone. "It's fine. She's fine" Scott said.

Scott pulled away as he dialed. Stiles crossed her arms refusing to stare at the brooding werewolf. Derek insisted by inching toward her. He brushed strands of hair away from her face. His hand stayed pressed against her cheek. Stiles sighed leaning toward him.

"We will fix this" He said softly to her.

Stiles nodded.

"She isn't answering" Scott said.

Derek mouth twitched. "She's-"

"I'm going over there just to make sure" Scott said turning.

"Scott" Derek said; more growling.

Stiles bolted for her door. She slid in locking it in the process. "Stiles" Derek growled. He slapped the window.

"I can't sit around while the people I love die" she said starting the ignition. She peered and noticed Scott already gone.

Derek eyes flashed red with rage. "I'll rip the door off the hinges-"

Stiles flew the car in reverse. Her hands moving fast against the steering wheel. She gunned it and drove away.
Her eyes zeroed in on the black Camaro.

Derek was faster and more stronger but Stiles had heart.

Stiles cursed as the light turned red. She clenched her jaw and sped through it. The jeep swerved missing a passing car. She craned her neck viewing Derek angling through traffic.

"I'm going to die. He's going to kill me"

Stiles quickly turned the wheel and drove over the curb to the library. The Camaro halted with a screech. Stiles slowly turned to witness Derek stalking toward her.

He pulled the handle and she watched horrified as the handle laid in his palm. "You stay here" he glared.

Her hand went to the door handle. It jiggled but did not bulge. "You broke my door" she shrieked. She crawled over to the passenger side. Derek stood there with a clenched jaw. He repeated the action and stalked away.

He swiftly walked into the entrance of the library. Stiles leans back as she watches, completely stunned by the events. She peers to the side and gazes at Scott's motorcycle.
Stiles heaves herself over the seat and begins to make her way to the trunk. She was smug to realize Derek didn't plan on ripping the door handle to her trunk.

She opens it and slides out ungracefully. She brushes herself out and slowly walks toward the entrances. Stiles cracks open the door and slides in with caution.

The lights are off causing her to squint. She tip toes toward the desk and peers down. It's empty, she sighed straining her neck to peer around.

"Derek, Scott?" She calls out whispering harshly.

There's a grunt in response and Stiles freezes. "Scott?"

She moves toward the tables and halts to view Alison knocked unconscious. "Alison?" She gasps lowering herself to check her pulse. She's relieved to find a heartbeat.

Stiles begins to realize this was her plan all along. This was a set up.

"Derek" Stiles calls. Her tone worried. No response caused panic to rise.

Stiles takes a step forward but halts. She is completely still. She can't move.
Stiles peers everywhere bewildered.

"Hello Stiles"

Stiles snaps her gaze to the hooded figure. "I know who you are" she says.

She watches as the hood pulls down and the familiar face she has grown accustom to smiles with glee. She wears no glasses and her lips are plastered with red lipstick. Stiles stares glaring. "You are a smart girl" she smiled.

Stiles twitches as the witch smiles "What gave me away?" She wondered.

"It was your necklace" Stiles informed.

"Ah" The women slightly nodded. "And the hunter found the journal?"

Stiles glances at Alison and chooses to nod. She narrows her gaze to search for Scott and Derek. "Scott is a little busy right now" She tell hers.

There is no mention of Derek and Stiles heart drops with possibility.

"I suppose this is the time I tell you why I am doing this" She says. Stiles glares ahead "I was once called Mary, I was one of the Anderson sisters. That was before anyone burned witches .." She raised a eyebrow. "I am called Safina now" Safina informed.

"I had a husband"

Stiles flicked her gaze and noticed her chose of wording.

"He was a human.. Bill, seventeen years I had a normal life. I was happy with my family. Until the day Derek Hale killed my beloved"

Stiles lowered her head and bit her lip. "Don't be so love struck. He is a monster and he deserves to burn with the rest of you" She spat.

Stiles set her jaw and meets the witches gaze. "I bet your husband deserved it" Stiles hand twitches at her side. A lump begins to from in her throat.

"The Hales did not protect Beacons Hills well" Safina stats approaching Stiles. White flashes curses through her fingertips. "I cursed you and the Hale boy. You will never enjoy his touch"

Stiles gaze roams and locks with a shadow zeroing in. Safina closes the gap and her hand travels to Stiles temple. Stiles pushes back but the witches grip is unbearable. "I was hoping you'd come" Safina smiles.

"Hurting Derek Hale is getting to you" Safina hand clenches around her temple. Stiles eyes shutters.

Stiles sees .. Memories. She sees Derek. She sees him and her and it's almost like a movie. But it seems to select a moment.
The first time Derek saved her, it was from his psycho uncle. Derek had thrown himself in front of Stiles. Derek Hale protected her and he never stopped. Stiles gasped and she's grips the witches neck in support.

"You talk to much" Stiles says ripping the chain around the witches neck.

A gasped and suddenly-

Stiles head hits the floor.

Rushed footsteps clouds her and Stiles is propped up. She lifts her head and meets green eyes. She pursed her lips and furrows her brow.

"Who are you?"