Sequel: Dry Ice

Remember Me

On the Beach

The breeze off the ocean tousled my hair across my forehead. Billie had left a sticky note upon the fridge before we left to tell Ollie where we'd be if she wanted to join us when she got back. I think everyone was regretting letting Tré be responsible for packing lunch though.

He had packed everything in the Armstrong's kitchen. He wanted to be sure we wouldn't starve but I think he may have overlooked the fact that he'd be fattening us instead. Regardless, I hadn't seen anyone upset with having too much to eat. I sat on the glittering beach sand while Mike jogged up and down a small length of beach after a frisbee that'd he'd throw and Checkers wouldn't go after. He'd cock his head at him and walk away. Mike ran a frustrated hand through his hair and walked back over to where we all were and dropped down upon the sand and gazed out at the glittering water. The sky was cloudless, it had been pretty warm all morning on the few trips I'd had outdoors already.

Checkers laid down in the sand beside me while I scratched his head absentmindedly. Gazing out beyond the horizon where I'm certain other countries and places are. Other people, laughing and having dun together. Enjoying their day just as I am enjoying mine. But then again these days, just being around my best friends makes me incredibly happy.

“Ah, the beach. Where you can get sand in your shorts and cramps in your side in comfort.” Tré laughed about his own joke and we all laughed along with him. He is a weird kid, no doubt but hell, he belongs in this group. Like the glue that keeps us together. I smiled thoughtfully down at my lap and then lifted my chin to watch the waves crash upon the rocks a couple of yards out.

It was amazingly calm right now considering we may have Rodeo's most hyper people here. That could only last so long because Mike was dragging out a joint. Billie and Tré laughed with him that he had been so prepared for the beach trip. Tré smoked the funny smelling, slightly green wrapped up stick. Billie leaned back on his arms and watched the view. 

“So what do you think of Rodeo so far?” Billie asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I laughed and leaned forward on my knees “It's alright. However this beach may just be the highlight.” I laughed.

He snorted “Ok, so I'll have to top it.”

“Is that even possible?” I laughed gesturing around us at the glittering sand and the warm salt water washing up on the shore around our ankles.

He shrugged thoughtfully “Your very impressionable, so yes, it probably is.”

I gasped and pretended to be hurt by his comment but laughed it off. But as I looked at his face, I could see an determined glint in his eyes. Had he really meant it?

I brushed all my worries off for the next half hour. I watched the water and my friends play a couple of games of Tic-Tac-Toe in the sand. Two weeks ago I would have run from them. Not because of my mental sprint but because I'd think they were weird and no good for me and I'd have ran. But now I gaze upon them like we are all just different vegetables in the same soup. We get along fine and we are all just as equally weird as the next guy. I smiled and looked down at my lap when I heard the crunch of sand behind us of someone approaching. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Ollie. Her smile in place as it had been since the day we met. Se walked towards us in sandals and spread a blanket out on top of the sand and encouraged the boys to sit on it. We all sat in a circle on the blanket and Ollie smiled widely at us. Well she was smiling more self indulgently actually. Hiding the smiled when someone looked at her but smiled to herself anyways. It made me wonder what was up with her. She never tries to hide her smiles. Or her impenetrable ray of sunshine as I recall Billie calling it once.

We ate lunch in almost complete silence. Tré began rattling on again about his computer game that he had been playing at home on the days he is not at the Armstrong's. I zoned out and all my problems came out to play...

I began thinking about me. Who am I really, who will I become if I continue to follow the life the Armstrong's have lined out for me? Will I be anywhere near the Adeline Stewart that apparently worked in the record store down the street, or is that girl even me? Are the similarities just really close or are we really one of the same?  I have a lot of questions but lack places to get answers. The only person I know of that could help me is Jason. If I and the other Adeline are actually the same person, he would know because he spoke fondly of her like she was an old friend or something.

Then there is the situation of my condition. I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with me. I can't just take the doctors words for it because I overheard him in the hall talking to the nurse. He may not have even been talking of me. But if he was, I was under a lot of drugs to help with pain and stuff. So I may have misheard him. Thats basically the answer for why I stumbled the whole way on my great escape.

I may not be as ok as I'd like to assure myself. But I'm ok for now. And that's all I need to worry about.

I glanced up at everyone with a smile as Tré threw both arms up into the air yelling “Let's play a game!” everyone cringed away from his booming voice and looked out at the choppy surf. I could see a few choices for gaming options. Scavenger hunt for one.

“What about a scavenger hunt?” I asked looking across the ring to him. His expression blank like he didn't even know I could talk though I know I had spoken to him on numerous occasions since finding my voice. His eyes lit up and he lept to his feet and jumped up and down excitedly.

“Can we Billie? Please please please?...” he squealed as he did so. I'm guessing Tré was asking Billie because he is the hardest to encourage to play childish games like scavengers hunts and hide and seek.

Everyone stood up and dusted off as we split into teams.

Billie opened his mouth to declare his team member but suddenly an arm draped over my shoulders squishing me into a bear hug. I glanced up and caught gist of his lime green hair shagging in his eyes and he proceeded to hug me.

“DIBS ON ADELINE!” he shouted like he thought no one could hear him. I shot Bill a sympathetic look because he looked like someone shot him. He pouted as Ollie remained seated and called ready set go, then our teams raced off in opposite directions. Tré grabbed my wrist and towed me through the trees of the mini forest that I and Billie had toured earlier that week. We ducked under branches, in search of what? I do not know.

I jumped the stream, well not exactly, more of a last minute leap of faith because Tré was weaving around trees and ducking branches like a skilled deer that knew the forest like the back of his hand. I just followed him and proceeded to duck and brace myself when nessicary. I continued to race after him until he came to an abrupt halt and panting, holding onto his knees for support, we stood on the secret trail that led above the ocean a little bit and led to me and Billie's secret willow.

“Well... That was quite the jog.” he huffed.

“Then why did we do it?” I panted. My voice hoarse from running.

A mischievous look crossed his face as he turned away from me And pointed to a trail I hadn't noticed. It led down the steep hill to what looked like a mini beach below. 

“Because of that my dear, I didn't want them following.” he said glancing over my shoulder then pointing down the hill to where the sand glittered.

“What's down there?” I asked walking cautiously to the edge of the cliff. About ten feet down was the water chopping roughly against the rock.

He smiled and grabbed my wrist again, lighter this time as we made our way towards the trail. “A cave.” he said simply.

My eyes widened “We came all this way for a cave?” I asked skeptically.

He rolled his eyes and patted my back as a gesture for me to go before him. “Not just any cave, when the tide comes in, it brings up all sorts of different treasures with it and instead of laying in the sand for someone else to find, the current laps them into the cave, so when the tide recedes, there's all sorts of stuff to be found.” he explained as we walked. Oddly I was fascinated with the sea cave. But Tré fascinated me also. He acts like such an goof ball all of the time until he abruptly decides to be serious and use big words to describe something so simple to me.

“Like what?” I asked as I grip the stalk of a few cattails and guide myself around a steep area of the cliff.
Tré just leaps down beside me “Mostly bottles and trash but I found a watch one time.” he says as we reach the ground level of the beach. 

He guides me towards the end of the small beach to what I would have suspected to be a dead end, he pulled away a clump of flowering vines to reveal a tiny cave. Big enough to crawl into. The tide is still occupying most of the cave, but Tré gets down onto his belly and wriggles in anyways.  The water sloshes and he disappears inside. If I plan on following him, I'll either have to squirm in through the small spot that he had, or Actually get into the deep part of the water and walk in. I take a deep breath and slip into the water. The coldness tickles as I become waist deep, realizing it isn't half bad, I take a cautious step forward, followed by another and another, clinging to the rocks lining the little cave the best I could with wet hands. I spot Tré holding up some items he has found interest in. He dangles a locket in the air and smiles at me. I suddenly believe he is brilliant for choosing this place to hunt. I giggle as I climb out of the water soaking wet. Glad that I had changed into shorts instead at the house before we left. 

I reach into the mud and feel around until I grab something hard. I pulled it out and wash it off in the current. It appears to be a leather wallet. I show it to Tré he nods and pats me on the head and titles me Archeologist in training' and we finish up 

We wade back out of the cave, well I do anyways, Tré took the squirming route. We came out dripping upon the beach and began hiking back towards where Ollie had been on the beach.
I carried a handful of items and Tré carried the others. We saw Ollie sitting on the blanket looking over what I assumed to be the boys treasures.

We walk forward and set out damp items onto the blanket with proud looks. Billie cuts Tré a glare then he notices my soaking wet clothing.

“What'd you do to her Tré? Throw her into the ocean?” Billie asked seriously. 
Tré shrugged and smiled dropping onto the blanket beside Checkers. Whom was taking a nap.

I looked to the sky while Billie and Tré bickered back and forth about who had found the most noteworthy items. The sun was at it's highest, making the water glisten. I smiled to myself and departed from the group and made my way towards it.