Status: In progress...

Breath of Life


Katherine Carter looked up at her ceiling and sighed. It wasn't that she didn't want to be back. She did, she longed for this moment. However, it wasn't as satisfying as she thought it would be. Possibly because she had to go to the local school, Beacon Hills High. Oh well, it was either that or back to Eichen House, the mental asylum she had been in previously for the past ten years. There was no way she was going back. No, not when she just managed to get herself out of there and into the real world. She was already a freak. The teens there would probably torment her. She can't blame them. She'd been stuck in a crazy house since the third or fourth grade.

How was everybody? How were they? The only people Katherine remembered were Lydia Martin, the popular redhead everybody loved, and Jackson Whittemore, the blonde haired, blue eyed jerk. She only remembered them because they always thought they were the stars of the show. She knew they'd be together, taking the high school by storm.

"Katherine!" yelled Katherine's dad, John. "School!"

Katherine sighed and got ready to face school. Even though she didn't want to, her dad made her, because apparently, all Carters were "troopers" or whatever. She got up, not only for her dad, but for herself. She willed herself to do it. She could. And she would.

"Come on, Katherine, you can do it!" John cheered, a little too enthusiastically. "It's just school."

Katherine smiled, even though her heart was racing. "I know." She took a deep breath. "See you after school, Dad." As her dad drove off, Katherine couldn't help feeling nervous as she was walking to the school. She hadn't been here. This was her first time at a high school. She had a right to be nervous, even though she didn't want to be.

* * *

Stiles Stilinski heard there was a new girl at the school. He didn't pay much mind to it, even though she could be another werewolf, or a kanima, or an anything. He didn't think about the new girl because he was thinking about the girl he saw in his dream. Usually, well all the time, he'd see Lydia. In his dream last night, he saw somebody else, who he thought was even better looking than Lydia.

"The new girl's name is Katherine Carter, that's all I know," Scott McCall, a True Alpha werewolf(which was one of a kind) and Stiles' best friend (one of a kind, too) said. "Actually, thinking about it... Didn't we know her?"

Stiles blinked and then replied, Yeah, I think we did. She left in...The third grade."

Allison Argent, a former werewolf hunter (a hunter if necessary) added her opinion. "I heard she was in Eichen House for the past ten years."

"The what house?" Scott asked, his eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Eichen House," Lydia Martin, the redheaded banshee, said. "It's a mental asylum. The people that are mentally disturbed stay there."

Stiles couldn't help but think how hard her life must have been. Being in a mental asylum for half of your life and then coming to Beacon Hills. He hoped that she wasn't involved in any supernatural things. He wouldn't even wish what happened to them on his worst enemy... Well, he hoped he didn't. It took a toll on you after a while.

* * *

Somehow, after an okay first day at school, Katherine found herself walking in the woods. For what reason she didn't know, it was like she was lead there. Who would willingly walk by themselves in the woods? Well, Katherine knew the answer to that, but the thing was that she was deemed "crazy". She saw a few looks at school. The girl who was at Eichen House for half her life. The girl who had to be put away because she was crazy. Eh, Katherine wouldn't deny, she was annoyed. However, she had to deal with it.

Katherine was walking when she saw an arrow fly her way, and with super speed, she caught it. She also caught the surprised and shocked looks of Lydia, Allison and Isaac Lahey, the three of them being in her Art class.

Before any of them could say anything, she dropped the arrow and disappeared.

"Scott! Scott!" Isaac shouted frantically, bursting open Scott's bedroom door.

"What?" Scott asked a little irritated. Was it that bad to want and have some "me-time"?

"It's the new girl, Katherine," Isaac said. "I think she's a werewolf."