Status: Ongoing =]

Broken Hearted Again


Zacky had been a bit off with Jimmy and me for the rest of the day. But I wouldn’t let it get me down – nothing could get me down right now. The guy I liked actually asked me out. It was... wow. I actually couldn’t fully believe that he liked me. It was weird, being liked. No one had ever liked me in that way. I never had a boyfriend, so this was an all new experience. It was currently Friday night and I was meeting Jimmy at the local cinema, which was just round the corner from my house, at about 6pm. It was half 5 now and I was completely ready, and was about to leave the house. I was really excited. Walking down the road to the cinema, I began to shiver, not because of the cold, but because I was nervous. The hairs on my arms were standing on end and my already spiky black hair was getting spikier by the second.

I turned up at the cinema and couldn’t see Jimmy anywhere, so I quickly looked at my watch and noticed I was a bit early. So I decided to wait. And I waited, and waited and waited and waited. I looked at my watch again and saw it was half past 6. I had been here half an hour and there was no sign of Jimmy. I hadn’t heard off him and I was beginning to get annoyed.

When things couldn’t get any worse, it began to rain, and it poured it down. I was soaked, and beyond annoyed. I stormed off home, rushing down my street to get out of the rain. Then I stopped. I didn’t care. I really didn’t care about getting soaked in the rain. I had just had my heart smashed, and it hurt. I couldn’t take it, and so I strolled down to a slow walk and walked to the park.

Zacky’s POV

I was walking to the park, when it started throwing down with rain. I didn’t mind the rain, so I carried on walking until I was stopped in my tracks. There she was, Violet, swinging back and forth on a swing with her head down and her usually spiky hair, matted around her face. Something wasn’t right. I could tell from her complete distance from the outside world. Plus, she was meant to be with Jimmy right now.

I walked over to her, picked her up in my arms and she curled into my neck hugging me. I carried her over to the nearest bench and sat down with her on my lap, sobbing into my shoulder.

“He didn’t show Zacky” I was shocked. I couldn’t believe Jimmy would do this to her.

“Shhh babe, it’s ok. You’re fine now.”

“He didn’t show Zacky. He hated me that much that he just left me standing there like a complete idiot. Why Zacky? Why did he do it?”

“I don’t know. I really don’t know. Just forget about it ok? Shhhh.”