‹ Prequel: Avidity
Sequel: Sinister
Status: Sequel to Avidity. Complete.



Blood poured onto my hands, and the smell of rust and iron consumed me. I yanked the knife out of the blonde and watched her slip to the ground. Her eyes were open, staring up at me, and I couldn't see the light in them anymore.

The corners of my mouth turned up as I looked at the swamp. Crouching down, I lifted the body and started forward. She wasn't as heavy as I thought she'd be, but it didn't matter. Once I got her into the water, she would sink.

And she did, slowly.

As I watched the girl sink into its depths, the only thing I could think was she wasn't the one I wanted in there. The one I wanted was sitting in her apartment, wrapped in a blanket and drinking wine.

Thinking she was safe.