Status: I'm not only publishing this story on this site it was originally published on Quotev so now I am publishing it on here and Wattpad if you'd rather read it on either of those sites instead. &

When I Go

Pronouncing my Character's names

Hello! If you've read this story before I re-did it then you kinda know that I pick odd names and most of the time, people pronounce them wrong so now that I am re-doing this series, I'm going to start it out by telling you how to pronounce all the names of the characters. Some characters will come in later in the story but I just want people to know how to say their names for when they do come in.

Sweden Colt = (s-wE-din)

Swede [Sweden's nickname] = (s-weed-E) [Kindof like SWEETY but not]

Cecily = (seh-sil-E)

Cecy [ Cecily's nickname] = (seh-SEE]

For now thats all. But most likely I will continue to write in new characters so if a new character made by me or the name is just hard to pronounce, it will most likely end up being here.
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If there isn't an author's note down here I'll just put the footer which is this!

I'm sorry I never told you what I was,
a Monster