Status: A little something different

The Seventh One

Loss of a loved one

Jessie Kendall Scott. My husbands letters. I reached in and grabbed the document. Suddenly feeling very silly and hopefully assuming that it was just an cruel prank. But no. The handwriting that could never be forged. I rubbed my fingertips across it to be sure the words I was reading were as real as I wanted them to be. They were also dated. April 11th, 1850. 
What the hell? He wasn't even alive yet. Maybe he just got the date wrong I thought hopefully as I read the letter. The initials at the top of the page already told me it was rightfully mine. 
A.L Keller. Short for Amy Lynn Keller.
I read the words over again feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Feeling much like I did when I was younger and we were dating, engaged while he was at war. I loved receiving his letters. The feeling I got when I read them.
“Dearest, Amy.
I miss you more than the softest dews on morning grass in the cruel, cold winter. Before the frost, when flowers still roam the earth blooming with every color and shade imaginable. I cannot believe we are this far apart. You are an magnet to me. And when I finish here, I'll be back to Berkeley for you. Don't leave, please stay. Foreverly yours, J.K Scott.”
I was in too much awe to burst into tears or be happy. Just continually read the letter I'd never received when we were dating. He was gone. In Military. And I had to stay behind and wait. If the date in my mind was correct, it was actually 1990. Not the year 1850 that he had inscribed. I began to rummage greedily through the trunk at the things that hadn't existed last time I'd opened it. Then stuff really started to freak me out. The cops had left and would be back tomorrow with more information. It was just me. And i hated it. The house was seriously creeping me out and getting on my nerves. It's big and old. One story house in white paint with an dark cellar. The only way down there is through the doors outside. The house was easily as old as the date on thr letter. I shook my head and looked into the trunk again. I leaned over and I picked up an item off the bottom of the trunk that most certainly didn't belong here. I looked down at it for an second. It was horrifyingly strange. I knew that object all too well. I revolved the small silver ring between my fingers. Reading the words inscribed on the side. 'Forever.'
It it real as the air I'm breathing now. But it doesn't belong here, because he was buried with it on his hand. So how did it get here? I dropped it and listened to the clank when it hit the bottom. I couldn't look in there anymore. I shut the lid and hurried out of the room down the hall and dropped into an seat at the kitchen table. Dropped my head in my hands just to think about today, and how unsafe I felt right now. Whatever all this meant, I have no idea. It's not the end.
But it's only the beginning.