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My Zombie Life


What happened to me? My head hurts like a motherfucker. Last thing I remember was...what the hell happened seriously?

Okay, calm down...shit what's my name even? Guess that's not important at the moment...

Where am I walking? Why am I walking funny? Let me take a look...oh shit! What happened to my body? Why is it palish green? Humans aren't pale green. I somewhat remember my body being slightly tanned. I also didn't have crimson blood covering me. Ah! Why is there blood covering me? Is that a bite on my arm?! What in the world...

Oh look! Someone is walking towards me. They look weird too. Maybe they know what's going on.


What the hell? Why can't I talk? Maybe I just haven't spoken for awhile...


Well that's weird. Can't even form sentences.

What's that sound? Did that guy just groan at me? The hell? What's your problem fuck face?!

I guess I'll keep limping this way since I don't seem to have any control of my body. Oh, look! More people or things like me! I a person? Or am I a thing? Guess it doesn't mat-

Wow, what is that delicious smell? It's so I drooling? Wait..where am I going? That's not food...that's a person. Why are they not a pale green like the rest of us... Why do they smell so good? Oh shit! Forget that! He just shot that chick in the head with a gun.

Stagger this way... Keep going... Away from the bad man that is shooting the others like me in the head. Good job body! You know how to get away!

Okay, now where am I going? Why am I so hungry? When was the last time I even ate? Why did that man shoot those people? Better yet, why did he smell so good to me? Why do I have so many questions? CAN ANYONE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS?!

Sigh. Guess I'll keep going without knowing the answers.
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My new original story which might be anywhere from a 2 shot up to 10 chapters. Had the idea in my head for awhile. Special thanks to Death The Angel for the help with it so far :)
