Short Story

Corrupted Adolescence

Ever since I can remember, I never had anyone by my side who actually stuck there. Well, I've had people, but only temporary. And that's all my life has been. Temporary. Somehow that one word sticks around longer then anything else in my life has. When I was little, we were constantly moving, traveling, because my dad was in the air force. Sure it was fun after a while, seeing different things and discovering new places. But It gets tiring after a while, it really does. More then you can imagine. Then we stuck to a house for a while, and just when naive young little me thought everything was perfect, it changed. No we didn't leave or anything like that. But my dad did. My own dad left us. He left the women he vowed to, the kids he committed to, the job, the bad and good times. He just got up and left. Ever since then we have been constantly moving, meeting a new step dad and his children. One of his daughters was around my age. At first we got alone, but after, it was comparable to hell. This was probably the hardest part of my life, being a teenage, going into middle school and eventually high school. I had my best friends, but I moved so much that we weren't close anymore. The only friend I was really close to knew me since fourth grade. We finally met back up unexpectedly in high school. We became best friends again and everything was perfect. I thought. She got a boyfriend, and I was only given half of her attention. I shrugged it off until one day we got into a fight. That night my friend tried something really bad and I have never looked at her the same. A couple weeks of depression and loneliness went by and I met this amazing guy. He became my best friend, my backbone, my everything. We brought the best out of each other. It was the most amazing time of my life, I had never been so happy. We were together for a long time, more then average teenage relationships. About a month before our third year anniversary I had the best month with him. It was explainable. Everything went perfect, from my grades, to friends and sports. I never smiled so much in my life. I was so excited for my future with him. About a week after all of that, things started falling apart. He had turned into someone I had never seen him be. He started lying, and ignoring me. He was rude and selfish. I knew this was just a little bump in the road, but now that I think about it, the fights with him were the best things that ever happened in our relationship. Sure he picked me up for a while, but I no longer felt close or anything between us like before. I was done being treated horribly. Now that I am by myself, I have gained way more confidence and self respect then when I was with him. I thought about my whole life one night. Everything all at once. I asked myself, why be miserable, when I have been sad my whole life? This is going to stop tonight. I put down my napkins and cheesy breakup flicks. I want to be a different person. I am going to try my hardest and strive to be the best I could be. I realized that the reason I didn't have anybody to stay my whole life, is because I am better off by myself.
My whole life have revolved around the word temporary. The only thing that I am going to let temporary be from now on is my sadness, my bad times.
I am a new me.
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**This is not about me.