The Lesser of Evils

Psychology dream

(first panel on bed from behind. Shadow says " Go to sleep Bobbi. You'll see the sun again in your dreams")

Panels numbered:

1.Opening my eyes.

2.In a dark cave.

3. Hello?

4. small spiders scurrying at my feet.

5. "Is anyone there?"

6. (a switch that says "off") "Huh? What's this?"

7. Voice from the distance "It would be so easy wouldn't it?"

8. "Damnit, who is there?"

9. "One little flick and it could all be over. You ever wonder what happens after you die?
Where you go?"

10. Eyes closed. "Every day"

11. ....reaching out to switch.

12. "What on earth are you doing?" Shows spider beginning to spin her web.

13. "Huh?"

14. "Dear, you are so lost"

15. "Here. Sit. Sit. " "Let's begin"

16. "What is it dear? What are you so afraid of"

17. Me - "I am in a fucking cave, talking to a spider."

18. "Yes, but you're here because you want to be" "Why did you come here?"

19. "My shadow told me I would find the sun here. But she always does this kind of thing. Sends me chasing rabbit holes"

20. "You are the sun.You were the sun. It is all of you"

21. "Ummmm...okay. Is that all? I mean, ya got anything more for me?

22. "Wake up"

23 ( spider turns in to ball of light, and i see it movng to the end of cave/tunnel. )

24. I chase it.

25. Get to end of tunnell and fall. But am caught, and begin to glow.

End of dream. Wake up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bless you, if you are trying to follow this. Like I said, this is going to be a comic book. It's not like when I write a normal story. Sometimes when I sit down to write it, I see the panels and art first, so that's what I write for. Other times,= I come up with beautiful prose, and most of the time I just type random notes. I wish I could adhere to a specific style or regimen when writing comics.