Status: Completed!

Last Seen in San Diego.

Chapter 9

Another day has passed, yet no one has been forced to go through the experience I went through. No one has seen or heard from the mysterious man. We’ve received no food, no water. Nothing. We all were starving, stomachs growling louder than the echos could repeat. The room was awfully silent, conversations becoming repetitive. Everyone was sort of finding isolation within themselves, being on their own. Making small talk here and there. It was like seven Kellin’s in one room, well more like seven Vic’s. Speaking of the brown eyed boy, we’ve yet to make eye contact. It’s like the beginning all over again. Sometimes I could feel his gaze burning into my skin, but I refuse to look him. I didn’t want to risk the chance of going blind. If I’m being completely honest, I did sneak a couple of glances from here to there. I couldn’t help it, I know I shouldn’t even be bothered by this but I am. I’m intrigued by him, how someone can just be the way he is. The boy who doesn’t seem like he could hurt a fly, is the same boy that looks like he’d kill to be free.The boy with so many secrets, yet acts as if his only problem is being locked in this room. I honestly can’t help but wonder what happened in his life because I know there’s more to it.

“Kellin, can I talk to you for a minute?” Tay’s gentle voice snaps me out of my trance. It was then that I realized Vic and I were having a complete staring contest. I tore my gaze away from him, trying to pretend that didn’t happen.

“Uh sure, what’s up Tay?” I ask her. 98% of my attention on her, the other 2% slightly paying attention to Vic.

“Kellin, are you okay? You seem so out of it. I’m worried about you.” She tells me, a small frown shaping her lips.

“I’m fine Tay.” I tell her, turning my gaze away from her.

“Is that so? You barely talk to me anymore, you don’t even talk to Oli anymore. I thought you two were close.” She claims, grabbing my attention once again. She can’t be serious right?

“Tay, seriously? This is like the first attempt you’ve made to talk to me after the accident. Even before then we barely talked, it was all Mike and Jenna. Oh and for your information I do talk to Oli.” I snap at her. My voice still barely above a whisper so this childish drama can only remain between the two of us.

“Look Kellin, I’m sorry but I-”

“Look Tay, I get it okay. I honestly do. It’s just it’d be nice if you would make time for me too. You know, to keep me sane and all.” I tell her, trying to find a reasoning point. I get that she likes Mike, but I still want to talk to her. I’ve wanted to complain to her about Vic for the longest, but I couldn’t, I don’t even know if I honestly want to. She laughs, nodding her head before embracing me into a hug.

“Deal.” She whispers in my ear before pulling me away. “Look I don’t know what went down between you and Oli, but talk to him. He asks me everyday if you’re mad at him. Don’t push him away Kell, he really does care for you.” She tells me before sliding back over to Jenna. Surprisingly, Mike was nowhere around her. Just to my suspicion, he was with his brother. Both of their eyes on my figure, causing me to turn away. I tried to find somewhere to go, but there was no where. Jack and Alex were currently sleeping on the couch, Jenna and Tay were probably discussing some girl shit, and I definitely wasn’t going to Mike and Vic. I was trying to avoid this whole Oli thing for right now, but then again I couldn’t do with anymore isolation. I could seriously feel myself losing my mind every time I’m left alone with nothing but my thoughts. I sigh deeply before crawling over to Oli and hugging him causing him to jump out of his skin.

“I’m sorry.” I mutter before he can say anything.

“For?” He asks, refusing to hug me back.

“For pushing you and everyone away because I was mad at myself for liking Vic.” I blurt out, kind of surprised that I was so straightforward about it. I mean Oli and I both knew about it, but I never bluntly admitted it.

“You’re a lost cause Kellin.” His voice empty, lacking any type of emotion.

“Not the monotone voice.” I whine, poking his side. He laughs, giving me the smile I’ve been looking for. I then realized that I shouldn’t have pushed him away, if anything I should’ve been with him everyday. He brings out the kid in me and I appreciate that. In a time like this, it’s always good to have someone to joke around with.

“Okay, I forgive you. But don’t do it again.” He tells me, of course I nod. “So what’s going on in that head of yours? You’ve looked pretty distraught these past days.” He tells me, going into his caring mode.

“I don’t know, I guess I’m still struck by the whole thing. You know, finding out your crush doesn’t like you should make you stop liking them right?” I ask him. It was more of a rhetorical question though, yet he nods anyways. “Exactly, so why isn’t it working for me. It’s like I have this strong desire to make him like me and I don’t know why.” I tell him truthfully.

“Enough about him.” He says, moving to another topic. “How are you mentally?” He asks.

“Fucked up. I still have nightmares of dying, still have nightmares with those numbers written on the wall. What the hell can they mean?” I ask him, getting ready to rant about my hatred for this guy for the thousandth time. Oli went to speak, but no words came out. Only a loud screeching sound and a slam. All of our eyes shot to the door, our eyes shining in amazement at what was laid out before us.

“Food!” Jack yelled from the couch, quickly running over to his plate. We all did the same, grateful to have something in our stomach after a while. I don’t know why he stopped feeding us, but I hoped that this isn’t a one time thing. We need our food or else we’re going to die. Surprisingly, it wasn't the usual sandwiches and water. It was chicken and juice, I wondered why the sudden change but I was too hungry to even question it. I went to grab a plate when a piece of paper beside it caught my attention. I picked it up, my eyes scanning over the messy handwriting.

“Are you fucking serious?” I muttered to myself, dropping the note on the floor and walking over to the couch.

“Kellin, you’re not going to eat?” Alex called from the floor. I shook my head.

“Why not?” Jenna asked. I pointed to the note on the floor, too upset to even speak. Is he fucking serious? He can’t do that to me! Jenna picks up the note, reading it aloud for everyone to hear.

“Everyone excluding Kellin is allowed to eat. If he is fed, I will know and there will be consequences. Decide amongst yourselves who will enjoy his meal. Eat up.”

As she finished reading the letter, all eyes were on me. I didn’t want to meet their sympathetic glances, it would only make me more upset.

“He can’t do that!” Tay claimed, snatching the note from Jenna’s hand. “That’s not fair, he can’t just leave you to starve.” She said, grabbing the leftover tray and bringing it to me. “Eat up.” She says, causing me to look at her with disbelief.

“I can’t.” I whisper.

“You will.” She argued back. “Kellin, do you really think he’s going to know whether you’ve eaten or not?” She asked me. She had a point, but I didn’t want to take any chances with him, I was scared enough as it is.

“Tay, stop it. I’m not risking it okay! He said there will be consequences, who knows what he will do to me this time, let alone one of you. Don’t risk it.” I told everyone, my stomach echoing the silence in the room. She went to disagree but I glared at her, telling her that it wasn’t worth it.

“We’re not eating then.” Mike said. My eyes widened at his statement.

“What?” Jack, Oli and I ask at the same time.

“If you aren’t allowed to eat, then we won’t either. It’s only fair right?” He said, earning nods from everyone. Including Vic.

“I’m in.” Jenna said, Tay nodding her head in agreement.

“Me too.” Jack said, placing his food on the ground.

“Yup, it’s only fair.” Alex said. Vic remained silent, only nodding in agreement.

“Oh what the hell, I’m in.” Oli said, shrugging his shoulders.

“No, no don’t do that. Please just stop trying to find a better solution for this. Just eat, I will be okay. Some of you look like you need it more than I do. I’m fine, honestly. Thank you though.” I told them, I really didn’t want to be the reason they stopped eating. This may or may not be our last meal he’s giving us so I want them to enjoy it. They all just stood there, with no attempt to move. “Guys seriously, just eat.” I begged them a couple of times. Finally after a few minutes and a bunch of reassurances, they started to dig in. I got up from my spot and headed over to Vic’s table, since it was vacant at the moment. I took out the paper that had the number drawn on it. I haven’t stopped thinking about them, I haven’t stopped wondering what they could mean. 8210424 what the hell could they be? It was driving me insane. I was so lost in thought, I didn’t even notice Vic sneak up behind me, placing the plate of chicken in front of me. I didn’t want to be in presence, and he was probably mad that I’m sitting at his table. I should probably move.

“I’ll be going now. Sorry.” I said, standing up from the seat. I didn’t bother looking at the orbs that can hypnotize me at any second.

“Sit down Kellin.” He demanded in a soft tone. Which was odd. I didn’t want to upset him anymore so I did what I was told. My eyes still glued on the floor. “Eat.” He says, pushing his plate towards me. I shook my head, earning a sigh from him. Why wasn’t anyone understanding that I was protecting them! “Please.” He whispered, grabbing my hand. I flinched, looking at him with wide eyes. Yes I’m still a bit jumpy after all that but I just wasn’t expecting him to touch me, ever. Well unless he was planning on punching me like he did when I first came here.

“There will be consequences.” I told him. He just laughed. What was so funny about that? Was anyone taking this seriously? “What’s so funny?” I asked him, but he stood silent.

“Nothing, just eat please.” He begged me, giving me the puppy eyes. Why the hell is he being so kind to me? He hates me doesn’t he?

“One of us could get hurt. I don’t want to be the reason why you do.” I tell him truthfully. I didn’t want to live with that guilt, and he seriously needs to let go of my hand because the butterflies flapping around isn’t a good feeling for someone who is starving.

“I’ll take the consequence. Now eat, and don’t think about disagreeing because I will shove it down your throat.” He tells me, a smile evident on his face. I wasn’t sure if he was joking or being serious, so I started picking at the chicken. Guilt washing over me already. After the chicken is gone, he took the plate and set it aside. His act was really bothering me.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” I asked him, he just shrugged. “If this is some sick joke to you, I would really appreciate it if you would stop. I’ve been through enough shit and I don’t need you messing with me if in the end you’re just going to punch me in the face again.” I told him, my voice loud enough for only him to hear. He just stared at me, not saying anything. “I’m going to go lay down now.” I whisper, more to myself than to him. This time he makes no effort to stop me from leaving, he just watches as I leave. I walk over to one of the couches plopping myself down on it, wanting sleep to take over me again, but unfortunately it never does. I just lay there with my eyes closed, ignoring everyone and everything around me.

“Hey man, you okay?” Mike asks, shaking me awake.

“Uh yeah, how long have I been asleep for?” I asked him. I was honestly surprised, I didn’t even know I had fallen asleep.

“For a few hours. You were shaking, so I decided to wake you up.” He tells me,all I could do is nod. I look around me, everyone is sleeping. Including Vic. “Give me your hand.” Mike tells me. I look at him, confusion pacing through my mind. I put my hand out for him to grab, but he didn’t. He placed his palm carefully under mine, and caressed the center with his other. Somehow it was calming, very calming actually.

“What’s this?” I whisper to him, a smile starting to grow on my face.

“Vic used to do this to me everytime I had a nightmare, it always calmed me down.” He told me, a slight blush appearing on his cheek.

“Well it’s working.” I told him, laughing a little. He soon removed his hands away from mine and using them to move my legs off of the couch. Taking a seat beside me, which he did very dramatically by the way.

“Kellinnnnn!!!!!” He whispered loudly. I laughed at him, how can I go from so upset to smiling in a few minutes?

“Yeah Mike?” I ask, staring at the ceiling.

“You know Vic isn’t the douche you think he is.” He tells me, getting serious now. I didn’t want to talk about Vic!

“Okay.” I said bluntly.

“Kellin, you told me yourself that in a situation like this, support from your friends is needed. Am I right?” He stated. I nodded, finally meeting his eyes. “Okay, and Vic is trying to be that person. We’re not in school anymore, this isn’t time to be acting like stupid teenagers. We all know that we’re possibly facing death and he doesn’t want to die with you hating him.” Mike told me, his eyes burning through mine.

“What? I don’t hate him, he hates me. Oli told me so.” I told him, honestly confused about Vic’s feelings.

“What? No Vic told me earlier that he feels bad about how he’s been treating you and that he wants to be on good terms with you.” Mike told me. I didn’t know who to believe, would Oli lie to me? But why would Mike lie to me?

“Look why don’t we just keep this between us. Let Vic continue acting the way he is. It will be easier for me to-” I say, stopping when I realize the words that are about to come out of my mouth.

“Easier for you to stop liking him?” He finished for me. My eyes widening at the confession. “Kellin it’s obvious. Lucky for you, Vic is oblivious to these kind of things.” He tells me, I sigh in relief.

“Mike, you can’t tell anyone about this.” I tell him, trying to get my point across.

“Tell anyone about what?” A groggy voice came from behind me. I turned around, my eyes meeting a very sleepy Vic.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying this story, two things will be revealed in the next chapter! just a little spoiler. Oh by the way, these little things are important in the future, like what Mike or Vic does, what Oli does etc. Each person's actions have a good or bad outcome basically, but that's in the future. That was just a note for anyone who may think some of the small things are irrelevant.


-Lissy c: