Life of Luxury

Chapter Six

‘…An ex?...’ I thought and looked at Haley and watched as she grabbed the bottle of Patron and opened it and tipped it back against her lips, my eyes were wide, ‘…Whoa…’

“Uh, Hales?”

“Yeah,” she muttered and then looked at Brittany.

“I’m sorry,” Brittany said and Haley sighed.

“It’s fine, just- just make sure he’s not alone with me,” she said and Brittany nodded her head.

“Did I miss something?” Freddy asked and I was thankfully that he asked first.

“Uh, Chet can be a little- Uh-“

“Clingy,” Drake said and I looked towards him, “And he’s obsessed with Hales.”

“Wow, this’ll be fun-“

“HALEY!!!” we heard and all looked to see Derek jumping up.

“Oh, Tyler, get your dog, Derek is afraid of them!” Haley said because Marshall had walked over towards Derek to sniff him and was now thinking that since Derek was flailing around that he wanted to play.

“Marshall, come ‘ere boy!” I called and smiled watching as Marshall jumped over the couch and ran towards us, “Good boy.”

“Cute dog,” Erin said and then bent down and started to pet Marshall.

“Derek, hon, come ‘ere, I have a drink for you,” Haley said, knowing that Derek needed to calm down.

“Is it alcoholic? I don’t want-“

“No, it’s not, it’s just juice!” she yelled, “I know you’ll like it,” Haley smiled and they guys and I snickered as Haley grabbed the cup with Jungle Juice and handed it to him, “Drink up bud.”

“Thank you,” he said and then took a sip, “It’s good, what’s this called?”

“Juice,” I said and he looked at me and nodded his head and then tipped the cup back and started to chug it.

“Uh, Derek, I wouldn’t chug that,” Haley said wide eyed and Freddy and I were full out laughing while Colin and Drake were snickering.

“That was good, can I have some more?” he asked and Haley nodded her head, still wide eyed and then poured more into the cup and watched as he walked off.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Erin said and Haley nodded her head.

“He’s gunna get shit faced,” I said and Haley smirked and nodded her head.

“All right, we’ve got the booze, we’ve got the food, dig in everyone so we can start to play!” Haley said and threw plates onto the counter; we all grabbed them and started to dig into the good, “Hey Tyler is this on the hockey diet?”

“Fuck no, but I’ll burn it off,” I said and then put my plate down and lifted shirt to show off my well toned chest and stomach, “How else would I get this?”

I snickered when Brittany and the two other girls smiled, their eyes wide, the reaction I usually get. Haley just rolled her eyes and shook her head, but I saw a little smirk on her face.

“All right, put the guns away,” Drake said and I smirked and grabbed some more food.

We had two TVs set up in the living room with two different systems. Derek, Drake and Colin were on one TV while Erin, Anna and I were on another, we were both playing Black Ops, playing against each other and right now our kills were tied. I knew that Brittany, Freddy and Tyler were behind the couch watching the game. We were all laughing because Derek was officially drunk and really getting into the game and coming out of his shell. Plates and red solo cups covered the coffee table in front of us and laugher, trash talk and curses were heard around the room.

“Haley, Haley, turn around!” Erin yelled and I turned my player around and didn’t see anything, “No, like really, turn around.”

I turned around and nearly jumped off of the couch, I didn’t even hear him come in. Tyler was looking at me confused, he was standing behind me, but Tyler turned around and saw the tall built attractive cowboy

“Yes! We win!” I heard the boys cheering; I was too shocked that he had really shown up to bitch about losing.

“Hey Hales,” he said and I just looked at him.

“Chet,” I said and then sighed and looked down, “Uh, what are you doing here?”

“Awkward,” Freddy sang and Tyler snickered.

“Uh, Brittany invited me,” he said and I looked towards her, her eyes wide.

“Just, uh, just get food or whatever,” I said and then turned around, feeling Erin’s hand on my leg. I took a deep breath and shook my head, hitting the button on the controller.

“All right, I’m out,” Erin said and then turned around, “Hottie, you can play for me.”

“Hottie?” I asked and turned to see Tyler plopping down next to me a bright smile on his face.

“She called me hot,” he said and I smirked and rolled my eyes.

“Don’t let it get to your head, darlin’,” I said and Freddy laughed.

“Oh, we’re sooooo far passed that,” he said and I laughed and saw Tyler rolling his eyes.

“So that’s really your ex?” Tyler asked and I looked at him and then passed him to see Chet grabbing some pizza, I nodded my head, “Why’d you break up?”

“You really like to pry into people’s business,” I said and he smirked and shrugged his shoulders. I sighed and looked back towards the screen, “For the same reason why I won’t tell you how I can afford living here.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” he said and I scoffed.

“It does, you just don’t know the whole story,” I said and looked back at him.

“So then tell me,” he said, shrugging his shoulders, “How bad can it be?”

“It’s none of your business,” I said and the sighed when I saw Chet walking back over, ‘…And this night just got awkward…’

It was getting close to two in the morning, the geek, Derek was passed out on one of the chairs on the patio, he was bombed. Colin and Drake were the only ones still playing, Brittany went to one of the guest bedrooms, I had no clue where Freddy went and the other two girls went home.

I leaned back on the couch and saw Haley standing outside on the patio; she was leaning against the banister looking out at downtown Dallas. I stood up and hopped over the couch, “I wouldn’t dude,” I heard and looked back down towards Colin and Drake.


“Hales goes out there to think, just let her go,” Drake said and I looked towards her.

“What about him?” I asked, seeing Chet walk over towards her and leaning against the banister next to her.

“Let it play out,” Colin said and I rolled my eyes, “She tell you why they broke up?”


“Uh, never mind then,” he said and I snapped my head towards the two.

“You know?”

“Duh, we’re her best friends,” Drake said, their eyes not leaving the TV.

“Are ya gunna tell me?” I asked and they paused the game and looked at me.

“No,” they said at the same time and then turned back towards the game.

“Don’t take it personally dude, Chet kind of ruined it for everyone,” Drake said and I looked at him.

“What did he do?”

“She’ll probably tell you one day, it’s not our place to tell her story,” Colin said and I rolled my eyes and watched as Haley took a step away from Chet and shook her head.

I took a step towards the door and watched as Chet walked towards Haley, but she held out her hand. I walked out onto the balcony and looked at them, “Everything all right?”

“Yes,” Chet said and I looked at Haley, she was just giving me sad eyes.

“Think it’s time for you to leave,” I said and he looked at me.

“Excuse me?” he asked and took a step towards me.

“Chet, stop it,” Haley growled and moved herself in-between us. The guy had about an inch on me, but I had more muscle than him. Haley was so close to me I could smell the honey scent shampoo that she uses, “Go home.”

“Who is this guy?” Chet asked and I smirked towards him, “What the fuck, Haley?!”

“Go home, Chet, you had your fun, now you’re ruining it,” Haley said and stepped closer and felt
Haley’s back against my chest, she was a good five inches short than me at my 6’1” height.

Chet walked passed us both and Haley sighed and walked over towards the banister and leaned against it. I walked up next to her and stood at her side, looking at her, “You all right?”

“Fine,” she said and looked towards me, “Thanks.”

“No problem.”