Life of Luxury

Chapter Tweny Five

“Candace, will you just fuckin’ listen to me?!” I growled as my sister just started to walk away from me while we stood in my kitchen, “Candace!”

“Tyler, she’s fuckin’ using you! They’re all just using you!” she yelled and I shook my head.

“No, she’s not- And you’re the only one who’s seeing it as she is- Which she’s NOT!” I yelled and Candace rolled her eyes, “You’re just pissed at every girl that I have something with because it’s not your friend- Heather or whatever-“

“Natalie!” Candace yelled, “Her name is Natalie- And you didn’t even give her a chance!”

“See!” I yelled and pointed towards her, “I fuckin’ knew it! This is because of her, because I didn’t like her! Well I’m sorry, but I didn’t like her because she was just using me.”

“How’d she use you, Tyler? You weren’t in the NHL at the time, you didn’t have a fuckin’ status-“

“She wanted a relationship- I wasn’t ready for a relationship- Told her that too! So she just settled for the sex,” I growled and Candace just looked at me, “I didn’t give a shit about your friend, Candace- I still don’t! I like Haley, there’s something there and I’m going after it, so if you don’t like it then fuck off and stop treating her like shit!”

“What’s going on in here?” Mom asked as she walked into the room and saw Candace and I glaring at each other, “Are you two going at it again? Honestly, stop it!”

“He’s not accepting that this girl is just-“

“Candace, I like her,” Mom said and I looked at her, “She’s nice and did you even think to just look at how your brother is around her?”

“Knock, knock!” I heard and turned my head towards the front door to see Haley walking in, “Bad time?”

“Uh- No! What’s up?” I asked and she gave me a confused look at then saw my Mom and sister.

“Uh, I was gunna cook some dinner up and was wondering if ya’ll wanted some?” she asked and I was about to say no, not sure how it would be with my sister and Haley in the same room again.


“That would be wonderful, Haley, let me help you,” Mom said and I looked at her and watched as she walked passed me and headed for the door, “What are we making?”

The two were out the door, I looked at Candace to see her roll her eyes and then turn and head towards the room she was staying in while she was here. Cassidy was sleeping in my room because I was just staying with Haley at night, I made sure that the youngest Seguin was sleeping on clean sheets and laughed when she put an extra set of sets on the bed because she didn’t trust the mattress.

I walked towards my room and knocked on the door, knowing that Cassidy was inside. I opened the door and saw her on her laptop, “We’re going to Haley’s for dinner,” I said and she smiled and nodded her head and started to get out of the bed.

I walked down the hallway, into the living room and out the door, walking across the hall to Haley’s apartment and opening it to see Freddy and Brittany sitting at the counter watching my Mom and Haley cook something. I sniffed the air and smiled whatever they were cooking, it seriously smelled good.

“Hey man,” Freddy said as I came up next to him, “Took you long enough,” he teased and I smirked and rolled my eyes, “Thought you’d come running at the sound of food.”

“Shut up,” I chuckled and looked towards Haley to see her smirking towards me, “Whatchya cookin’, good lookin’?”

“Weak!” Freddy teased and I shoved him a little.

“Fuck off,” I laughed and Haley giggled.

“Food,” Haley said and I rolled my eyes.

“What kind of food?” I asked as I tried to lean over the counter to see what she was cutting, but couldn’t see.

“Edible food,” she said and I snorted and rolled my eyes.

“What kind of edible food?” I asked and Mom giggled.

“Tasty edible food,” Haley said and I groaned and plopped down on the stool next to Freddy and heard the front door open and saw Cassidy walk in, “Hello.”

“Uh, was I supposed to knock first?”

“Nope, no need, everyone walks right in anyways,” Haley said and Freddy and I snickered, “And even if I lock the door, these two morons figure out how to get it- Which I will figure out by the way!”

“Oh that’s easy,” Cassidy said and Freddy and I looked at her, “They-“

“HEY, HEY, HEY!!! ZIP IT!!!” Freddy and I yelled towards her.

“Oh no! Don’t zip it! Spill!” Haley laughed and leaned against the counter, “How do they do it?”


“NO!!!” I yelled as I jumped out of the chair and covered my sister’s mouth and made sure that she didn’t spill.

“Tyler Paul Seguin!” Mom yelled and I heard Haley laugh, “Let your sister go!”

“She’s gunna spill on us though, Jackie!” Freddy yelled and Mom rolled her eyes.

“I’ll give you a hundred bucks if you don’t spill,” I said and Cassidy looked up towards me and shook her head, “Two hundred,” I said and she motioned me with her hand to keep going higher. I groaned and rolled my eyes, “Five hundred- But that’s it!” she nodded her head and I let her go.

“Screw that, I’ll give you a thousand if you tell me, Cassidy!” Haley laughed.

“They-“ I covered her mouth again.

“Fifteen hundred!” I growled.

“This is amusing,” Brittany said and I rolled my eyes.

“This is all going to your college fund, young lady!” Mom stated and Freddy laughed.

Tyler ended up writing a check to Cassidy for three thousand dollars and I found it quite funny that she wasn’t going to be allowed to touch it for another few years. I knew that I could have kept on going, but decided that I would figure out how the boys were getting into my apartment on my own.

I had made a grilled chicken with garlic and herb sauce, some glazed roasted carrots and cheesy mashed potatoes. Everyone was sitting at the table, everyone except Candace. Freddy and Brittany were on one side of the table, Tyler and I were on the other and Jackie and Cassidy were on the ends. I made a plate for Candace and placed it in the warm to keep it warm, but I didn’t know if she was going to be coming over.

“This is very good, Haley, where did you learn to cook?” Jackie asked and I looked at her.

“Uh, my neighbor when I lived with my parents- She used to watch me when my parents were home and she loved to cook, so she kind of taught me,” I said and Jackie nodded her head.

“That’s nice; do you still talk to her?”

“Uh, no, she passed away about two years ago,” I said and she nodded her head, “She was in her seventies, but she was really sweet.”

I felt Tyler’s hand on my knee and I smiled towards him and looked at my food, I took a bite and then looked towards Cassidy to see that she was looking around the apartment.

“This is a really nice place, Haley,” Cassidy said and I smiled towards her, “But it looks really expensive,” Tyler sighed and I gave an awkward smile, “What?” she asked and I looked towards Tyler to see his hand over his face and his Mom was just shaking her head.

“I’m sorry, Haley, my daughters are very nosy,” Jackie said and I giggled.

“It’s all right, Tyler was too,” I said and Tyler rolled his eyes.

“Took me forever to learn the secret,” Tyler said and I rolled my eyes.

“Oh come on! Now I’m even more curious!” Cassidy said and Brittany let out a laugh, “Mom, you can’t say that you’re not curious too!”

I stood up and headed for the hallway, I heard Tyler call my name, but I ignored it and walked into the one guest bedroom where I had the framed check. I grabbed it and walked back into the living room and saw everyone looking at me.

“Hales,” Tyler said and I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

“I think it’ll make you family feel better, they’ll stop thinking that I’m only with you for your money,” I said and then sat the check on the counter, “This is how I’m able to afford everything I have,” Cassidy and Jackie’s eyes widened and Jackie walked over and read the check, “This is only the dramatic copy I got, the check itself was normal size,” I said and Jackie looked at me.

“You won the lottery?” she asked and I nodded my head.

“Yup, two years ago,” I said and she just shook her head and let out a little laugh.

“That’s a lot of money,” Cassidy said and I giggled and nodded my head.

“Yup, and it’s going to last me a long time,” I said and looked towards Jackie, “So you don’t have to worry about my money issue, I’m perfectly capable on handling myself.”

“I’m sorry-“

“It happens, I understand why you were suspicious,” I said and she nodded her head.

We all went back to the table and started to eat again. Things were a little better, less awkward and I could feel Tyler’s eyes on me every so often. After dinner, Brittany and Freddy left, they were going to head to a movie, Tyler needed to meet up with his teammates and attend a meeting to discuss their next away game trip.