Status: A little something different

The Seventh One

Love letters from J.K Scott

I didn't sleep at all that night. Or the nights following the incident. I hadn't talked to Billie since then either. Because my head is too shook up to have any reasonable person to point fingers at and say that they were the ones who did it. I had no answers right now. In fact I have no answers because I have no questions to pair them too. I'm trying to keep my sanity and stop living in fear. I sit on my wrinkled bedspread for hours and stare at the locked bedroom door. Only occasionally exiting when it seems the day went without incident. 
It was early Sunday night. I was on my bed like always, on my laptop. Prying my mind away from the thoughts in my head. When there was an light rap on my bedroom door. My heart stopped beating all together. I froze at stared at the door. Oh my god... I'm all alone. There is not one damn hiding place in this room. So I took an deep breath and made my decision. Quietly making my way toward the desk under the window. Pulling open the drawer with an low rumble, pulled out the pistol and made my way slowly toward the door when there was another knock. I hesitated before reaching out and unlocking the door and pulling it open. Pointing the pistol directly at the face of an incredibly surprised, maybe even horrified, Billie Joe.
“What the fuck?” he bellowed. Reaching out and pulled the pistol from my hand. I knew all too well how much he hates guns. He tossed it onto the dresser by the door and leaned in the hallway. Wary of what I'll do to kill him next.
I sighed and turned away. Going to sit on the edge of the bed. I dropped my head in my hands.
“I dropped by to see how you were.” he said innocently. Crossing the room and dropping down beside me. I glanced up at him. Slightly annoyed at him “I needed you three days ago. Where the hell were you?”
He floundered and looked down for an excuse. Then gave up and said sorry and sweetly as humanly possible. I really wanted to show him the documents and stuff. But to be honest, I'm horrified of entering that room all together and not really interested in dragging the half destroyed chest into my room to gawk at it. I sighed heavily and ruffled my hair. Looking down at the white carpet. Really, Billie has known me forever and may actually know me better than my own husband did. He'd be the first person I'd open up to about it. But yet, even though he is older than me, married and has gone and had kids, he is still as immature as they get. He jokes about everything and rarely takes anything seriously. I hope I'm right by putting my unparalleled trust into him.
I crossed my arms across my chest. The baggy sleeves of my way too big mens Metallica shirt draped to my elbows. I suppose now is better than never.
“I'm scared out of my mind right now. First all of this unexplained stuff happens, and then the chest...” I looked down. Lost in thought. 
“What chest?” he asked warily. Leaning forward so he could see my face.
“What chest Amy?” he repeated when I floundered and refused to answer him. 
I looked out the big window then dropped my gaze again. “Jessie's chest. The old wood one in the spare bedroom. It was practically destroyed. When I opened it, there were all these documents and letters and stuff from him I'd never seen in my life. We never kept secrets from each other, but it's left me questioning.” I explained, finally dragging my eyes from the carpet to eye level with him.
He nodded slightly “Can I see?”
I took and deep breath and ruffled my hair again. It's now or never and I can't keep running from it. I'll need to face the cold facts. I got up without an word and led him out of the room and farther down the hall to the now locked guest room. I unlocked it and pushed the door open silently. Aware of the sudden burst of dark energy I felt within the room.
I wrinkled my nose and hesitantly made my way towards the still standing splintering chest. I dropped to my knees and just stared at if for an moment. I can't believe I'm doing this... I grumbled in my head and undid the latch and opened it up. Half expecting all the stuff to be gone, but no. It was all there, chasing chills up my spine like it had three days ago. 
I swallowed tightly and leaned away a little from the trunk while Billie looked at the many documents and letters I couldn't bring myself to read and put myself in an widows depression. Him being gone and absent from the house was one thing, but it suddenly feeling like I wasn't alone when I open the trunk, that just creeped me out.
I shivered even though the room was toasty. Billie flipped though creased and worn envelopes.
I smoothed my hand lightly across the side of the tall trunk. It was always cool, the feeling of the buckling varnish on the ageless wood. It was cold. It was plenty warm in the room though, my eyebrows pulled together when I noticed something in the chest. It was an small slender drawer. Made of the same wood as the rest of the chest. Slightly tucked beneath the border of leather around the trunk. I reached forward and pulled it out with little force, an small swirl of dust escaped into the air. I waved it away with my hand and reached inside. It was lined with old velvet fabric, and safely tucked away within the material was an small, slender bottle. I picked it up and held it too the light. Sloshing it around slightly. The bottle was narrow, no higher than an inch and a half, only an inch across, and some shiny, almost glittering substance shook around inside. I raised my eyebrow, unable to identify what exactly it was. I held it out to Billie “Check this out.” 
He looked up from an folder of letters, looked a bit confused as he took it from my hand and wiggled it slightly between his fingers, “What is it? Some kind of elixir?”
I shrugged “It was in this drawer.” I gestured to the hidden drawer. He scooted up behind me to examine the small drawer. He rubbed his fingers across the fabric. “Hang on.” he murmured, pulling an pocket knife from his leather jacket, flipped it open and pointed it into the fabric, pulling straight across in an short cut. He reached in and pulled out an small envelope. Only the size of an tulip bud. I stared at it, “Open it.” I encouraged. 
He shrugged and lifted the flap with his finger and unfolded it. More cursive handwriting was on the inside. It was an simple instruction. 
“Take this, and hold it close to the coldest height that brings life to the night.” Billie read out loud. Reading it over again to be sure he got it right. He looked at me and shrugged. I was lost for words.
I thought about the clue. “Billie! The moon.” I pointed to the window. Lucky that the skies were clear over California. He nodded and handed me the letter. I pulled back the violet curtains and opened the window. Sliding it up as far as it would go. Crickets brought music to the night as the warm breeze blew into the room. I held it up to the moon. I could see transparent writing below the original message.
I squinted to read it.
“A.L Keller, you are brilliant to have gotten this far. And if you are this far, it means I'm gone and cannot guard the...” the note slipped out of my hand and blew out the window into the night.
“No!” I yelled and literally climbed straight out the window and dropped onto the lawn. Chasing it until it flew up in the air and dropped with an light tap that echoed in the empty night. Lucky me, it landed In an mud puddle on the curb. I reached in and pulled it out. It's ancient paper dripped as I took it inside and took it to the kitchen. Setting it on the counter while I dried it with the blow dryer. It turned wavy and Billie stood by my side. Anticipating. I was certain it was fine now. I held it up to the kitchen light. I saw nothing. I took it back to the open window and held onto it firmly as I held it up. Of course, the part I didn't read, the ink was smudged and bled. No longer eligible. Just and big brownish stain across it. I grumbled and slammed the window shut. Setting the note onto the dresser. I'll have to figure something out. This would be an hell of an lot easier if I didn't have to improvise. 
Billie glanced at the clock, 9:45. “I hate to leave you Amy, but I told Adrienne I'd be back by nine thirty.”
I nodded and pulled away from my thoughts “Yeah ok. Go home and I'll see what I can do about this.” I gestured to the note.
“I'll be back bright and early tomorrow morning!” he said cheekily. Tapping the end of my nose enthusiastically.
I walked him to the door. Finding myself crushing him in an hug and thanking him for wanting to get into this mess.
He laughed and nodded, shutting the door behind him and disappearing into the night. Now I can stress alone. Great. Lets hope tomorrow brings more joy.