Family Portrait.

Always Holding on to stars.

She was still coming to terms with it, seeing Daryl so happy, knowing there was a human growing inside of her a human that he had helped put there, she would have been ecstatic any other time but Merle made her uncomfortable, sure Daryl was partial to a cold can when he was working on his bikes but it was normally a cold can that Merle reached for as soon as he opened his eyes of a morning, this normally made his fiery temper even more unpredictable.

He chewed on the inside of his cheek thoughtfully, the cool night air kissing his skin a welcome feeling in comparison to the dense heat of the day, butterflies gently swept through his insides as he pondered his new life, he would have a son, he would be Daryl too, he would know how to fix a Harley and respect his mother, he smiled to himself for a few seconds before a large hand clamped down on to his shoulder making him jump and turn quickly,

"Still a pussy"

The older brother laughed his voice thick and menacing as it usually was, he sat heavily on the porch next to the younger boy, he didn't move keeping his eyes fixed on the dusty road ahead of him not really interested in what his brother had to say

"I still remember when you met lily"

Daryl loved that sentence more than life it's self just those few words had the power to catapult him back in time to the beginning...

He stood next to his truck holding the gas nozzle in place hardly concentrating on the numbers that clicked upwards on the meter next to him, it was too hot to focus in this heat, the air was thick with humidity making it almost impossible to breathe, an argument behind him made him turn slightly to glance over his shoulder towards the sound of raised voices, he saw a tall bearded man shove the petite blonde next to him he could see mascara running down her cheeks he watched as the man walked around to the other side of his car an climb in slamming the door behind him causing the vehicle to shake, she pulled the handle of the passenger side door, her hand slipping off as she realised he had locked it she kicked the door violently, Daryl narrowed his eyes shocked at the strength this tiny woman had, the car pulled away with a screech of tyres leaving the woman shouting a multitude of swear words between her loud sobs.

She turned and walked towards him wiping her eyes on the cuff of her plaid shirt,

"Hey I'm really sorry do you have a phone I could use I just need to call my mom and book a flight" She frisked her self quickly realizing she didn't have her card "Okay scratch that" she said with a nervous giggle "i just need to call my mom"

his felt his stomach tighten as he glanced at her milky white skin and bare legs he stared at the intricate designs tattooed on her legs and the dazzling chest piece that peeked out from the top of her white vest,

"No sorry I don't, you'd be lucky to get reception out here any way this place is a ditch"

"Oh okay then, sorry to have bothered you I'll check inside"

He nodded at her slightly as she walked away, He took breath in

"Hey! If you need it I've got somewhere you could crash for the night?"

"I don't even know you, you could be a psycho killer for all I know"

"I can assure you I aint"

He laughed she smiled back at him

"I don't even know your name"


"Lily" He smiled as she tucked a loose lock of heir behind her ear "Lead the way Daryl"

"you only went to get gas and smokes baby brother now you're getting a kid? bit more than you bargained for huh?"

Merle's gruff voice pierced through Daryl's treasured memory

"I got my smokes I got my gas I just happened to pick up a few extras"

"An extra you're going to be paying for for the rest of your damned life"

The younger brother stood and turned his back making his way back in to the trailer slamming the door behind him,

"Whats wrong baby?"

"Merle being a jackass! don't worry bout it" he stretched and ran his calloused hands through his thick dark hair "You ready for bed?"


He fought the urge to go rushing to help her stand, she wasn't even showing yet and was fiercely independent anyway so he would probably get batted away, he smiled as she walked towards him placing a hand on her firm ass as she walked by and followed her in to their small bedroom.

They lay in bed legs tangled over each other her head on his chest her hand on his thigh his hand on her stomach he couldn't help but smirk to himself his mind darting back and fourth would the baby look like he?r would the baby look like him? what colour eyes? what colour hair? would they like bikes? These thoughts lulled him to sleep that night.

She woke up suddenly not to certain as to what actually woke her she blinked a few times waiting for her eyes to adjust to the dim light, her tongue felt thick and furry, she sighed heavily and swung her legs out of the side of the bed her feet hitting the floor quicker than expected she stumbled clumsily through the dark still in a sleep induced daze, she made her way to the kitchen and picked an empty glass out of the cupboard she yawned as she filled the glass with chalky water, too tired and too thirsty to care she swigged the water back feeling relieved almost instantly, she placed the glass back on the counter top and froze to the spot as she heard movement in the dark, a sudden burning sensation on the back of her head shocked her to her core her heart raced as she was pulled to the ground her eyes adjusted to the light and she could see Merle towering above her menacingly,

"Now then Darlin' I'm going to show you what a real man is capable of"

He growled quietly she felt bile rise in her stomach burning her throat as his weight came down on top of her a deafening silence fell around her as pain ripped through her stomach and his hand moved over her mouth muffling any sound she could have made to alert Daryl, tears fell from her eyes as his thrusts paralysed her with fear she squeezed her eyes closed and prayed the time away.