‹ Prequel: Avidity
Sequel: Sinister
Status: Sequel to Avidity. Complete.



His mouth stopped at my scar. Instead, he touched it with his fingers, his skin hot against mine. I shut my eyes and curled myself into his body. Devon provided safety, an escape. But my thoughts of John and what he had in store for me were never far from my mind.

"You'll be okay," he whispered.

I didn't reply. I didn't know how. I didn't want to tell him that he was wrong. Being okay was not an option for me, not as long as John was still alive. Fear clutched me, but when I felt my hands gripping Devion's shirt, I opened my eyes.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to my forehead, one of his hands cupping the back of my head. When I moved my face away from his chest, he kissed me. My fingers wrapped in his hair, pulling him closer, needing him.

I'm safe.

But I knew, no matter how many times I thought that, it would never be enough. Because it wasn't true. As long as John was out there, I was a target. A victim. Whatever he was plotting wasn't going to end until I was dead.