Status: I'm not going to have time to update much.

Stranger Days

Making Freinds isnt easy

She had been driving for hours, with out any sign of the helicopters. She had finally given up on her search and pulled to the side of the road. She listened for any trace of the helicopter’s noise, but all she got was screams. She turned on the car radio, seeing if they knew anything about what might be happening.
“ATTENTIONALL CITIZENS WITH IN THE FARNEN COUNTY LINES… THERE HAS BEEN SOME TYPE OF CONTAGION OUTBREAK. YOU ARE ADVICED TO STAY IN YOUR HOMES AND OFF THE STREETS. IF YOU CANNOT SAFELY RETURN TO YOUR HOMES GO TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SAFETY FACILITIES-“the radio went silent, and then a loud humming followed. She turned it off. What’s going on? She thought. She pulled back onto the road and continued to follow the streets. She knew that she couldn’t go home. She’s way to far from it now, and she didn’t know of any safety facilities near her. Her only hope of survival was to keep driving and hope she doesn’t run out of gas.
She was turning down a wide empty road when she heard a raucous noise from behind her. She stopped and looked behind her. The once clear mid-day sky was filled with a murky cloud of smoke. It was followed by shrill screaming, she knew that those things would be rushing where the cloud was pouring from, which meant she could safely gather supplies. She sped down the street to the grand supermarket. She got out of the car and sprinted inside the establishment. She ran down every isle as quickly as she could.
“Hello?” she heard a hoarse voice call out. She stopped, unsure if she should answer. “Hello? I know someone is in here. I have my little brother with me. Please. I need help he’s not breathing.” Before she could stop herself she blurted out.
“is he asthmatic?” she grabbed her mouth, hoping he didn’t hear.
“Hello! Ah yes he is, can you help him” said a figure that turned down her isle. He was tall, maybe 6’2. He wasn’t much older than her. In his arms was a young boy, who was struggling for breathe.
“Follow me” she said running to the pharmacist section. “He needs albuterol.” She jumped over the counter and searched each drawer. Why am I helping him? I’m wasting time. She thought as she pulled out the bottle. “Here” she said throwing it to him.
“Thank you.” He said giving it to his brother. The kid must’ve been used to using it because he instantly began using it. “You don’t happen to have a car do you?” she shook her head. “How’d you get here then?”
“I walked.” She said. Something wasn’t right with him. He was tense now. She was afraid of him.
“Really? I saw you pull in here, in that truck. I’m going to have to ask you for the keys.” He pulled out a gun. She was horrified, but soon relaxed when she saw the safety was on. “Come on now.” He said as he waved the gun around. ‘I don’t have all day.”
“It’s out of gas.” She said backing away.
“You’re lying. Give me the fucking keys.” He yelled.
“Is this how you thank people just helped you out” she said pointing to the boy who was now standing.
“Lance…” the boy said. “Put the gun away.”
“Shut up Andy” he said.
“Please Lance. You’re not helping us by doing this. We could use her help.”
“I’m not going t help you. Especially when you’re holding a gun to me.” She said.
“Fine!” lance said. “But if she gets in the way I will kill her”
“With the safety off?” she said. He looked at his gun, then back at her. He was wearing smile, he looked impressed.
“Surprising. You’re the first person to notice that-“he stopped.
“What?” she asked. “How many people have you done this to?”
“Uh. Not many, I promise.” He said lowering the gun.
“The car still has gas, but not much. Also if were going to travel together I’m going to drive and Andy gets shot gun.” She said smiling. She didn’t trust them but she knew she stood a fighting chance with them then by herself. She turned the ignition on and began turning out of the parking lot. "You guys should put on your seat belts. I am not the best of drivers."

"I can tell." said lance as he watched her weave in and out of parking spots.

"Like you can drive any better." whispered Andy quietly. Liz couldn't help but laugh.

"What? What did you say?" Lance pestered.