‹ Prequel: Pieces of Me

A Burning Desire

Next Country Please!

Our next stop? Ireland. We had finished up in England and now I had a school that I was going to. Well they had a program for me not to mention that my uncle's status in the music industry helped them create that program for me. I admit that is spoiling me, but I don't want to be stuck at some school. Just a year of that was complete torture, I can't do that again. I wouldn't survive it. I yawned, stretching out my legs and accidentally hit my binder on the tray on the seat in front of me. I hate flying and doing your work in these cramped chairs

"Damn it," I muttered as I leaned forward to get it. I had signed up for an English class, a Spanish class and photography. Only three classes I know but I can't give myself too much work, I won't be able to keep up with the tour and hiding this relationship. Complicated love seemed to enjoy my company. And while I agree that it's better than nothing, I can't help but to wonder if it would be better if I had none of this. I know I've asked myself this before, but let's face it, I'm a redundant and stubborn person. I blame my mother.

I rubbed my forehead, I predict a head ache within the next ten minutes. I have some Tylenol in this bag somewhere. I turned to my black leather carry on bag, searching for that white and red bottle.

"Looking for these?" the bottle was suddenly in my face.

"Yeah actually, thanks," I said taking the bottle from Sean's hand. He was leaning his head on the back of the chair next to me.

"I'm supposed to be in school now too," he said softly. His voice actually comforted my head for some reason, it didn't hurt when he spoke.

"Why aren't you?" I said, this insight sparked my imagination of how to get rid of him. No that isn't fair.

"Me dad wants me to do this. That and your uncle promised his recommendation to me for any college I want," he said getting up and walking over to the isle seat next to me. I had just realized that we were the only ones in this section of the airplane, everyone else was in first class, I had only come back here to do my school work. I had no idea he was back here. Then again Sean can be a very quite person.

"Oh, I see," I replied.

"You know, you're a complicated person," he said putting up his legs on the chair in front of him.

"Oh really?" I asked not really listening to him. My mind was on everything else but him. Mainly when we were gonna land which was in about fifteen minutes.

"You let me hold your hand, kiss you on the cheek, but I rarely get anything back, what's up?" he asked. His question got my heart racing. Shit shit shit! Think fast Roxy!

"You knew this was coming, just tell him," The voice said.

"Go away!" I commanded.

"Well don't just sit there motionless arguing with me! Answer him!"

"I uh-uhm," I struggled to find the words that would make up a believable excuse.

"Roxy!" I heard someone call for me. I looked over at the voice, then back at Sean. What do I do?!?

"Coming!" I yelled, quickly jumping up from my seat, almost running to Ray.

"You need something?" I asked.

"Nope," he said looking at me from his ipod where he was playing tetras.

"Just felt like calling your name," he said and turned his attention back to his ipod.

"Wait, I thought only Gerard was the only one aloud to be yelling "Oh Roxy, Oh Roxy!" Frank said. Everyone started laughing.

"Watch it," I said turning around to give Frank a venomous look. I didn't mean to give him that look, but Sean was probably listening. I hadn't given him a look like that since I first met them and just didn't want to have that much company around me. Now I live for them. He laughed even harder when I gave him that look and I couldn't help but to crack a smile. His laugh made everyone and anyone laugh.

We actually didn' have a crowd of people at the airport so we were free to walk around and do what ever. Let me tell you, it was windy cloudy but so pretty. Just by the grass by the runway I could really tell that it was a green place. The grass seemed greener here, that or I need my eyes checked.

When we got into the bus I flung my bags onto the couch, like everyone else did and laid down over them. Even though there was something digging into my back, it felt so nice to actually be able to stretch out with out my legs hitting something or someone. The airport was called Kerry Farnfore Airport. We were going to do about four shows in this county, six in Cork, a few in more counties that I couldn't name at the top of my head then head to Dublin to do four shows then make our way up North.

We ran to the giant rental buses that we would use for Ireland. We passed up our bags and chose our bunks.

"Alright men, and Roxy," I heard Marcy say. I nearly forgot she was on our with us. Well how could I forget my own aunt; but what I meant to say was, now that she did less of the work she kind of blended in. Not that she always stuck out in the past.

We piled out of the bus and met her out side.

"First show tonight is in about ten hours, so we don't have much time," she began. I could never hold a straight face when they said that, I mean just the way it sounds. 'Quick! You need to be here NOW! Now, sit here for six hours!' But I now know better, because they need makeup, the instruments need to be there we need to push all the seats back if it's an arena, and other such things.

"So let's just get back to the hotel and get some sleep, you have about three hours," she replied then went back into their bus.

"Well I could have told you that," I muttered as Gerard put his arm around my shoulders.

"But you didn't. Besides, you deserve a break," he said as we stepped into the bus, the door shutting behind us.

"I guess," I sighed, rubbing my head as the driver got into the driver's seat and started the bus. I took a seat at the table where my school work was. I just need to finish two more paragraphs...then I'll get some sleep.

"Just two more," I said as everyone 'tsk tsked" me for even opening my stupid binder.

"Two years ago you would have thrown that out the window," Ray smiled.

"I'd like to see her do that," Sean said and smiled at me. I smiled back as the memories refilled my head. I'm so glad Anne and Laura are out of my life for good.

"I wish I could, but if this binder goes out the window, then so will I," I said taking out a pencil from once of it's pockets and taking out the rough draft of an English paper I was writing.


Somewhere between the beginning and middle of the last paragraph I guess I just fell asleep. I had never woken up more confused in my life. I had writing on my hand and arm that I had been holding my pen in, a sandwich was in my mouth, paper was everywhere, the bus had stopped, something was down my shirt, and my hair was partially in a braid and partially in a pony tail. It was like I had passed out.

I got up, taking the sandwich out of my mouth and spat what ever left of it I had in the sink. I don't know what could be in that. Well hopefully Gerard was around when they did all this to me, hopefully he didn't let them take it too far. I looked on my arm, "Went to hotel, didn't want to wake you." it had read.

I went to the bathroom, but stopped when I saw my face int he mirror after five minutes of starring at the writing on my face I could make out that it said "Frank was NOT here, Frank was here though," an arrow from one cheek pointed to another cheek. I will most definitely get Frank back for being on that cheek and not being on the other.

I left the bathroom with my bags and checked into my room and got into bed, but not before a shower to scrub the damn marker off.
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The waking up part...well most of it happened to me last Saturday