Sequel: Unholy Confessions
Status: Will be updated as much as possible (:

Coming Home


-(Marigold's POV)-

I couldn't believe that I was really going away from it all.My friends, my family, my home.But change was good and I knew that deep down it was going to be the best thing to ever happen to me.Well besides meeting my best friends.Matt,Jimmy,Brian,Johnny, and Zacky.

I had first met the guys in midde school, 7th grade math class.Matt put gum on my chair, Brian broke my pencils, Jimmy and Johnny chased me around the halls and all while Zacky, never spoke a single word to me except to tell me how cool my shirts were every other day.

Shortly after everything though, it was safe to say that after all those pranks and tricks they pulled on me that we all became like one big happy family.They looked out for me and I looked out for them.

Throughout high school was when we started to drift apart a bit.The guys focused on their band and music while I stayed interested in writing.

Which was now the reason that I was leaving to pursue my dream as a journalist, meaning for me to fly away to Florida for a summer internship at a fashion institute in Miami.

Saying goodbye was one of the hardest things I ever had to do though, especially to Zack.I couldn't count the number of times we would just stand there hugging until I started to cry.

"Hey, don't be so sad.You're going away to do something you love.That takes guts to just pack up and leave." He said softly while rubbing small circles on my back to try to soothe me.I huffed, shaking my head slightly.

"I know but I don't want to leave you guys.I'm going to miss out on all kinds of stuff." I sniffled, wiping my eyes on the sleeves of his jacket he gave me to take with on my trip."Its only one summer Mari, you'll be back in a few months believe me you won't miss much." He assured me, causing a small smile to finally come to my face.

"I guess your right.But will you promise to call me every day?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at him.He chuckled but nodded his head yes in response."Of course babe.Now get on that plane and make me proud.I'll see you in the Fall.I love you, Marigold." He said before letting go of me, watching as I walked away.

Zacky's words echoed through my ears the entire plane ride to Miami.And at that moment once I touched down, I knew that I was going to do exactly what he had said to do.I was going to make everyone proud of me one step at a time.
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Ok so! Chapter short but its a filler sort of.This is my first shot at a Zacky V fan fic! I hope you all enjoy, it will be updated as much as I can but as always please! Comments, feedback, ANYTHING is appreciated I love the honesty in criticism so have at! Thanks guys (: