‹ Prequel: Pieces of Me

A Burning Desire

Bad News

After we had signed autographs we had to get back inside. I was walking behind them, talking with Frank and just joking around with him when I heard the reporter call my name. She was the only one there, the rest of the fans had cleared up.

"Roxanne, could we please just ask you one question?" she asked.

"Sure, I guess," I said looking to Frank, wondering if that would be okay, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Just be back in before your uncle notices," he said and went inside with the rest of the guys. I quickly ran over to her.

"So, are you positive that Gerard has no girlfriend?" she asked and pointed the mic at me through the bars.

"Yes," I said trying to sound confident. However, my stomach was doing back flips.

"Well, our other reporters and photographers have found, womens clothing in his hotel room," I froze.

"From when?" I asked quickly, I was scared and pissed off.

"Last night, we found a bra," she said and then put the microphone back to me.

"Oh trust me, that was his," I said and laughed.

"No, trust me if there really was a girl in his life I would know, and so would the rest of the band and him...hopefully he would know." I said and smiled. I was pissed, how did they get into the hotel, wait a minute. That robber or who ever the hell she was, was she a reporter or photographer for this magazine or Internet thing?

"Then who's bra was it?" she asked.

"Well it was probably mine, our luggage gets mixed up all the time. You wouldn't believe how many times I get their suit cases and not mine. I've had to wear a few of their things some times because that happens so much." I said. The reporter continued to smile though I could tell she was frustrated that she didn't get the response she really wanted.

"Well I gotta get back inside and set up for the next show," I said and ran back inside.

When I got back inside there really wasn't much for me to do. The janitors were cleaning up. And all we had to do was clean up the stage and let the guys go back into the buses, take showers get clean clothes on and so on and so forth. I sat on the stage floor not doing anything really.

I heard footsteps behind me, I turned to look expecting Gerard or one of the other guys or my Uncle but instead it was Sean.

"Hi," he said and sat down next to me.

"Hi," I said back and continued to just watch the janitors clean.

"Would you want some company for the two weeks you're in London?" he asked after taping hi fingers on the stage floor.

"Oh believe me, I have plenty of company," I said and smiled.

"So they talk to you?" he asked.

"Yeah of course," I said.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's just some rock stars can be so, whiny and spoiled," he said and looked over to me as I leaned back.

"These guys aren't they're very nice, have you met them like one on one?" I asked.

"No, just when a lady told me to tell them it was show time," he said.

"Probably my aunt," I said.

"Well, if you would like some company, just call me up," he said and handed me a piece of paper as he got up and walked away.

"Are you saying you want to go on tour with us?" I asked.

"Well that would be nice," he said.

"Well I can't just ask but if you were to get the same hotel as us and just happen to follow us around, then I can't stop you," I said and smiled.

I liked Sean. Of course I would have to get him to stop hitting on me, but after maybe a few weeks maybe we can be friends. It's be nice to hang out with someone who was my age for a little while. I missed Sophie and George, so maybe he would kind of fill their place for a little while until I saw them again.

"So where are your next stops then?" he asked.

"I believe Kent," I said.

"I can take the buss there," he said.

"A whole county away?" I asked.

"Sure, I've done it before," he said.

"Roxy!" My uncle called.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

"Look I'll call you when I'm done and give you the major info," I said and got up and ran tow here my uncle's voice was coming from.


My uncle had me go make sure again that the lights were going okay. Sean must have left because I hadn't seen him around after my uncle called me over.

I was leaning against the wall watching as one of the workers turn a light on and made it swivel around, change colors an follow another man around the stage.

"Who was that I saw you taking with?" I heard his voice say softly in my ear as his hands wrapped themselves around my hips. I turned my head to see Gerard smiling down at me.

"Oh just a friend, that Sean guy, remember?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, he's a nice kid," he said and kissed my cheek. I leaned back against him and closed my eyes. I was tired from running around and doing all that stuff.

"So Mr. Way," I said and put my arms around the back of his neck while still not facing him.

"Huh?" he asked.

"There really is no other girl?" I asked and smirked as he pursed his lips.

"No, just you," he said sweetly and lowered his head to give me a quick peck on the lips.

"Would you mind Sean following us around?" I asked.

"Well I wouldn't but Steve might," he said.

"Good point," I said.

"We've got an hors and it looks like these guys can do their job fine," he said and suddenly went down to my neck and bit gently.

"You're trying to get me sent back home aren't you?" I asked and turned around so I could give him a quick kiss and step back onto the stage and get the other side of the lights.


The guys had done another great set and I must say, this crowd really rocked it out, much better than the last group. My job now was to hand out water with Frank as Gerard talked to the crowd and got them pumped. I would step out and hand Frank, Ray Mikey And Gerard bottles of water and make sure Bob had water for himself.

We tossed it as far back as we could and up close too, trying to make sure basically the whole crowd was well hydrated.

When we came back to the hotel the guys were exhausted. Gerard stayed on the elevator with me, tomorrow we had to drive to another county. When we got to my room we both practically threw ourselves onto the bed, not bothering to change or anything. All I remember is Gerard turning off the light, scooting up until my head touched a pillow and fell asleep.

I missed the days where I didn't have to do anything.

We couldn't sleep in either, we had to get up at eight and pack up and get down stairs and onto the buses. My uncle had sent everyone a wake up call.

"Hello?" Gerard asked into the phone.

"Alright, thank you," he said and hung up. I kept my eyes closed and brought the blankets over my head.

"Five more hours," I said and tried to go back to sleep.

"I wish," he said and yawned.

I got up eventually and got changed, put on my makeup and left my hair down after realizing I didn't have tie to do anything with it. Gerard had to go back to his room to pack. I quickly just shoved my clothes into a bag and headed down stairs. Bob and Mikey were sipping coffee, the smell made my stomach growl with hunger. Hopefully my uncle had stocked up the buses with food.

"Want a sip?" Bob asked.

"Yes please," I smile as he hands me the cup of coffee. Before long Ray and Gerard were walking out together now all we need is Frank.

Ray and Gerard must have made coffee together before leaving the room. Now I was really hungry. My stomach growled again, this time pretty loud.

"What was that?" Ray asked. I smiled and blushed, looking down.

"I'm just hungry is all," I said.

Frank came down stairs, also with a cup of coffee. We got into our bus and I put a waffle in the toaster. My uncle gave me a walkie talky and as I spoke into the thing, "All clear," and the engine started up my uncle almost yelled into it,

"Wait!" It shocked all of us.

"Did we hit someone?" Mikey asked looking out the window.

"I don't think so, the driver barely turned the thing on," I said and opened the door to find my uncle walking in, a magazine in his hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked as my waffle popped up from the toaster.

"This!" he said and slammed the magazine onto the table. I had just taken a bite from the waffle. Or no, this can't be good. The guys all circled around the table with an either,

"Oh shit!" or a "You've got to be kidding me," I pushed my way over to the table next to Gerard.

Holy fucking shit. No, please no. Don't let this be happening. Please God anything but this. I looked over to Gerard's shocked expression.

It's all over. We're over aren't we?
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comments will make the next update come even faster.

I'm dying my hair red, I hope it'll look okay