‹ Prequel: Pieces of Me

A Burning Desire

A Plan So ***ed Up, It'll Come Crashing Down

Splashed across the very colorful and obvious teen magazine were two pictures. One as Gerard smoking outside of a building, cell phone to his ear and the picture next to him was one of me standing outside also on the phone. Where did they get these?

But the horrible part was the title; "Gerard's new girl"

I blinked several times, hoping it was only my eyes that were making these horrible words appear on the page. My heart sank to my feet.

"It gets worse," My uncle said. He opened the magazine to where it showed a picture of me on Gerard's shoulders, back when I had first met them and they were doing anything for me to warm up to them.

It read;

"Upon questioning the two Gerard ultimately denied anything going on between Roxanne Olivander and himself when we asked about a bra being found in Gerard Way's room. However when we asked Roxanne, (Roxy) she had something different to say, 'Well it was mine,' Roxy began to say 'You wouldn't believe I get his suitcase, I like to wear a few of his things too,' Roxanne told our reporters.

"That's a lie! I never said that!" I said and backed up from the group looking at my uncle.

"I said it was PROBABLY mine because our luggage gets mixed up sometimes and that I wear THEIR as in everyone's clothes at times!" I said and sat down on the floor in shock.

"Gerard," my uncle said turning to him.

"In all seriousness, do you have a secret girlfriend or did some girl come that night to your room?" my uncle asked.

"No, the bra was Roxy's but I think it might have gotten mixed up with my clothes. You know that happens a lot Steve," Gerard said looking Steve dead in the eye.

"You two weren't?" my uncle asked looking at me.

"No!" I quickly responded. I was getting upset. Now we really had to be discreet, if Gerard still wanted to carry on.

"Why can't they just leave us alone?" I said. Mikey came over and stood by me, his leg touching my arm.

"You begin to get a thick skin after a while, we jut have to keep denying it, the fans will stick with what we say hopefully," Bob tried to re-assure me.

"Alright, we need to go but I'm gonna try to think of a way to get us out of this hole," My uncle said taking the magazine with him out to his bus. He radioed "all clear" to me.

"All clear," I said teary eyed and ran towards the back of the bus to where the bunks were. We hadn't picked bunks yet but I quickly jumped up onto one and closed the curtains, put my face into my pillow as the tears began to come out of my eyes.

Gerard was afraid this would happen. Will he break it off now? I'm not crying so much because they're talking about me, it's just I don't want him to leave me. I wiped my eyes and rested my head on the pillow. That reporter twisted my words. I never said that. What will Gerard think?

Would he really think I actually said that? No, he can't, Gerard knows me way to well. My stomach was doing flips. I felt as helpless ad I usually did. I felt like when he turned me down in the church's garden. I didn't know what to expect now.

I heard footsteps come back towards here. I didn't want it to be Gerard. I didn't wan him to break it off with me. The curtains pulled back. Gerard was there with a sympathetic look.

"Come with me," he said softly and went into the bathroom. I didn't want to, but I did anyways.

He closed the door behind me and I sat on the sink while he sat on the toilet seat. I wiped a tear that was trailing down. He sighed and scratched behind his ear then he looked up at me.

"I was afraid this would happen," he said.

"Gerard," I said wanting to beg him not to dump me. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. What can I say? We were silent for about two minutes.

"Are you okay?" he asked finally. Yes I was okay, I mean I'm nervous, I don't want him to dump me, but I wasn't hurt by that reporter.

"Yeah," I said.

"I'm fine,"

"Then why were you crying?" he asked and stood up in front of me. I looked the other way, not wanting to look into his eyes. A stupid bump in the road made me fall onto his chest. I tried to sit up but he wrapped his arms around me. I had just stopped crying for my sake, and he wasn't helping my eyes stay dry.

"Because I thought, and I still think, you want to break up," I said.

"Why would I do that?" he asked.

"Because you make it seem like such a sin that we're dating," I confessed.

"I'm just trying to protect you from scum bags like those," Gerard replied. I sat back up.

"I told you, I couldn't care less what they say. It's just your re-action to it is what I'm afraid of," I confessed again. I have to say it does feel good to get this out.

"It's alright for now. Let's just go back out and discuss how we can stop all of this," he said and opened the door.

"You guys alright?" Frank asked, sitting at the table.

"Yeah, we just talked it out is all," Gerard answered before I could say anything. I only nodded in response and sat on the couch next to Ray.

"Don't worry, all we have to do is keep denying this is all, I'm sure the fans won't believe it," Bob said.

Oh how wrong were we to think that magazines told the truth. As soon as we had to stop to get gas I stepped outside the van to stretch my legs and get some air. My mouth dropped at the price of gas. And I thought gas in the U.S was bad. It was near eleven dollars up here. God bless America.

When we stepped outside the guys were recognized pretty quickly. but instead of asking for autographs they bombarded us with the one question, "Are you and Gerard really together?" I remained silent mainly and only shaking my head or just saying no. I went back over to the guys where Frank made an announcement to the fans that saved me.

"Alright, we don't know who wrote that but it's all a lie. Now we can sign stuff and take pictures or we can just go back inside," Frank said. That quieted them down. When we had to go we quickly got back inside. Gerard hadn't come out at all.

When we finally got to the next hotel my uncle radioed for us to stay in the bus, he needed to talk to us. We all sat around the table, me on the couch next to it. When my uncle walked in he got straight to business.

"Alright, I have a plan," he said.

"But it's going to take some time for it to fully work," he began to explain.

"Roxy, how are you and Kirk?" he asked.

"Uh, friends," I said beginning to wonder what he was thinking.

"I was thinking, maybe you could have him around, and I don't know you just hang on his arm give him a kiss every now and then," he said looking at me. My cheeks began to blush.

"You mean you want her to either get a boyfriend or pretend to have one?" Ray asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Exactly!" my uncle said and smiled. Wow he must really be desperate.

"What about that Sean guy?" Bob said quickly. I looked up and shot Bob a dirty look. Bob looked back down at the table. No not, Sean. He might think I actually want to be with him.

"Perfect! Bring him on the tour," My uncle said.

"No! Don't I get a say in this!?!" I asked quickly and searched everyone's face for any hint of mercy. I looked over at Gerard who only stared back. He has to say something!

"You only need to pretend is all," My uncle said.

"And if I refuse?" I challenged him. I felt my inner bad sixteen year old girl come back out to lash out at my uncle.

"Then you can leave, and that reminds me, I have your school work ready," he said quickly in that official tone that meant it's useless to argue back. But there was no way I was going to go along with this with out a fight.

"I'm not doing it and I'm not leaving! The original deal that we shook on is that I only work!" I shouted to my uncle out the window as he walked into the hotel.

"Then think of it as a part of your contract!" he yelled back at me.

"I have no contract!" I yelled infuriated.

I went back to the couch and sat back down with my arms crossed. They can't just make me get a boyfriend. And what about Gerard? Can't he do something? Well I guess not. All the guys got their bags and started to go out and into the hotel. I'd rather stay here for the night.

"Well, at least he didn't kick you off the tour," Mikey said with a look of sympathy on his face.

"But what does it matter? Now Sean will think that I really do like him and it's gonna be even harder for Gerard and I, and ugh!" I made a grunting noise and buried my face into a pillow.

"I'm no good for anyone, am I?" I asked.

"Don't say that. C'mon grab your bag and let's get inside, you don't wanna be in this smelly thing the whole night do you?" he asked.

"If it'll piss off my uncle then yes I do," I said bitterly.

"I haven't seen this side of you since we first met," Mikey said and tossed me my bag from the storage closet thing next to our bunks. I didn't bother to catch it so it only landed at my feet.

"If this continues then this will be all you see," I said and grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

I was not happy. Not at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay yesterday was my birthday!

I still feel young.