‹ Prequel: Avidity
Sequel: Sinister
Status: Sequel to Avidity. Complete.



I wondered when I would feel blood on my hands again, to see the life leave a victims eyes, to watch them crumble at my feet. There had been no other ghosts but Daniel, and I'd cleansed myself of his blood and rot smell.

He'd asked me a question I could not answer, though one I'd thought about maybe times before. What about Eden? When was I going to kill her? Would I be ready when the time came? I needed to know. I needed to see her again.

But she would never agree to meet me, not after what I did to her. The only way to get her to talk to me, or any information about her, was to go through her shrink. Since I'd stopped watching her for a time, I had no other option.

Did Devon know about me? Mostly likely. Would he tell me what I wanted to know? Probably not. So, there was only one way to deal with this, one way to get to her. I was a predator, and I was going to make her see how truly dangerous I was.