Sequel: Unholy Confessions
Status: Will be updated as much as possible (:

Coming Home


-(Zacky's POV)-

"So, is it true that your ex is in town?" Gena, my girlfriend stated with a questioning brow raised.I simply shrugged before looking back up at her."She isn't my ex, she's just my best friend from middle school." It wasn't like I was lying about it, sure I had loved Marigold at one time, but she gave that up and I wasn't about to lose Gena just because of her being back home.

"Well whatever, I just don't want her trying to think she can worm her way in your life.I'm your girlfriend, remember that Zack." She said matter-of-factly.Again I sighed before giving her a quick peck on the cheek."Yes I know Gena, don't worry about it.I'll see you later babe." I was trying my best to reassure her that she really didn't have anything to be worried about, but knowing her it wasn't going to be easy at all.

She gave me one last kiss as she headed out the front door and out to her car.I dragged myself up into my room where I saw my phone buzzing and ringing loudly."Great." I thought as I looked down at the caller ID.It was Matt, probably wanting to know why I had left.

"Hey dude, why'd you bolt out of Mari's house so quick like that a couple days ago? She was really bummed about it." He said while doing what I was assuming to be walking around his house and out to his backyard where it was more quiet.I knew eventually everyone was going to be questioning me one way or another.

"It's just I haven't seen her or talked to her in years Matt, fucking four years.She can't just show up and expect everything to be all the same, shit has changed so much, especially the way I feel about her." I admitted while putting a cig in between my lips and lighting it.Matt groaned, probably shaking his head as well to my reasoning.It was true though, I couldn't help the way I felt.

Not to mention that Gena had been acting strange these past few months even way before Marigold had showed up back in town.

"Goddamn Zack just put your stupid feelings aside and talk to her please." Matt insisted before abruptly hanging up on me.I moaned loudly in defeat.I guess I was at least going to have to be somewhat sincere.

-(Marigold's POV)-

"So how long have they been together? Since I've been gone?" I asked, looking over at Brian in disbelief.My parents had headed off to work while Brian had decided to come over and keep me company since everyone else was either busy or didn't answer their phones. He nodded scratching the back of his head.

"They've been together for a little while now, almost three years this month I believe.But as far as I know their not looking too hot because Gena is sort of a control freak and well we all know Zack is a cocky ass sometimes, especially when we're playing shows, she hates it." I couldn't believe that he had moved on so quickly from our relationship, if you could even call it that, but to also be with someone who hates what you do for a living, it made no sense to me.

I sighed deeply, running my hands through my hair.“Well is he ever gonna talk to me? I miss the shit out of him Bri. I know I fucked up but I changed." I said while gladly taking a drag of Brian's cigarette that he lit up while I ranted on.

"I know baby doll.Maybe he'll come around though, just give it some time." He assured me with a nudge, making me smile."Thanks Brian, I really hope he does." I said before a swift knock at the door made me jump.

"Whose there?" I announced before taking a step back.It was Zacky, of all people to who would be knocking at my front door.I wonderwhat he could possibly want.

"Uh hi, Marigold.Am I interrupting something?" He motioned towards Brian who was standing in the doorframe of the livingroom where we had been sitting.I shook my head no, standing aside so he could come inside."No, you weren't.I gotta head out anyways to meet up with my girl.See you later hun." Brian said, giving me a swift hug before leaving.

I knew he understood that me and Zack needed to talk alone.i was grateful for friends like him.

I sat down on the sofa, seeing Zacky hesitate before he reluctantly sat down beside me.“So what's up? Did you need to talk to me about something?" I felt my stomach twist into knots as he looked down at me with a certain gleam in his bright green eyes that I had missed so much.

"You just fucking suck, that's what.You think you can just come back here after not even saying a word to me or anyone for a good few years? That's really not cool Marigold." Zacky blurted out, as bluntly as ever.I looked at him in shock."Wait a minute who the hell are you to be freaking out on me? If I remember correctly YOU were the one that acted like an asshole the first day I got here, I should be pissed at you!" I yelled, causing him to slightly flinch back.

"I just can't help it, you have no idea what I've been through since you've been gone." He said, sighing.I laughed as I did my best not to reach over and punch him."You have no idea what I've been through either, Zacky.Do you really wanna know? I was fucking beaten and knocked unconscious a few months ago.I was taken advantage of.I haven't told anyone besides my parents and now you.I bet you it's nothing compared to what I've went through but please, go on, tell me."

Zacky suddenly fell silent as if he had nothing else to say."That's what I thought.I knew I fucked up the moment I decided to stay in Florida but I've changed now Zack, can't you see that?" I pleaded, pouring my heart out to him as he just sat there quietly.

"I was in love with you, Marigold.How could you just throw everything away like that? Why?" He argued, practically ignoring what else that I had said.

"Because, I'm not worth loving Zacky."
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Woah..DRAMA!! Sorry if I left it at sort of a cliffhanger but I needed it to add a little more suspense for everything.Feedback is always welcomed, enjoy everyone! :)