Arrangement With Destiny

Chapter Two

I waited outside the door for Leonardo to come so we could go to Chemistry together. As I waited I thought about why I felt so excited to see someone I meet thirty minutes ago. I knew it wasn’t just because he resembled a Greek God more than anyone should have a right to, but that it was something else entirely different that I couldn’t figure out. I also thought about why I didn’t feel the same around Daniel as I did before I talked to Leo.
“Hey,” someone whispered in my ear. When I turned around it was definitely not the person I thought it would be.
“Hi Daniel. What’s up?” I said and tried my hardest not to sound disappointed.
“No thing I was just wondering what color my tux should be?” He looked so excited.
“Oh, I don’t know yet. I haven’t found a dress yet. But as soon as I find it I’ll let you know ASAP,” I told him without must enthusiasm in my tone but tried to cover it.
“Okay, well whenever you get a chance call me and let me know!” She could hear that he was well over the Leonardo thing. He bent down to give me a kiss but I turned my head so he only got accessed to my cheek. When I looked up he seemed hurt but he covered it well. At that precise time Leo showed up, Chemistry books in hand looking Daniel up and down.
“Are you ready to go to class, Lizzy?” He asked in a tone that suggested that he did not like Daniel at all.
“Uh, yeah. “ I looked over at Daniel and said, “I’ll see you later, okay?” He didn’t look at me he was still glaring daggers at Leonardo.
“Sure. Call me.” He leaned down again this time giving me a small and quick peck on the forehead. Then he turned and walked away to his next class.
I looked back at Leonardo and wondered if it was even humanly possible to be so beautiful. And if it was it was totally unfair. “So lets go to Chemistry before were late and Mr. Droniky yells at us for being late.”
“Okay.” As I looked Leo over I noticed that his eyes were a beautiful golden color but the under area of his eyes were had a light purple shad that suggested that he had missed a night of sleep. He also seemed to be in a better mood now that Daniel was no longer present.
We turned to walk down stairs to the Chemistry room. For a moment it was silent until I couldn’t stand it. “So how to like school so far?”
He looked down at me with apprising eyes and stared at me with such intensity that I began to feel slightly self-conscious. “Its okay, I guess. I haven’t really talked to much people. You being the only one actually.” He smiled down at me and I thought I might fait into his arms. His teeth were a blinding white and thought that it should go against every law to be so striking. I wondered why this Greek God was wasting his time talking to someone like me?
“Well why don’t you talk to some people. There are actually some good hearted souls here.” I stated once I gained control of my lips.
“Because I’m one of those people that like to keep to themselves and just kind of blend in.” He stated with another breath taking smile that made my heart go into over time. He let out a chuckle that was so low I wasn’t even sure if that’s what it was. He looked like he was going to say something but then I realized that I had been so distracted by his beauty and our conversation that we had passed the classroom.
“We passed it”
“No, you passed it.” He laughed again at my red face. I looked around again and saw the Chemistry lab. I grabbed Leonardo’s wrist to drag him along but as soon as I touched him I felt a shock go though my arm with such force that I had to grab my own arm and message it.
“Sorry.” He wasn’t looking at me instead he was walking towards the classroom. I followed behind him still rubbing my arm even though it no linger tingled from Leo’s touch.
Leonardo knocked on the door and one of the students that I recognized as Kelly Andrews. A cheerleader, that was always at the top of the pyramid. She looked him up and down and twirled her lolly-pop around in her mouth. He turned back around to face me and waited till I was right next to him that he grabbed my hand and gave it a small kiss before he walked into the room. Kelly looked over at me with a disgusted expression on her beautiful face with her died blond hair falling in her face.
“I call him so you’re not aloud to touch- wait no, you’re not even aloud to look at him.” She turned to walk away when she looked at me over her shoulder to wink at me and say, “No hard feelings, ‘kay honey?”
She gave me another sickly sweet smile and turned to go over to Leonardo, who was sitting at an empty table at the front. He looked around Kelly to give me a wave to come over.
Kelly walked over anyways and went to go sit down with me on her heals. When Leo looked over at Kelly she gave a small giggle and sat down.
“Excuse me, that seat is already taken.” His voice was still polite but it had an authority in it that was undeniable.
“By who?” She said in a disbelieving tone. Leo nodded his head in my direction.
“By Liz of course.” He said smiling that crooked grin that I already seemed to love, which scared me deeply.
“You have got to be kidding me, right?” She had that same disgusted looked on her face.
“I kid you not. Now if you don’t mind could you please move so that Liz can take her seat?” His voice was still extremely polite. Kelly got up with a hump and walked to the back the fury seeming to come off in smoke. I gave a small smile and sat down. I knew that I needed to be careful because I knew what love could do to someone. I had already been there and did not want to return.

Later that day after Chemistry I never got a moment to myself.
“So what are you doing later? I thought that we could go do something together some time? But you know, only if it’s . . . okay . . . with Daniel.” He added resentfully.
“Uh, I don’t know Leo. I mean your and awesome guy and everything but I don’t know what I want anymore. I mean yesterday I was in ‘love’ with Daniel but now . . . I just don’t know anymore . . .” And it was the truth I do still like Daniel- meaning I still think he is beautiful- but Leo is so interesting and his constant mood swings always left me a step behind and for some strange reason I liked that.
“Oh, okay. Well if you change your mind let me know.” He looked down at me and started to walk away. I instantly felt bad. I didn’t want to make him go away, I was just saying I didn’t want to go out with him right now. I’m an idiot. What sane woman would turn down some one as striking as Leonardo? Oh yeah, a woman who has already had her heart broken by the male existence, which is just now finishing putting its self together.
I walked over to the water fountain I saw Daniel at later today. It was weird to think that an hour ago I was stumbling over my words talking to him and now I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go to the dance with him anymore. I bent down to take a sip of water and when I stood back up I nearly screamed.
“So how did it go? Did you ask him out? Did he ask you out? Does he even like you? I mean of course he likes you. Because you are extremely pretty and smart-sometimes- and nice and caring and sweet-when you want to be- but what I meant was-“
“Mikkal if you do not stop talking right now I am going to walk away and you will never know!” I say while laughing at how strange my best friend is and always will be.
“Okay. My lips are sealed.” She said while making the motion showing her zipping her lips, locking them and pretending to throw away the imaginary key. Really how old are we?
“Good, now it went fine,” I stated and started to walk away toward the exit door. I was already, to ready to go home.
“Wait! You can’t leave with those little details! It’s just wrong and mean and . . . and . . .” Her voice was in that whinny tone that she knows I can’t stand.
I turned around and saw the puppy dog eyes that she always used when she wanted something out of me. I was about to open my mouth to tell her in more details what had happened between Leonardo and me. But as soon as my mouth was open there was a horn honking so I turned around to see my brother in the used car my parents got him for his sweet sixteen. So I said instead, “I’ll call you tonight and tell you all about it, promise! Love ya, got to go.” I reached over and gave her a peck on the forehead and a tight hug.
“Love you too. You had better call me or your d-e-a-d, dead. Understand.”
“Yes mom!” With that I turned to walk away but not before I saw Leo sitting on a fast looking Harley Diversion Motorcycle that would have gotten me killed- just by my father. The sad thing was that he didn’t even say hi or bye or even look at me even though I was standing right in front of him. And surprisingly that hurt more than it should, considering that I just met him today. So on the way to my brother’s car I made a vow to ignore Leo completely because I was not prepared to get hurt again right after I just got over him.
“So how was your day, sis?” My brother, Andy, asked leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek.
“It was okay, I guess. We got a new student today.” I said as we started toward our house. My brother and me are a lot different than most because we actually get along with each other. We only get into disagreements when we really hurt one another.
“Oh? What’s her name?”
“It’s not a her, it’s a him. And his name is Leonardo Cassentaes. He is a really sweet guy. I showed him around the school and his in my English class and Chemistry class.”
“Do you like him?” Of course my brother was going to ask. He is always kidding around with me about who I like. Even more with Daniel because every one knows how much I am in love with Daniel. Well how much I thought I was in love with him.
“I don’t know. I think his a nice guy and everything but you know I just met him today. But if you mean like a friend then yes.” Andy looked over at me with the knowing eyes that I have grown accustomed to.
“Oh really? So you don’t love him?” He asked with the unmistakable humor in his voice.
“No I don’t ‘love’ him. I just told you that I just met him today! How can you fall in love with someone you just met? You can’t so . . . there!”
My brother gave a low chuckle. “Didn’t you say that you fell in love with this Daniel guy the first time you met eyes, or something like that?”
“Well I was young and stupid then and didn’t know what love was,” I say as my cheeks turn a bright red out of embarrassment.
“It was two months ago, besides you still don’t know what love is. You are way too young to be dating or even thinking about dating. “ My brother looked over at me as he tried once again to convince me that boys are no good and are not even worth my time and effort.
“Really because I’ve already had three boyfriends and I don’t know why your getting all worked up now. It’s not like I’m getting married in Vegas or something. And you know that Winter Dance the school is giving us? Well today Daniel asked me to go with him so . . . hah!” I say while turning to face him and stick my tongue out at him.
“Could you please at your age for once in you life” My brother gave with a chuckle. But I had to agree; I was almost never serious about anything.
“Why? That is so boring.” I said with a teasing scowl crossing my face. Andy let another chuckle out. I always knew my brother was an attractive guy. He had had many girlfriends we he was my age, and every once and a while he would find himself another lady friend, but he says that he is too busy to have to worry about getting into a relationships. I think that is just crazy because I have never heard a boy say that he was too busy for girls.
“Because it is the right thing to do?” Andy stated more like a question than a statement. Then when he looked over at my face he came up with a better reason. “Okay . . . because Mom and Dad will take you more seriously and you will get better privileges. “
“Okay so you have a point there.” We’re pulling into our driveway. My family has never been rich, but we are comfortable meaning that we don’t struggle much. I have lived in my house for over ten years and the red bricks and big oval window on the second story always gives out a very homey feeling. I walked into the front door and saw my dad and mom talking very quietly together in hushed whispers. As soon as we walked into the house Mom and Dad instantly pulled away from each other and looked up to see who had came in the door.
“Oh, hello dear. How was you day?” My dad asked getting up to come over and give me a hug.
“It was fine.”
“That’s good honey” My mom walked up to give me a quick hug.
“She met her new future-husband, it’s the new guy at her school what was it again?” He looked over at me with amused eyes.
“Leonardo Cassentaes, and he is not my future husband.” I say while glaring at my so-called brother.
“Oh really, well you’ll have to tell me all about him.” Mom said with a wink.
“Oh god, not again” I say with a laugh and continue with my day not even knowing my parents may know more about Leo than they let off.
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So what did you think? And please be honest but not mean!