Status: Finished <3

Beautiful Disaster

Beautiful Disaster

As wild as a bush fire yet more beautiful than a pure white mare. Alanna blew out the last puff of smoke and stamped out the cigarette cherry, while I watched carefully from my seat about 3 metres away. Her hair was held tightly against the back of her head, with what seemed like the entire hair isle of a cosmetics store.
“Christopher! Pay attention!” Mrs Clark shouted, continuing to ramble on about linear equations, nearly the most un-useful task in the whole of maths *RING! RING! lunch time. The time to gossip to friends, eat your lunch and socialise, but in my case it was the complete opposite. I sat alone, unable to eat as it always threatened to come back up. So for lunch every day, all I needed was to watch her; Alanna. The beautiful creature that I had come to admire from a distance, nearly always was a cigarette between her pink lips, her hair always pulled back a scared look in her eye. I was going to tell her today, no, I am telling her today, mentally slapping myself for being so stupid.
“Breathe Chris, just breathe” I muttered to myself “Oi Alanna, I need to talk to you!”
“Ok what’s this about, people like you can’t talk to girls like me.” She announced, uncaringly.
“Listen, just, I like you alright, what happened between us? We used to be best of friends!”
“Wha… Oi, don’t come parading over here, looking all handsom… horrid. I mean horrid. And announcing your ‘undying’ love for me alright?!” she was beginning to shout, bringing attention to the middle of the yard, and the hair on my back tried to stick up against the pools of sweat dripping out of my pores. We were surrounded by curious, unknowing onlookers wondering what all the yelling was about.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I don’t love you, I just like you, a lot, and for a very long time too” I was losing it, tears threatening to spill, and my breathe beginning to pick up as the blood rushed to my face, making the humidity in the air that much thicker.
*two days later*
“Christopher, I, I like you too” she mumbled, staring down at the ground and I could see the beads of sweat that were gathering at the top of her eyebrows which were carefully drawn on. Too caught up in feelings I paced towards her, lifting her chin up with my right hand and softly bringing her face up to meet mine, closing the gap between our lips, feeling as though the heat around us and the kookaburras that laughed were all melting away, like we were the only ones in the world. Swooping her up into my arms, her legs wrapped themselves around my hips, as if holding on for dear life. Nothing could ruin this. Nothing whatsoever, *BANG*.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Chris! Dry humping some… some whore right in front of your own school. The school I spend hundreds on every year! This is a disgrace Christopher! How do you think your mother would feel about this!” my father shouted, making me too stunned to notice that Alanna had climbed off me and scrambled against the hot brick wall behind us.
“Dad honestly it’s not what it looks like, I swear!”
“Like hell it is you lying faggot, you have to ruin every god damn thing around here don’t you!” he shouted, storming over to me and grabbing me by the collar with his left hand, squeezing my wrist harder than a boa constrictor would on its prey. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, slowly bringing my fist to the side of his face, my knuckles colliding with his jaw as a loud crack soon emanated from what was either my knuckle or his jaw, which was directly followed by a searing pain up my arm, pulsing harshly, and a loud throb echoing in my head.
“ALANNA RUN!” i screamed, soon following after her, which as if on cue, was a sign to run faster as heavy steps thudded on the ground faster and faster, running into the school office seems the safest place to go from him.
“COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE FUCK” he was short breathed, panting from either the running we were making him do or the already 35 degree heat.
“Come to mine, Chris, we’ll be safe there. I promise” Alanna had panted. I was surprised she was able to run this much with how much she smoked was a miracle in itself. Everything had gone black and I could feel my hands collide with the cold tiles which I assumed was the school office.
*hours later*
Blinking near furiously, my eyes slowly adjusted to the fluoro light above me and the sound of cane toads and rain filled my ears, “where am I?” came out like a croak rather than real words, black and white fuzz appearing, soon becoming white walls lined with posters of god knows who.
“You’re in my room Chris, you’re safe. He’s in jail.” She had said smiling, a bright shine in her eyes, the sound of rain landing on the tin roof was nothing compared to the sound of her voice.
“You’re . . . you‘re not lying. You’re really here, he’s gone.” I said unbelievingly.
“Yes, and I love you Christopher. You can live here as long as you need, as long as you want. You just have to ask” she said with a wide, Cheshire cat smile spreading across her face. It was happening, it was really happening, my dream was coming true, and Alanna was in it; and there was nothing that could take the beautiful, shining, gorgeous, stunner which is Alanna away from me.
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