‹ Prequel: Pieces of Me

A Burning Desire

Ticket to Love

"Roxy, time to get up." I was awaken by a voice and a fist pounding at my door. I slowly opened my eyes, it was still dark outside. I was about to turn onto my side and fall back asleep when I remembered that I actually had to help out this tour. I sat up and flicked on my light and stereo, my heart beating faster with the fact that we had a long flight a head of us.

I quickly got dressed into my new clothes, a beige business skirt, a bit like what Marcy was wearing the other day except mine did not go past my stomach and was a bit shorter. A black shirt with a punk looking jacket that had safety pins all over it, a black shirt and put my hair up into a neat pony tail with only my bangs sticking out and my black heels.

I came out to my uncle getting the bags into a taxi that was going to take us to the airport.

"I'll help uncle," I offered as I picked up another heavy bag along with the two that were already slung over my right shoulder.

"Thanks," he grunted upon picking up a cardboard box.

We had to get two taxis for all the luggage and there was still more to come onto the plain. That was going to be my job, I would have to make sure all the luggage had gotten there along with all of the guys and road crew.

When we walked into the airport I couldn't even go into the waiting area where the guys were. I could see a huge crowd spilling out, people had papers and cameras out, the guys were behind that mess of people. Marcy tugged on my hand making me walk faster to keep up with her pace. I couldn't even talk to the guys until my job was finished.

As the carts of equipment rolled past me I looked at each tag that was placed on them and wrote that number down. I also had to take each road crew personnel's name. By the time I was done the plane was about to take off. I tried my best to run inside with my heels.

"There you are," Gerard said to me everyone was spread out around the plane, Gerard sitting next to a window seat. Mikey didn't look up from a magazine he was reading. Ray moved his legs for me to go sit next to Gerard.

"Sit down, I don't have cooties," he smiled at me and moved his bag from the seat next to me.

"You never know," I replied as I sat down. He softly put his hand over mine.

"You're dressed differently," he said looking down at my skirt, I crossed my legs and blushed.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"You look a bit like Marcy," Ray added, taking his ear phones out of his ears. Gerard quickly took his hand off mine. My hand suddenly felt light and cold with out his there.

"Yeah kid, what's up?" Frank added sitting up and turning around in his chair so he could see us.

"If I want to be here my uncle said I have to work...which includes dressing the part," I sighed.

"Ugh," I groaned.

"Thirteen hours in here." But in actual truth I loved that fact. As soon as they began to fall asleep Gerard will be able to hold my hand again I hope.

The plane began to take off and there is always this feeling you get, like on a roller coaster. I couldn't help but to grab his hand and squeeze it tight, but he pulled it away I had to squeeze the chair's arm. I knew he didn't mean it but none the less that still hurt. I looked over at Ray who had his eyes closed and was breathing lightly. Mikey was all the way on the other side and was in back of us so I couldn't see what he was doing. Frank was in front of trying to sleep as well and Bob was in the back some where as well.

Why did he pull his hand away then? Now we were in the air and he was looking out the window. I moved my foot next to his and gently tapped his foot. He turned and I smiled a half smile at him. He looked over at Ray to see him sleeping then quickly kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm sorry," he said softly.

"I know," I said in a normal tone.

The rest of the guys had fallen asleep and Gerard and I were beginning to fall asleep. I leaned up against him and closed my eyes but he shrugged his shoulder for me to get off. I picked up my head and looked up at him with a questioning glance.

"I don't want me falling asleep as well then them waking up to that," he said.

I nodded in understatement and leaned against the cold leather seat. I had to keep myself warm while the air conditioning blasted at me with my own arms. But I didn't mind all that much, knowing he was right next to me was enough to keep me warm on the inside at least.

I felt my sleeve being pulled on, I opened my eyes and looked over at him, he pulled my hand into his lap.

"You should wear that skirt more often," he smirked at me. I couldn't help but to blush and turn my head away so he wouldn't see.

"I still got it," he laughed and he dropped my hand only to put his hand on my left leg which did not help the blushing.

I looked back over at him, "Only if you promise to wear those extra tight pants tomorrow," I said trying to imitate his voice.

"Which ones?" he laughed.

"Fine then, shorts," I said raising an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding? I'll look like a glow stick! Then I'll never be able to go back to Oakland," he said smiling at me. This was probably something he never got to do with Laura, just relax and have fun.

"Alright then, no skirt," I said non-chalant and smoothed our my skirt as I slowly uncrossed my legs.

"Fine then," he said and lifted his hand so I could shake it.

"Alright then," I said shaking it.






We were going back and forth until we got louder and louder until Bob finally yelled "Shut the hell up!" we both couldn't help but to laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
You would get the glow stick and Oakland thing if you went to the My Chem concert in Oakland two years back

Gerard: Okland is nothing but a bunch of filthy dirty mother fucking GLOWSTICK LOVING ANIMALS!!!!