This isn't luck it's Destiny

This isn't luck it's Destiny

Ugh. I hated that I had to be prisoner to this boring life. Okay, I shouldn't say boring. Who knows something amazing may happen when I least expect it. Yeah right. Who am I kidding?
Anyway, I'm walking home from work, I work as a babysitter. That's about all I can do. I don't have a car so I'd be late for any other type of employment since no place around where I live is hiring. Dirty....oh, right, my life. Well I'm walking home from work, I babysat twins. Erica and Rachel. Little eight year old replica's of Paris Hilton. It's sickening. But they come from a filth rich family so being there and working for them, it's not too bad.
I stopped walking when I came to a pop machiene. I was dying for a Dr. Pepper and needed a break from walking. So I took a seat on the bench next to the pop machiene. I took out my cell phone and glanced at the screen for missed calls, texts, what not. None. So i put it back in my black, white, and neon green track jacket and pulled up the hood of it. I just then relized how god darn tired I was. Walking almost two miles takes a lot out of a 21-year old girl.
As I made myself confortable on the bench, sipping my icey Dr. Pepper, I heard a noise. It was like a soft breathing noise, but it seemed really far off, so I ignored it. I watched people watching me walk past me. A young girl, about 15. A pimple faced young teen boy. A couple holding hands...That made my stomach turn to ice and the ice rattled around in my stomach. I remember when I used to walk down these very streets holding the hand of the man I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with. I'd known him since I was 10 and moved here, to Hunnington Beach, California. He was my first actual friend, and it was by him, I'd made friends with his friends, and as we grew older, our friendship grew.
Then, on my sixteenth birthday, I was standing outside on the balcony of mine and my mum's appartment-dad had died when I was two-with a glass of punch in my hand. My new black leather jacket was draped over my shoulders slightly helping against the cool October wind. I heard someone open and shut the door behind me. I turned quickly and smiled when I saw his face.
"Hey Matt," I said walking over to the swing that took up a good portion of my balcony.

"Hey Destiny, great party in there," An eighteen year old Matt Sanders said with a smile.

"Thanks, and thanks for showing up, you and all the guys." I threw in the last part and glanced the empty spot next to me on the swing.

"Of course, you mind?" He asked raising an eyebrow and pointing with his foot at the spot next to me.

I smiled softly, "Of course not."

He took a seat next to me and cautiously put an arm around my shoulder. "You seem cold," He whispered as if he needed to explain himself.

I was about to stand up and go back inside when Matt turned to me and looked into my eyes. He took my hand in his and said, "Destiny, I....," he took a deep breath, "I...I...I love you. I always have, ever since we were little, and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?"

I was speachless. I was madly in love with Matt, I guess he took the silence as "no" but it wasn't. He looked hurt as he went to stand up.

"Matt!" I sorta yelled.

"What?" He asked with a whispery voice.

"I love you too, I have ever since I laid eyes on you, and I'd be honered to be your girlfriend," I said looking up at him into his deep green eyes. They were so gorgouse, just like everything else about him.

He smiled and picked me up from the swing and kissed me with all the passion and love he had deep in his soul. I kissed him back with everything I had. Tears filled my eyes durring that kiss. It was the best kiss of my life. And he was the first. In every way he was. My first love, my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first...sexual relationship. We dated for two full years.

Then him, and the guys, their band got signed. And Matt had to leave me. He swore he'd be back. And I belived him. I was in love with him, of course I'd belive him. But he didn't come back. We kept in touch, and he did come back to town every now and again, and we'd hang out. Me and Matt, and the guys. All of us, like old times. But the big difference was, Matt had found someone new. Her name was Valery Dibbetio. I can't say I hated her, if she made Matt happy, then I couldn't hate her. I would never deny Matt happiness. I was still in love with him. And as far as I know, their band, Avenged Sevenfold, was doing terrific. But I haden't heard from Matt Sanders, who was now going by "M.Shadows" in almost three years. And I was sure he didn't love me. He loved Val.

I stood up from the bench and started walking again, I walked slower, my eyes constantly filling with tears at the memory of him. "Stop fucking crying Destiny," I yelled at myself in my head. "He's gone, he was a liar, he's NEVER comiing back. Ever," I think I belived myself. I didn't want to though. Something deep deep down inside of me, knew he would be back.
I walked past a small alley and caught a glimpse of someone in the shadows. I ignored it, I had better things to think about then some freak hiding in an alley.
The streats of Hunnington Beach were abnormally quiet. I mean, it was cold, strangely cold for September. Even if it was near the end. But still, the streets were normally bustiling with people and traffic and dogs and strollers and what not. So it kinda freaked me out.
I quickened my pace alittle as I heard a seconf set of foot steps start to walk behind me. Walking quicker than I was used to, I caught the toe of my emrald green and black converse sneakers on a crack in the sidewalk.

"Damnit!" I growled under my breath as I quickly regained my composure.

The person following me, quickened their pace as well. I stopped and turned to face the person.

"I was wondering when you were going to stop, you always were stubborn.....Destiny." He smiled at me with a look of bliss on his face but at the same time, pain and sorrow.

I stood there, stunned. Matt Sanders, the love of my life, was standing infront of me for the first time in almost three years. "Matt.....?" I said, my voice turning hoarse.

"Yeah babe, it's me. I told you I'd come back for you. I'm sorry it took me so long." he said this with love, I could tell by the way his voice was shaking. He was scared I'd run, or I'd have found someone new.

" no no no no. You have /her/ left me. You told me you loved me," I was close to histerics now.

Matt came forward and grabbed me as I started to wobble. "Shh, shh, calm down my love. Calm down. I'm here. I'm not leaving you. Ever again. If it means leaving the band, I will. I've missed you so goddamn fucking much Destiny. Look at me,"

He whispered in my ear as he stroaked my hair softly. I turned and looked at his angel face. "I left Valery. I told her I didn't love her, I couldn't love her. I love no one except you. I have no fucking clue why the hell I left you. Your my angel, my evil morbid little princess. My kinky bitch. Destiny." I saw tears slowly fall down his cheeks.

I stared into his eyes and wiped away his tears. I knew he meant everything he was saying. Deep down inside, I knew it. I felt bad for Valery.....fuck, who am I kidding? She could get someone knew...she's a pretty girl. Again, kidding who?

I kissed his lips softly. "Matthew Charles Sanders. I love you with my entire being. I found no one new. I've only thought about you for the past three years. It's were here, but I couldn't see, hear, smell, touch...or taste you."

Matt smiled a huge smile and gave me the same kiss he did on my sixteenth birthday outside on the balcony. When the kiss ended, Matt looked into my eyes and kissed my forhead.

"Destiny..," he murmered "Will you resume your rightful place as the queen of my heart?"

I smiled and laughed alittle. "Yes, I will." I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"My baby...," We both whispered as we stood in each other's arms.

Matt slowly kissed my cheek and pulled my away, taking my hands in his. "Come on, I'll drive you home," he said softly.

I smiled and took his hand and followed him to his car. As soon as the car started up, I caught the second half of Avenged Sevenfold's song "Almost Easy".

Now that I've lost you
It kills me (Hurts to say) I try to hold on as you slowly slip away
I'm losing the fight
I've treated you so wrong
Now let me make it right

"I'll let him. He won't have to try hard. But I'll let him make things right." I whispered to myself low enough so Matt couldn't hear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im not insane im not insane