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My Zombie Life





Do I have anything better to do? All I do is walk...well stagger. Most of the time I can't even control my own body. I still have no answers to all of my questions, and I am hungry enough to eat a horse...literally. Speaking of animals, I spy a dog up ahead. It looks delicious. Wait a second, I don't eat dogs! Just gotta keep my body moving away from the dog.

Okay, dog is behind me now. I didn't eat the dog. Dog would make a yummy dinner...or breakfast...or whatever time of the day it is, hell I don't know! I must have hit my head pretty damn hard on something. So many questions and so many blanks in my head. Why oh why can't I remember anything?! At least my own name!

Let's see, maybe I can figure out my own name while I stagger around like a drunk. Wait, am I drunk? No, I would remember drinking alcohol, plus my skin is this weird pale green color. I'm pretty sure alcohol doesn't change your skin color.

...Now what was it I was going to do? Dammit! I can't remember shit and now I forget something in the matter of five seconds! Fuck!

Think. What was it? Oh, that's right! My name! My name is... well maybe if I had a hint. Anything around here gonna remind me? Guess not. Let's see, think of names... Bob is a name, I remember that one. Bob. No, that isn't my name. Sounds too plain. Um... George! Yeah, that's it! My name is George! ...No wait... That wasn't it either, damn! Maybe it was -

Oh! There is that delicious smell again! Where is it coming from? Guess my body knows since I can't see anything other than the people like me. Guess I'll follow them since they seem to know where they are going.