Raindrops On Roses And Girls In White Dresses

Beginning in high school, a group of four girls; Mackenzie Parker, Melanie Jadis-Flynn, Giselle Smith, and Kirsten Sommers; become close friends with Giselle's twin brother, Spencer, and his best friend Ryan. Spencer and Ryan move away to Los Vegas for unknown reasons, and, after a few years, the girls get signed to Decaydance and take a trip to Los Vegas as well, where they start to record their first album. There, they find Panic(!) at the Disco in their recording studio, and are surprised to find out that Spencer and Ryan are in that band, along with two of the guys' friends, Jon and Brendon. From there, fate continues to mold them together, as Pete Wentz tells them they are going on a tour together. This is a story that takes you through the ups, downs, and in-betweens of the rock star life and the bumpy road of love.

This story was written by Gabby and Molly, so as you can hopefully tell by now, this is a joint account. Molly wrote part one, Gabby wrote part two, and we have continued alternating. So Molly writes all odd-numbered chapters and Gabby writes all even-numbered chapters.
  1. I'm the Narrator and This is Just the Prologue.
    Chapter one, where we are introduced to most of the main characters.
  2. On the Corner of Fourth and Freemont.
    Chapter two, where we find the four girls in a limo to Las Vegas.
  3. Swear to Shake it Up if You Swear to Listen.
    Chapter three, where the girls record their first song and meet up with Panic!
  4. Haven't You Heard That I'm the New Cancer?
    Chapter four, where the gang takes a trip to Taco Bell and Mickey D's.
  5. What a Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy.
    Chapter five, where the gang plays a rousing game of Truth or Dare.
  6. You've Stockpiled Millions of My Memories.
    Chapter six, where the gang plays a game of "Never Ever Have I Ever" and Brendon learns a vital secret about Melanie.
  7. Shut Up and Smile.
    Chapter seven, where the gang begins their first day of touring.