Status: Life?



You wake up.
Same bed. Same room. Another day.
You get ready. And even if you waste less time, even if you wake up earlier, you'll be late. You'll listen to your boss complaining about how much the company is losing with this new campaign.

There is always a new campaign.

I wonder sometimes what my company actually works for. Technically we're a marketing company.

We grab a product from some client, we analyze the good aspects of it and the bad ones too. We take the best out of the good side of it, we ignore the the bad one.

Basically, if you wanna face it as a honest person, we lie about something so that you'll think its something you need to be alive.

You buy it.
One week later, you look at it: its just a piece of crap you don't need.

As humans, we tend to fill up our emptiness with material things, material things who aren't even necessary on the daily basis.

Ah. This new campaign.
Yes- i say- it'll definitely cost a fortune.
He leaves my office all happy after the ten minutes attention.
I'd say i don't like him, but i actually do.

You spend your live wasting it on nothing. You face your flaws as something you must take care of so that you buy every single piece of self improvement: books, cause you're doom; plastic surgery, cause you're ugly; healthy food, cause you're fat... Blah.

3 minutes. 3 minutes and my shift will be done.
See, the time you took to read this was a whole day in my life. Yes. Time flies in my life, maybe because its so exiting.

The huge masters who made up the word who describes the action of calling someone twat without being rude deserves an award.

When i was 10 my mum said i was too stupid to do something important in this world. I smiled and said: thanks mum.
When i was a kid, i used to be really good at ignoring people, now? I'm not. I waste time listening to them, i waste time doing favors to them.

You can be a cancer patient, but as long as you have your karma ok everything will be fine....
I reach home.
i look up to the fridge. Empty. I grab a beer and sit on the comfortable couch i have. I might be a loser, but thank God i have this couch.
I listen to the voice mail.

"Hi Connor, so...i know that you have been busy with your own life and stuff, and i know you didn't forget but...- shit i forgot- i need to know if you're coming to my wedding after tomorrow. I mean, its been months since the last time we talked so, ye, call me back or something. And don't worry about the hotel, you can stay at my place. Bye bro. "

Sometimes, i tend to forget things. I forget my keys, my address, my own number, even my family relatives' names. I'm good at forgetting, by logic, it should mean I'm terrible at remembering, which doesn't happen.

I call my boss, he doesn't pick up. I look up to my watch, 11:23pm. Yes. Its late.
Ive been living on my own since i graduated, since those days i stablished my own routine. Wake up. Do stuff. Go work. Go lunch. Go work. Go home. Watch meaningless stuff on tv. Bed. Repeat.
Just like the shampoo commercials: put water, rub, wash, repeat.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Whenever something goes out of my routine, i get a bit nervous.

Hi Mr. Harrison, unfortunately i wont be able to go work next 3 days. I have some stuff to take care. Thanks for understanding.

I hang up.

You wake up. You don't know quietly well if you dreamed.
Shit, i say.
I put on some tie and some shirt. Very busy day.
I go to the airline agency and buy a fly. I go to some stores and buy a suit. I go back home and pack the stuff i need.
At 9 pm I'm at the airport.

I guess this the higher I'll ever be, inside a plane.

Its cold.
I wake up at washington.
I grab my stuff and i call my sister.

Dude, I'm waiting at the airport, where the fuck are you?
"Who's this?"- she says
Your brother.
"Shit Connor, sorry, i forgot. I'll send you the address. Call a cab. "

The taxi driver puts on some shitty songs.
It takes one year at least to manage to sound decent at playing guitar. I know this cause i used to play.
There are many stuff who take a year to happen. Then, there Are those who take an entire life.

Connor !
Yes. Thats my sisters voice.
She hugs me and keeps me against her for a long time.
"I missed you so!" " you're so sassy look at you. "

Im pretty, I'm smart. I'm this and that.
Hours later, me and my sister are sat in the kitchen floor smoking.

"You should visit me more often"
No. I say
"Whys that?"
Cause i hate this place.
"You hate everything".
I look at her. Sorry, j didn't come to be offended. I com to try to understand why you're going to marry that shit ass fag.
"You know why"
Do i? I say.
"Mum wants some kids and i need someone. Peter is a asshole but he takes care of me so....

So what?
Are humans so stupidly blind that they don't see the holes they put themselves in?

You find yourself in the middle of the wedding.
Yesterday my sister told me to brake my gay routine and do something unusual. She also said that my girlfriend, ex one, will be there. She must think I'm interested in doing those unusual things. Buuuu. You're wrong sister.

I swallow the rest of the champagne and get myself ready.
Dan, my sisters husband now, is talking with his friend.

Hi dan, i say.
"Hi dude, whats up, what have you been up to? Do you still work at that place ?"
I'm actually trying a new approach when it comes to work.
I say.
I pull my hand to his face, and punch him in the mouth. He's bleeding.
I hear someone screaming.
Time flies.
I see my sister crying, shes saying I hate you.

Of course she does.
Hours later, I'm sitting in the corner of some weird street. I got lost.

But what is getting lost about? Is about not knowing where we are? Or who we are?
I know who i am.

I'm fucking Connor.
I'm 32 and i have a good couch and a stupid work.
And you know what?
I rather see thongs from a new perspective than don't see them at all.

You tell me to do something and i will.
Can't promise it'll be a good one.

I wake up 2 days later.

Wake up. Do stuff. Go work. Go lunch. Go work. Go home. Watch meaningless stuff on tv. Bed. Repeat.
Just like the shampoo commercials: put water, rub, wash, repeat.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
And never, never forget to take advantaged of your
repetitions. Cause even if you punched the same guy twice, he wont learn. Repeat.

Never stop.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading. Give me some feedback.