Status: this is just flow of conscience



Falling dreams and falling blood from wounds created by the broken glass of broken friendship, tongues cutting small cutes that sting, words flowing from mind to mouth not being given any consideration , no thought, no feeling , you’re numb no longer aware of your actions. How does it feel to be the victim for once? you think to yourself but honestly are you better than them , or are you truly the victim in all of this. You throw yourself of the edge of your mind falling, falling, falling into the dark pit of anger and hate but whom is it directed towards. Eventually once, you take a second to think it all comes back at you and your mind becomes a very loud place. Most of the yelling is directed at you. You are the creator of your own enemies now, are you happy you now? How does it feel to be the victim for once? You think to yourself of course, now there is nothing you can do is there. You’ve become no better than the ones you thought you towered above even though you’ve been below them this whole time. You slowly become self aware of your own story soaring faster, and faster to its climax but hold on it is not there yet. It’s back your mind has never been louder. How does it feel to be the victim for once? You ask yourself. And you decide that you do not like being the victim. You are the victim in all of this. So, you throw yourself off the edge of a bridge falling, falling, falling into the darkness that you have created.
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heeeeeeyyyyy, please don't be mad at me for any grammer mistakes , and sorry this isn't fanfiction related, I just felt like writing