

"Congratulations, Alice!" Luke Farris said excitedly, shaking Alice's hand.

"On what?" Alice asked confused at his words. Luke Farris was a family friend, close to her father.

He blinked at her for a few seconds before he beamed at her once more.

"On your upcoming engagement of course,-Oh here's the lucky groom himself. Alexander, my dear boy!" Luke waved at a young man who looked to be in his twenties, from behind Alice.

Alice could felt her heart beating became faster at the mention of his name. She was confused on what's going on, but when her eyes met Alexander's dark sapphire orbs she knew.

She wasn't suppose to be here, not now, not yet...and he noticed.

Alexander; taller than her with long dark brown-haired that reached his mid-shoulders smiled at her with both adoration and a look that she could not tell. He was dressed in a black suit and his arm went around her shoulders tugging her close to him out of Mr. Luke Farris hold.

"Nice meeting you again, Mr. Farris." Alexander replied, and the old man laughed full-hearted at him.

"No, do not call me that my son. Please call me Luke." He waved Alexander off, before turning back to her.

Alice felt uncomfortable. His arm there just like it was natural.

"Alice!" Mary Kelly shouted over the crowded room for her friend. Alice looked up at the raven haired Irish beauty confused. Who was she? Did she know her? Why does her name sounded so familiar. Mary Kelly a short plump Irish immigrant almost flew to her side when she finally spotted Alice. A smile was on her face and her cheeks were a rosy color.

Mary's dress were a faded roguish red color.

Her hand linked around Alice's.

"Be careful my dear and remember of the dangers." Alexander leaned down and kiss her cheek lovingly, and Alice blushed.

"I-I will" She shuttered before Mary tugged her into the crowd of people.