
A Gig

"Hey babe? Can I get a little help in here?" I called out as I looked at the large purple suitcase staring at me from atop my bed, a smaller black one next to it. I had just folded and tucked the last pair of my jeans inside the purple one and now it needed to be taken downstairs.

Wordlessly my boyfriend Alex walked into the room. I watched as he picked up the cases, carrying them out the door and towards the stairs. Sighing, I collected the knapsack I'd packed all of my carry on stuff in and slung it over my shoulder before following in his lead.

As I walked down the steps my phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out of my jeans I glanced at the message, smiling at the random photo my friend Nikki had sent me. I didn't pay attention to where I was going and a moment later crashed into something solid, sending me down on my butt.

"Ow." I frowned.

Alex laughed and grabbed my hand to pull me up, "Careful there Ry."

I smirked, "What am I going to do without you to pick me up when I fall?"

Alex's smile faded a little and he let go of my hand, making his way to the living room.

"Are you sure you want to leave for a YEAR?" he asked as he plopped down on the couch.

I sighed and tossed my knapsack by the rest of my luggage, "Alex...we've had this conversation a million times. I'm going to be gone for 8 months, not a year. And not even that really. There are going to be breaks and times where you can fly out and see me and we'll be together again.

I listened as he muttered something unintelligible and flipped on the TV. I rolled my eyes and went to find something to put together for dinner. Alex could be so insecure sometimes it drove me nuts and this had all the possibilities to be the final nail that drove me to the asylum.

I was almost glad to be leaving in the morning.

Two months of this shit was enough.

*Two Months Previous*
"C'mon and pick up Patrick." I grumbled as I leaned against the wall out back of the cafe I worked at.

My break was nearly over and I didn't have time to get his voicemail. He was the one that had sent me that crazy text in all caps begging to call him when I was on break.

After what felt like the millionth ring my cousin finally picked up the phone, "Rylie?"

"Yes! Now what was so important you had to text shout it at me? And make it fast. If I'm not back in there in 10 minutes Carla is going to have my head." I asked remembering how pissed my boss had seemed when I had walked into that morning.

Patrick gave a small laugh before answering, "How would you like a gig playing bass for an international tour?"

I frowned, "Haha Patrick. Very funny you jerk."

Since we were kids Patrick had always had fun playing pranks on me. I had believed him one too many times to not see the giant moon sized holes in this joke and it wasn't funny.

I had been playing bass since I was 14 years old and had dreamed of being in a band for nearly that long. However after a string of failed attempts to start a functioning band I had put that on the back burner and was currently going to school online for English. If he thought that this would make a good joke I was going to reach through the phone and smack him.

"Ry! This isn't a joke! I'm 100% serious!" he replied.

"Really? Give me proof." I said.

"Okay. Remember my friend Brian?" he asked.

"The one that you went to Uni with?" I replied.

"Exactly. Well did I ever tell you what he was doing now?" Patrick asked.


"He works at Columbia Records." Patrick replied, the smile evident in his voice.

"Are you serious?!" I asked.

"Yes! I was hanging out with him the other night and he mentioned that one of the groups signed to the label had to find a new bass player for their backup band. The other one had to drop out suddenly for personal reasons and apparently they're having an issue finding one. And being the awesome cousin I am I gave him your name." Patrick replied.

My heart began to pound, "And?!?"

"He wants you to audition of course! I totally talked you up to him. He's going to be calling you soon to talk to you and get everything arranged. He said that since you're all the way in London you could do your audition over a web chat." Patrick explained.

"Have I ever told you that you're my favorite cousin ever? I so owe you." I asked leaning more on the wall, my knees weak from excitement.

Patrick laughed, "Well get Bianca a pair of tickets to the show when it comes around near us here in the states and we'll call it even."

"Of course! Wait! What band am I even supposed to be auditioning for?" I asked.

"Ever heard of One Direction?" he asked.

"As in the boy band?" I replied.

"Yeah. 5 British guys, they had that song 'What Makes You Beautiful'...you know who i'm talking about right?" he asked.

I nodded but realized that he couldn't see me, "Yeah. I know who they are."

"You're not having second thoughts are you?" he asked.

"What? Of course not! I get to play my bass in front of thousands of people and travel the world! And I know that the spotlight won't be on me so it's tons less pressure! It's like the perfect formula." I replied.

"Alright then. Look out for a call from Brian. He'll set everything up." Patrick said.

"Gotcha. Anyhow I had better go. My break was up five minutes ago. Thanks a lot Pat." I replied.

"No problem little cuz. Talk to you later." Patrick said and hung up.

*Present Day*

I had gotten a call the next day from Brian and after 2 small auditions I had gotten the gig. When I had told Alex he had been less than enthused but after a little convincing he had finally decided that it wouldn't be so bad. I knew that he was backing me 100% but I knew that he was also dealing with missing me.

Alex had a hard time expressing himself when he was upset and I knew that right now that he was pretty messed up. We'd been dating for 2 years now and the longest we'd been apart was 2 weeks when I'd gone home to see my family in the States. Honestly I wasn't sure what I would do without seeing him for so long but if I wanted this I knew what it meant.

I found a bottle of pasta sauce in the cabinet along with some canned chicken and noodles. Grabbing a pot from under the cabinet I filled it up and put it onto boil so I could start dinner. As I worked I hummed to myself to keep my mind off of Alex in the next room.

Dinner was nearly done when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Alex whispered into my ear.

"It's okay. I'm going to miss you, you know." I replied.

"I'm going to miss you too. I think that's why I'm so out of sorts with this." he replied letting go so he could stand next to the stove and talk properly with me.

I reached out and laced my fingers through his, "I know but we're going to message and call and Skype every chance we get right?"

"Right." He said.

"Can I get a kiss?" I asked looking up at him.

He grinned and leaned over, pressing his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed him back.

Alex helped me finish up dinner and the rest of the night was spent with the two of us curled up on the couch watching TV. It was one of my favorite ways to pass the time and the best way I could think to spend my last night in town.
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So this is a repost of a story that I deleted a while ago. Originally I lost all interest in it but lately I've been dying to revisit it so here is the new version! If you liked please review or subscribe! Thanks for reading!!!