Status: Ongoing =]

Broken Hearted Again


Monday morning came around all too soon. I was not looking forward to school. If you are wondering about that little piece of paper that Zacky gave me, it was his number. I was quite content with myself and very elated at the fact that I had actually already made a friend. But that pessimistic side of my brain was there telling me that maybe he didn’t really want to be my friend and that it was just a daft practical joke he was playing on me.

I was determined not to let it get me down and tried to believe that he might actually want to be friends with me. I showered and dressed, into my black and red tartan mini skirt, a black vest top with my new rock boots and a leather jacket, just as my mum came in to tell me it was time to go.

I was literally shaking as I sat in my mum’s car on the way to the school, and not just because of the cold seeping in through the cracks in the car doors. As we pulled up to the large building, I could feel my heart beating almost all the way through my chest. Stepping out of the car I took one look at my mum as I followed her through the school to the main reception. I didn’t really need to do much, and so sat outside the office reading the new edition of Metal Hammer, whilst my mum and the head teacher sorted out all the appropriate paper work.

I heard the bell signalling that first period was about to begin. I had been sitting there for about half an hour when I heard someone clear their throat above me. I glanced up to see the same man I had met the day before.

“Is this seat taken?” I smiled and motioned for him to take a seat.

“So what brings you here?” He laughed at me, and began to explain how he had managed to set a table on fire using a Bunsen burner and magnesium oxide. He then went on to explain how the teacher had tried to put the flame out with her hand and ended up scolding herself.

“So the teacher sent me here to see the principal and ‘receive my punishment’.” He motioned air quotes around the ‘receive my punishment’ part. Just as he finished, the head teacher walked out from his office, my mum trailing behind him.

“Well then Violet, looks like we need to set you up with a guide, to help you around school. Oh, Zackary? Here again? What is it this time?” The principal seemed unimpressed and almost expectant of seeing Zack here.

“Set a lab table on fire, sir.” The principal merely nodded.

“Right, ok then. Well instead of punishing you, you can show Violet around the school.” I don’t know whether I should have taken this as an insult, as it almost sounded as though showing me around school was like a punishment for Zacky.

“It will be my pleasure, sir.” Zacky smiled and lead me away as I turned around and gave a small wave to my mum as she departed through the main reception doors. I turned back around to follow Zack as a loud, irritating bell rang through my ears.

“Great, break time. Let’s go and meet my friends.”

He grabbed my hand, leading me off to meet his “friends”. I don’t know what it was about the word, but it sent shivers down my spine. Maybe I would be able to make friends this time. Maybe Zack is a friend. I mean, he seemed happy about showing me around school. Maybe this would be different after all.