Sequel: Dry Ice

Remember Me

How The Story Goes

I rested my head in Billie's lap while my feet were in Mike's. I was tired, but I still tried to concentrate on the movie we were watching.
The Wizard of Oz.

But do you have any idea how difficult it is to concentrate on something when your flat out exhausted and just want to sit and quietly think about your day? That's how I felt. But still, if it bought me extra time with Billie, being my normal greedy self, then that's the price I'd pay to miss out on sleep.

The rest of the afternoon had gone well, we all took turns picking up each other and getting thrown into the tide. I smiled at how fun it had sounded until it actually happened to me... Yeah I got thrown into the water. And as result, let's settle for the answer that for whoever was involved, got their butts beat. But still I'd be ignorant if I didn't admit that I actually had enjoyed some weird aspect of it. But now more serious things clouded my mind. 

This morning, before the unexpected trip to the beach, Billie had invited me to his Autumn dance. I have to admit I was overjoyed then but didn't want to do some happy dance on the street and embarrass Billie. But in my head, I was excitedly screaming profanities of what I was going to wear, how the night would play out, everything. It was all ready to go. But I loved it really. Every time I'd think about the night coming at the end of the week, a herd of butterflies trampled through my stomach leaving me woozy at the thought. 

I glanced over at Tré who was curled up into a tight little ball on the other couch next to Ollie. She didn't seem to mind him too much, until he began to pretend to be a annoying cat. At least I hope he was pretending.

I tried focusing again. But my overly active mind began to wander again. Causing my whole train of thought to be absolutely derailed. 

I finally just ignored all of my thoughts and actually forced myself to concentrate on the movie. But those actions made me fall asleep.

The following morning, I woke up groggily. I sat up in bed and stretched stiffly. Raising my arms above my head, I'm assuming that Billie probably carried me to bed again. I smiled as I climbed out of bed and got dressed before heading down the hall to the kitchen where Ollie sat alone, and for once, the house was absolutely quiet. Which amazed me. And also told me that the boys were out.

“Where are the guys?” I asked nonchalantly. Taking a seat at the table across from her. Where she sat sipping coffee and reading the newspaper, which was probably a rarity considering the fact that she is the mother of six kids, but Mike and Tré seem adopted because they are always here. Therefor she actually has eight kids. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and leaned back. Imagining the number if she considered me her daughter or something.

“They got a call from one of Tré's friends, Larry Livermore, to go talk about some music stuff this morning.” 

I was baffled. And extremely happy for them. They'd been waiting for something like this. I nodded slowly to contain myself so I wouldn't blow up with joy.

“That's amazing.” I smiled.

“Haha, yes it is. Also, Billie was particularly excited about something else this morning too. Said it had something to do with you?”

I was a little dumbstruck for a moment then I caught gist of what he must have told his mom. About the dance he had asked me to yesterday with a giddy expression.

“Er, um, he probably meant the dance. The one that's coming up this weekend, he invited me yesterday.” I said while looking indifferent and lost in thought as I got up to pour myself a bowl of cereal.

Then I leapt a mile when Ollie squealed with joy like a little girl who had finally gotten the pony she wanted. I couldn't help but smile.

“Well that's amazing. He is incredibly outgoing y'know, but around girls, he goes all bashful and shy.” she chuckled “Hell, I need to take you dress shopping today then.” she beamed at me like it was a privilege to spend money on me.

“You don't have to do that, it's now big deal...” I whined while sitting down. She smacked my arm playfully “It is a very big deal. Your his first girlfriend. So I need pictures, therefor you need to look nice.” she beamed pridefully again. Tapped the tip of my nose and hopped up from her seat and dumped the remainder of the coffee down the sink and sat the rolled up newspaper on top of the counter.

“Go get ready and I'll take ya shopping.” she grinned as she nearly bounced to the living room. Oddly reminding me of a humming bird. I could see why she was so excited, I mean she only has like what? Two or three daughters? One is in collage and after that point, they don't want any fashion help from mom. And the other one, she lives on her own already so I can see the excitement of why Ollie would very much like to take me shopping. Because she misses the mother/daughter bonding thing. Even though I'm not her daughter, she is treating me like one and won't hesitate to make me do such things.

I finished eating. Oddly, I was giddy to get going. Though I didn't know much about myself and what colors suit me and which ones make me look lethal. So that's probably the point that Ollie will help me, and also because I know nothing about clothes shopping. I've been wearing Hollie's hand-me-downs so I've never even been to an actual clothing store. At least not in my awareness.

I tied my converse slowly, thoughtfully. Then hopped up from my spot on the couch and followed Ollie out the front door. Whom today, was once again beaming about some unknown thing. Like she had been at the beach yesterday, I watched smile as she looked up St the cloudless sky and as she led me through multiple conversations about different things.
Weather, fashion, memories and even some stories about her childhood and stories about Billie. I laughed uncontrollably when she told me that once, two girls would beat him up on a daily basis so he'd go out with them. And then at the age of five, had released his first single with some guidance of a teacher from school who encouraged him to do so, it was titled Look For Love and Ollie even said she had a copy of it and she'd have to show me sometime. And when that day comes, I'll have something to hold over his head. I smiled and looked out the open car windows. Light breeze waved my hair, the sun beamed down on the concrete making it almost appear white. The trees that lined the sidewalk were a lush emerald green even though according to Billie, Autumn was coming. But I'm guessing this kind of beauty this late in the year was the work of the Californian sun.

We went to main street first. I'd only been up it a handful of times because the record store is on this street and up another block from here is where the Projects begin. That's also where Gilman is located.

“So what kind of dress do you want?” Ollie asked, taking me off guard and knocking me out of my reverie. 

“Hmm?” I looked over at her and she repeated the question.

“I don't really know, I haven't worn a dress since I've been here. But I suppose something simple.”

She snorted “Ha, your way too easy. When I went to my first dance, I wore the most frilliest dress that was available in all of California. And do you know what became of that dance and the shy guy who asked me?” she grinned over at me sneakily.

I shrugged “What?”

“He became the love of my life, we got married fresh out of high school and we had six kids together.” she grinned proudly at her statement. And it clicked into my head that she was speaking of Billie's father, Andy.

“What happened to him?” I murmured before I could stop myself.

She tossed me a sad look and began.

“Billie was ten, taking Guitar lessons from his dad having we bought him an acoustic for his birthday in February. It was early August and Ollie had gotten home from a doctors appointment. He was acting real weird, he'd been facing some illnesses in the past so started taking monthly trips to the doctor. And I could see it in his eyes that this one had not gone well.
We all sat around the dinner table that night. He looked up at me for a long moment and burst out crying saying he'd like to talk to me alone for a moment.” she said thoughtfully as she recalled one of her darkest moments.

“We went to the laundry room and shut  the door. He gave me a long look before he announced to me that he had cancer and was given a month to live. I have never felt so much like I got slugged in the gut as I did in that moment.” her eyes watered yet she persisted to tell me the story of her husbands death.

“And sure enough, he was gone... We lost him late September. And Billie, poor Billie took it the hardest. He related the best to his dad because of his connection to music. He was really depressed about it, so I went out one day while he was at school and bought him an electric guitar. Daphne blue Fernades. I have never seen him so in love with something as I did in the moment he saw it.” she laughed.

“He was noticeably happier after that, and then he met Mike at school one day, Tré at a party and well the rest of Sweet Children's history is, well, history.” she laughed as she pulled into a spot along the curb in front of a boutique. I reluctantly got out and we walked towards the door with Ollie's story stirring in my head the whole while.