Status: Love always

The Well Awaited Kiss

Month 2: Baby are we through (PART2)

Sids POV

She hasn't come back yet. It's almost 3 in the morning and she hasn't come back yet. My eyes were bloodshot red and the room was a mess. Cheat, how could I be dumb enough to cheat, to almost cheat, to even think that y/n would cheat. And now we've fought, I hurt her and caused her to walk out, she was supposed to be at girls night, and instead she went out, I don't know if she'll ever come back.


It was three in the morning. I laid in this hotel bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about the fight I had with Sid just a few short hours ago. Girls night was alright, I think I woulda enjoyed it more had I not destroyed my relationship prior to leaving. And I hadn't even gone back yet, no texts, no calls, nothing I Hadn't replied to a single thing sid had sent me. "Baby where r u" "baby I need you" "y/n I love you please come home", not to mention the 80 something missed calls, and I hadn't replied to a single one. I felt bad but I couldn't believe he would think I would cheat! I love him so much he couldn't help what happened to him and neither could I. We were a team and I thought we would get through it together. This was eating away at my heart, I knew what I needed right now. And it was not a good nights rest, it was sidney crosby.

I bit my lip and picked up my phone ready to dial his number..... If only he will take me back.

Sids POV

I needed her right now. I love her, from the second she walked out all I could think about was her walking back through the door so I could make it up to her. Just then my phone rang

It was her ....... If only she will take me back.