Daddy's Baby Girl

Daddy's Baby Girl

Matthew sat on the edge of his loves bed holding their baby girl.
“Open your eyes and see our little girl.” He kept saying over and over again with tears in his eyes.
“You weren’t awake to help me name her so her name is Elane. Isn’t she beautiful? She is three months old now and she misses you, I miss you.”


“Daddy?” Elane asked her father one day while eating at McDonalds.
“Yes honey?”
“Why did mommy die, did I kill her?”
“No!” He said a bit too loudly, causing a man at the next table to look up from his meal.
“No,” He said more softly.
“Then who did?”
“No one did, not me, not the doctor, and certainly not you. I never want you to think that. Ok sweetheart?”
“Ok daddy, can I have some ice cream?”
“No silly,” Matthew said giggling “You just got done eating some.”
“I did?” She said perplexed. “I don’t remember, should I have?”


“Mrs. Clara told me you were talking to Samantha again.” Matthew said softly to his daughter.
“Yes daddy I’m sorry I told her to stop talking to me, but she just won’t stop telling me to do bad things to people, and today I told her to stop again, but she got mad and bit my friend Greg and he thought I did it, why would I do that daddy?” and then Elane started crying.
Matthew flinched instinctively, and as always Samantha started throwing stuff at him. As he was struck with a candle, he started to think of Galinda, Matthew’s wife, she was never this strong, she only did small things like stir her coffee or fold a peace of paper into a rose, the rose was her favorite flower, with her mind, never this, she didn’t talk to herself ether, that was new. His train of thought was broken by the coffee table flying past his head. Suddenly
Samantha collapsed on the floor. Matthew scooped her up and took her to bed. He went back into the living room to clean up the impossible mess.


Matthew, after hearing that his girl tested positive for dissociative identity disorder, and would have to go live in a mental hospital because she was “potentially dangerous”, had even tried to have a nurse come live with them and monitor her, but Dr. Derkson said that it would be easer for her to be around “people like her”. He sat weeping softly, his face cradled in his hands. He felt a little hand on his shoulder.
“Daddy why are you crying?” Sitting up and quickly wiping his face, Matthew tried to explain to his baby why these men were going to take her away.


“No daddy! I’ll be good you don’t have to send me away! No daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”


“Now Elane, what do you have to say for your self for biting nurse Suzey?”
“She’s mean, evil, and I hate her, I HATE ALL OF YOU!”
After that she started screaming and crying, all of a sudden she was as calm as if she had never been asked that question, then the lights exploded, and the glass walls shattered, and all the while, her face as emotionless as the dead, Samantha was just sitting there watching Dr. Derkson cower like a cornered animal. Not even a shard of glass got near her. It was all aimed at Dr. Nothing, because he was nothing, nothing compared to her. That’s why Dr. Nothing died. “I’ll miss you daddy.” She said seeing all the blood.


“She did what! No she couldn’t have it must have been an accident, It mus-”
“Now Mr. Cotter, I know it must be hard for you to digest but -”
“NO! NO BUTS! SHE DID NOT KILL A MAN WITH HER MIND! SHE COULDN’T HAVE! YOU ARE – I’m sorry, I have to go now, I have some business to attend to, goodbye.” Then he hurled the phone at the wall, leaving for the bar down the street.


“I’m sorry, Danyal, but your mother has been diagnosed with altimers and is going to come live with us until -”
“Nope not until, she’s gonna live with me fer ever till she dies ‘cause she’s my momma and my momma would never fergive me fer lettn her die in a mind doctor place, I’m not fer lettn ya take her, not ever.”
“Yes but we have a warrant so your “mamma” Is going to come with us bit, good try.” Dr. Samson stated angrily, with a smug little grin that made one of his oversize baby cheeks cover his right eye.
“I’m gonna get her ya damn idjit, I’m gonna get her so help me god.” Danyal swore. “And then I’m goanna get that Bastard too” He swore under his breath.

Matthew woke up on his couch with a splitting headache.
“That’s what I get for drinking; I’m never doing it again.” He said to himself. He sat up very slowly realizing what had woke him up, his daughters alarm, the one of the ones he had failed.
Matthew wept.


Danyal, a regular to his bar, sat down in front of his old friend, that’s been more of a father than his ever could have, Robbert, the owner of the bar, and ordered a beer. Robbert noticed something different about the young man today, a certain shadow about him that filled Robbert with a kind of dread that sticks with you your whole life, fearing for the lad’s health he asked
“How’re ya doin boy?” and all he got was a mumbled “ok”. All of a sudden Danyal slammed his fist down on the bar,
“Dammit boy! Gunna Bust my table tuh hell.” Then he saw a tear escape and flee down Danyal’s cheek. Reaching over to comfort the boy and also trying to lighten the mood he said “Well ya don’t gotta do that, I can fix it.” But Danyal flinched away violently preferring to be left alone embarrassed for his weakness of tear ducts.
“Aw but ya came tuh me, don’t be doin that. What’s eat’n ya?”
“I aint got nuthen eat’n me Robby. My Momma’s just sick and she’s gotta go to a mind doctor ya know the one crazy guys go tuh. Damn! I can’t even see’er.” He had to pause because of a large sob, “I’m gonna kill that doctor.” He growled with such viciousness that sent a chill up Robbert’s spine.
Shuddering Robbert said “Naw ya don’t gotta do that, that’ll get you in trouble, I can’t be lettn ya do that.”
“I DIDDENT ASK YA! YUR NOT MY DAMN FATHER!” Screamed Danyal, turning more than a few patrons head. Knocking over his stool, he stalked out the bar doors bumping into a very sad looking fellow with long hair that stood nearly twice his height, to go do what he had promised, and he wasn’t just going to kill that poor doctor.


Matthew felt that Elane needed him now more than ever, and he very nearly fell over himself running to get out the door. No time for cars gotta get there fast, he thought running past his car.

Matthew got there after Danyal had just left with a heavy load. He burst through the doors only to find three very befuddled nurses tied up at the front desk gesturing wildly behind him, so he whirled around only to see the doors. Turning back around he went to untie the women.
After he had untied the women, one of the more calm nurses nearly screeched (for she wasn’t too calm), “He went out the door! You got to go get him, he’s got Dr. Samson!” They won’t let me go I’ve got to go get him and Samson might be hurt. With that Matthew went looking where the nurses told him the man went. It wasn’t very hard to find Danyal because he couldn’t go very fast because he was dragging an unconscious “fat man”, as one of his patients called him. Matthew caught up to him quickly and was furious because this Neanderthal had put his baby in danger, his baby! He yelled at Danyal to get his attention, and a very surprised Danyal half turned, dropped the half conscious doctor, and ran around the corner to wait. Matthew didn’t give Samson a second glance; he just strode past with grim determination stamped on his face. He had just turned the corner to find a knife plunged into his ribcage but if Matthew felt any pain it did not show on the grim visage that was his face, he wasn’t going to lose another daughter , the now less confident and more terrified Danyal fell down and crawled on the ground to find a wall at his back, he stood up to face his likely end like a man, and Matthew punched him with all his might, probably breaking his jaw, knocking him out cold. Matthew turned and slumped needing the wall for support, and pulled the knife out, Matthew almost died right there but then remembered his girl needed him. He straitened and walked as steadily as he could, past the now conscious doctor, mumbling “he’s back there.”
Seeing the extensive amount of blood on Matthew’s shirt, he called after him, “I guess I owe you a thanks, say are you all right?”
Matthew quickened his pace after he began to feel the loss of blood and after what seemed like an eternity, he reached the asylum doors, Pushing through he tried to say I got him, now where’s my baby girl. But instead it came out, “I gthm n wrs m baby grl.” But upon seeing Matthew the nurses rushed to Matthew trying to support him but he gently but firmly pushed them off, saying more clearly “Where’s Elane Cotter?”
The same nurse that pointed him in Danyal’s direction said “Room 202 on the second floor, but you should get help immediately!”
“No, I just need to see my girl.”, having what he needed he started for the stairs and his feet felt like they weighed a ton, but kept going, leaning on the wall for support , Matthew made it up the stairs and fortunately her door was the first one on that hall way. He fell on the door to find it locked, but there was his baby on the other side of the small window, looking at him with her beautiful tear streaked face knowing she was about to lose her father too. She put her hand on the window and he did the same, and seeing his baby girl safe, he welcomed the floor as it reached for its unending embrace, and then there was peace.


Officer Warner, after talking with the nurses, followed the ugly red grin up the stairs to find Matthew Cotter at peace with his loved ones.
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Please be kind, I wrote this a while ago and it was my first real story I wrote.