Sequel: Unholy Confessions
Status: Will be updated as much as possible (:

Coming Home


-(Marigold's POV)-

“So you excited to be going back to California?" My roommate Angie asked.I nodded my head, looking over at the picture of me and the guys that I had kept over on my nightstand for a long time.

Here's a little information just incase anyone gets lost along the way.

I left home to pursue joirnalism in Florida, I lost touch of who I really am and its been exactly 4 years since I've been back to Huntington Beach and it's been 4 years since I've seen my family or my friends at all.

But now I'm finally heading back home, back to where I really belonged."My plane leaves tomorrow morning at 7, do you think you could drop me off at the airport?" I asked while finishing the rest of the tons of packing that I had to do before the morning."Sure thing doll, see ya in the morning." She smiled before heading off into her bedroom.

-Fast forward to 3 pm, arriving at LAX in California-

After 8 long, sleepless hours I finally had landed in my home state.I was more than anxious to finally see everyone again, especially Zack.We had sort of disconnected once I told him that I wasn't coming home, and I desperately wanted to apologize and make it up to him for making the mistake of ever letting him go.

"Mom!" I screeched happily, rushing towards my parents who waited patiently for me in the terminal.I embraced them each in a tight hug, feeling the tears start to spill down my cheeks.I couldn't believe that I was finally back.

“Oh Marigold it's so great to see you honey! My god, you've changed so much!" My dad grinned, helping me with my bags as we headed out towards their car.I couldn't help but chuckle at his comment.I didn't just change, I basically became a whole new person.

"Thanks daddy.I missed you guys, how is everything? How are the guys? They don't know I'm back yet, right?" I planned on keeping it a surprise from everyone that I was coming home until after I had got into town and settled in at my old house.My mother shook her head with a warm smile."No one suspects a thing dear."

Once we arrived in downtown Huntington, I could hardly control myself any longer.I wanted to run out and dive into the ocean even if it was the middle of January.It was just really overwhelming to say the least.

"Sweetie we're here." My father announced, making my heart beat out of my chest.As quickly as I could, I grabbed my bags and things before rushing inside the house.I knew my parents were going to be calling the guys over soon, so I had to make sure everything was perfect.

Finally as if time seemed to stop, I could hear voices from downstairs talking with my parents about why they had been called over.

I quietly made my way over to everyone who was standing in the living room. I simply cleared my throat to get their attentions."Hey, guys.Long time no see huh? Did you miss me?" I laughed, suddenly being attacked by thousands of hugs and kisses.

Only when I noticed that there was someone missing did my heart sink down into my stomach.That is until I heard the door open and an oh so familiar face come into my view.

“Hey Zacky, I missed you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So! Because I got such positive feedback already on chapter one, here is number two! Thanks so much everyone for the support so far, please let me know how you feel about this! Enjoy! :)