Status: Ongoing =]

Broken Hearted Again


I was left sitting outside for a while when Matt had gone back into the house, just thinking about what had just happened. My head was spinning. What had just happened? I thought Brian hated me, well he obviously doesn’t. I thought Matt was Brian’s friend. Well that’s debateable. Then my thought shower came back to one important thought that had been bugging me since I came outside, I thought Zacky was my friend. Why is he ignoring me?

I was interrupted from my thoughts, again, by another male sitting beside me. I looked up to see Zacky’s bright eyes staring at me.

“Look, Vi, erm, I’m sorry, for like shouting at you earlier and then not talking to you. It’s not your fault that I’m down and I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”

I nodded my head to show him that I accepted his apology and turned to stare back out into the distance. I was debating to ask Zacky what had brought him down, but I decided against it. Who knows? He may end up ignoring me again. Instead, I sat and cuddled into his side as he draped his arm around my shoulders.

That night, we ended up crashing at Matt’s house. My parents didn’t mind as long as they knew where I was. Matt’s parents were out of town so they didn’t care either. We ended up watching a movie, Zacky and I cuddled on one sofa, Brian on the only armchair shooting glances at me, Matt, Johnny and Jimmy were on the other sofa.

Matt’s POV

I watched as Zacky and Violet sat cuddled on the sofa. She kept shooting glances at Jimmy; it was obvious that she liked him. Zacky and Brian were shooting glances at Violet, it was obvious that Zacky liked her and Brian wanted something from her, and then there was me staring at them all. I just know that this is not going to turn out well.

Still Matt’s POV

It was hard getting them all awake the next morning for school. However, Vi was already awake making breakfast from what I could gather. The rest of the guys were asleep, and the smell of pancakes was coming from the kitchen and Violet was gone.

I walked in to see her muttering furiously with herself and hovering over the stove. She was either having an argument with herself or she was trying to decide about something.

“Vi, you ok?”

She jumped about a mile away, obviously not knowing I was behind her. She turned quickly looking at me.

“Vi, what’s wrong?” She just looked at me, and everything became rambling out of her. Like her she thinks she likes Jimmy, and how Brian confused her, and how she’s worried about Zacky. I grabbed her arms before she got hysterical and began to tell her everything was ok. In the short time I had knew her, it felt as if she was the younger sister that I had never had. I felt attached to her, and I loved her, but in a sister love sort of way. Once she had calmed down a bit, she started apologising quickly about how she was sorry for rambling and stuff. I could hear the guys in the other room stirring and I left Vi to go get cleaned up in the bathroom while I checked on the guys.

Breakfast was already done, as Vi left, so I ushered everyone into the kitchen to eat. Vi came down, and didn’t seem to eat much, but I don’t think anyone else noticed as no-one queried her about it.

Violet’s POV

Jimmy, Zacky and I were all sat in Chemistry, at the back of the room “working”. Zacky and I were passing notes under the table, while we should have been listening. So when it came to the practical, we had no idea what we had to do, so we ended up putting five strips of magnesium in a crucible and heated it on high, which we then knocked over, and burnt all the table. The teacher, Mrs Carbon (yes I know, an ironic name for a Chemistry teacher), tried to put out the fire on the table using her hand, but she then scolded her hand. Not good. Zacky, Jimmy and I are now at the office, receiving our punishments, a week of detention. I repeat, not good.


“Yes Jimmy?” Zacky was in the office at the moment, and Jimmy and I were sitting outside.

“Do you think maybe, you would like to go out with me, this Saturday, and go and get coffee or something like that?” My heart leapt into my throat. The guy that I liked was asking me out!

“Sure, I’d love to.” Jimmy pecked me on the cheek, just as Zacky walked out.

“Jimmy, your turn,” Zacky snapped and walked off down the corridor, leaving me sitting there, alone.