‹ Prequel: Pieces of Me

A Burning Desire

Behind Closed Doors.

I ignored my uncle and went straight up to my room as soon as I grabbed the key from him. I would have flipped him off as well as I went up in the glass elevator but I managed to just bite my lip instead. I got into my room and literally threw my bag onto the floor.

What bugged me the most however is why no one bothered to help me persuade my uncle this wouldn't work out. Especially Gerard. How could he just sit there and not even try to help me out? Maybe he wants me to do this so he can just go get another girl behind my back.

"You know that's not true. Suck it up, he was just in a tough situation," the voice inside me said.

"You just love to come up in the worst of times, don't you?" I asked her.

"Hey, it's my job," she said.

"If he were to help you out, your uncle could have suspected something," she said. I went over to my bed and put my head into my hands. I don't want to pretend to go out with Sean. He might start liking me even more. Then what? I don't want to break another persons heart.
I looked up and reached for the phone, dialing Sophie's number. At least there was someone who was sure to understand where I'm coming from.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey Sophie it's Roxy," I said.

"No duh, caller I.D silly," she said and laughed, I couldn't help but to smile. Thank goodness for best friends.

"What's wrong?" she asked detecting that something was amiss. That's the thing about her, she can always see past my smile and just know that some thing's wrong.

"You near a computer right now?" I asked.

"I'm at work right now," she said.

"Oh, I'm not bothering you am I?"

"Nah, I'm on my lunch break and done eating so we've got fifteen minutes."

"Well, the paparazzi is onto, us," I said pausing at the word.

"Oh my god, really?"

"Yeah, and my uncle is making me get a boyfriend,"

"Maybe you two should just come clean about it."

"Gerard doesn't want to, well not just yet anyways. Maybe after this tour."

"Roxy, he's your boyfriend. How long do you guys have to keep hiding? Sooner or later you have to come clean about your relationship. Or else what? You guys will just keep getting hurt," Sophie made a good point. So far I was getting hurt, I'm not to sure about Gerard.

"I know, it's just, there's this guy named Sean. He's a nice guy but my uncle wants me to fake a relationship with him," I said.

"Alright that's it Roxy, now you need to tell people," she argued.

"No," I was quick to argue.

"Roxy! Get a hold on yourself! You're gonna have to put up some public display of affection if you really want to convince everyone you and Gerard don't have anything. That's gonna hurt Gerard, the other guy and yourself,"

"I know. I'm trapped either way I go," I said and rubbed my head, I was getting a head ache.

"Just take a nap, think things over and just make the best choice. You know I love you," She said sweetly. I smiled

"Love you too," I said.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later," she said.

"Kay, bye," I said and hung up the phone. I threw myself onto the bed and groaned. This was going to be the worst tour, ever. It was a little past five and I was hungry, and I didn't feel like taking a nap. On the drawer next to the t.v was a room service menu. Dinner was on my uncle.


I woke up around noon. Their concert wasn't until tonight. I took my time waking up, staring at the ceiling, wondering what I would have to do, if I should ignore Gerard or talk to him about this. When I finally got out of bed and into the shower it was probably somewhere around two in the afternoon. I let the warm water run down my back, I had to talk to Gerard. A part of me wanted to ignore him for the day but the other part of me wanted to run into his arms.

I wrapped a tole around me and blow dried my hair and managed to style it into a messy bun. When I finished putting on my makeup I went out of the bathroom and got dressed. I still had my walkie talky and had to turn it on now. My cell phone had been on all night in case someone wanted to call me or if Sophie got a chance to call me back.

There was no sun, well it's England. They don't get much of it, well from what I was told they don't. I opened the door to my hotel room and decided if I could find a coffee shop in this hotel or something. I heard screaming as I walked over to the edge of the railing, looking down at the rest of the hotel. Lined up against the door though being held back by security were a bunch of fan girls. They must have recognized me.

I smiled and waved at them before heading to the elevator. when I came down stairs I went to the front desk and ad them if they had anything like a coffee shop in the hotel.

"Sorry miss we don't," she said.

"However there is one about two blocks away I could send someone to go get what ever you would like for you?" she suggested.

"That would be nice, just a regular cup of coffee and could you ask them to just bring a few sugar packets and cream container things too?" I asked.

"Of course," she said and smiled.

"Room number?" she asked.

"Crap I forget, my name is Roxy Olivander though," I said.

"That's fine she said," and began to type something into the computer.

Well that was my big adventure for the afternoon. While walking back to the elevator and hearing screams again come from the doors my phone rang. It was my uncle.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We need you to be ready in ten minutes," he said.

"They're bringing me coffee," I said simply.

"Better hope they bring it under ten minutes."

I groaned loudly and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

They did not get to my room in time. I had no choice but to leave my room coffeeless and head down stairs. I could see the guys and everyone were waiting behind the elevators so as not to be seen. But as I squinted my eyes I could see someone else besides just the regular people there. Someone else was there, Sean.

"Damn it," I whispered to myself and headed to the elevators. When I came out Sean smiled at me and so did everyone else.I managed to produce a smile too.

"Your uncle was nice enough to invite me with all of you guys," he said and waited up for me as everyone began to walk to the buses.

"Oh that's good." But I wanted to be walking next to Gerard.

When we got into the buss Sean got into the same bus as me and all the guys.

"Okay now it's crowded," Mikey said trying to make his way to the table to sit down.

"Gerard my uncle wanted me to show you the plans for tonight," I said turning to him.

"Huh? Oh! The plans," he said tying to recover himself, looking over at Sean who apparently didn't think anything of the mix ups.

"Hold on guys it's top secret," I said and grabbed a random binder off the top of the table. We kept binders of just about everything. Cost of stuff, where we were at what days and such.

There was a door that separated the bunk part of the bus from the rest of the bus. Once we got there Gerard automatically shut it.

"I can't believe he was serious," Gerard said immediately bringing me into his arms. I wrapped my own around him, taking in his scent of mint, leather and cigarettes. I lifted my head to kiss him.

"Me neither, can't you do something?" I asked him as he lifted me up.

"No, he might get suspicious," he said. He stopped kissing me and just had me rest my head on his shoulder, he sat down on Bob's bunk, making me sit on his lap.

"I don't want to pretend to be with him. I want to be with you," I said kissing his neck.

"I know, me too," said massaging the back of my neck with his hand. He laid back on Bob's pillow so now I was laying on top of him just listening to his heart. What was there to say? 'Sorry I'm in love with you now I have to pretend I'm with this guy to hide our relationship?' That was the situation plain and simple, but it wasn't that simple.

"So how long do you think your little boyfriend will think we're doing something business related?" he asked looking into my eyes and running a hand through my hair.

"As long as someone out there can keep him from opening the door," I said and smiled.

"Hopefully that'll be long enough," he said and smiled one of his smiles that meant he wanted to do more than just cuddle. I laughed.

"Here?" I asked.

"Here," he replied starting to passionately kiss me.

"Now?" I asked said I managed to slip from his grip to take a breath.

"Now," he said in that warning tone of his that I liked so much.

"In Bob's bunk?" I asked. Some how he managed to slip out of his bunk and slide into his own, the one next to Bob's.

"Happy?" he asked as he grabbed my butt.

"I want to, but we can't," I said massaging his chest.

"Sure we can, I'll show you, step by step,' he began.

'First we get rid of these annoying things," he said trying to undo my studded belt. When he got it off he went for the button on my jeans themselves. But I put my hand on his, making him look up at me.

"Then we can get rid of the clothing up top," he said biting his lip.

"Gerard," I said raising my eye brow at him.

"Stay like that, you look cute," he said letting go of my pants and began to kiss me, biting my bottom lip, asking if he could kiss with more passion. I let him.

Finally he pulled away and smiled at me, only to rub his nose against mine and make that bunny face. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"Now I have to put my belt back on," I said sliding myself off of him, picking up my belt.