‹ Prequel: Pieces of Me

A Burning Desire

Dramatic Entrance

I woke up around...no wait, Gerard's not wearing his watch. I put his sleeve back down and laughed. He was snoring softly, his mouth wide open. Everyone else however, was already up. I kicked off my shoes and headed for the bathroom.

"Well good morning there," Frank said as he stuck his foot out to try to kick me. I didn't answer but stepped over his feet and got into the bathroom after much difficulty upon closing the door.

When I got out Gerard was still asleep and it was light outside, we must be close to England, our first destination. Even though it was day time out there it was probably night back home. Poor Gerard was tired, and all the rest of them were as well, I could tell, none of them were goofing off or arguing about dorritos or something. I sat back down but next to Frank this time.

"You know what I wonder?" he asked me as he put his plastic cup filled half way with beer down.

"You know those guards with the funny hats that stay really still?" he asked. I nodded.

"If you were to pants them, would they just stand there with their pants down, pull them up, or chase you down the street?" he said and smiled his mischievous grin.

"I don't know, but I have a horrible feeling we're all going to find out," I smiled at him.

"Me too," he said and took a sip of his beer.

"Is anyone else still asleep?" he asked. I stood on my knees and looked to the back of the plane to see Mikey talking to Ray and Bob listening to music and listening to music while starring outside.

"Nah, just lazy butt over there," I said and mentioned to Gerard who was sitting, or sleeping, right behind us. Frank smiled his impish smile.

"Watch out," he whispered as he waited for me to pull up my legs so he could pass through.

He sat over in my spot next to Gerard and leaned up against him and held his hand. Gerard yawned but squeezed Frank's hand and pulled it into his lap and held it with both of his hands.

"Did we land yet?" he asked and leaned close into Frank's face. I put my face into the leather seats to keep myself from laughing. I looked up with one eye open in case I would have to shut them before I laughed to loud. Gerard went and kissed him on the lips.

"No...darling," Frank laughed. Gerard opened his eyes and gave him a quick glare but began to smile.

"Then where did she, oh, your lips taste like beer," he said and smiled at me. I put my head back down and laughed. Before I could say anything to him he pulled Frank into a passionate kiss. I blushed in the fact that I was right there and Frank was kissing MY boyfriend. I smiled to myself, I'm still not used to saying that. Well not the whole "Frank stop kissing my boyfriend." that alone is very strange to say...you know what I mean!

I cleared my throat.

"Oh, didn't quite see you there," Frank laughed at me.

"Because I wasn't here two seconds ago," I laughed. Frank stood up and stretched, I took that moment to shoot up from my seat, bowl him over and jump into the seat next to Gerard.

"Oof!" Frank...said? As he landed on the chair behind him. Gerard chuckled and pulled me into his arms.

"So, did you go out for football while you were in school?" Frank groaned as he tried to sit up.

"Oh I didn't quite see you there," I said as innocently as I could. He smiled and sighed in pain.

"Touche," he smiled.

"We haven't even landed yet and you guys are already fighting?" Bob asked.

"You know it!" Frank said back to him.

When we finally landed we were all ready to go out and check out this new place. Bob took out his camera and began taking pictures of anything and everything around him, even a few random people.

"Come on fellas," My uncle said doing a slightly weird jog out of the place.

" We've gotten so many emails from here so we're guessing you have millions of fans in this city alone," he said as we began to follow him.

"We just barely woke up and your making us run?" Mikey asked.

"Brings back memories," Ray said as he jogged next to me.

"Of?" I asked.

"High school," he replied.

"I'd be sleeping in one class then the next I'd have to run laps,"He said as we came to the airport doors to where a limo was. We always had our bags sent to us in the hotels. It was hard to run in heels so I held onto Ray's arm as I ran.

"Don't fall," Mikey said as we heard what was like a roar of piercing screams.

"Shit!" My uncle said stopping.

Their fans were plastered to that limo and door. My legs stopped running but I guess my torso didn't quite get the message. I fell face first. I heard everyone behind me make some kind of noise.

"Do I have to wear the heels?" I asked my uncle as I pulled myself up.

"I don't think they make business attire sneakers," he said.

"Well we can't just turn back now," Gerard said waving to everyone. He took the sun glasses that were hanging on his shirt off and put them on.

"My public awaits!" he said dramatically and headed for the door as he threw open th door just as dramatically. I looked over at Frank, he shrugged and reached into Ray's pocket.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get out of there!" Ray said as Frank took out his glasses case.

"Here hold this," He said as he put on Ray's actual glasses. I laughed as Frank flipped his hair and went to the door, arms open and pushed the door open.

"Hello my lovelies!" he exclaimed and grabbed a notebook that was shoved at him and began to scribble his name. I laughed and watched as Bob went over and kicked the door open and began to sign things as well. By now everyone was outside signing autographs and Marcy was watching impatiently.

"Alright, we need to get moving, they have a rehearsal tonight, and I don't want to deal with cranky rockers," she said as she scooted me towards the door, making me almost trip on and fall on my face again.

"I can walk Auntie," I said as I tried to get away from her arms. I came outside and heard more screaming. A girl shoved her hat to me.

"You want me to give it to them?" I yelled to her over the screaming.

"No, I want you to sign it!" she yelled back with her thick English accent. I smiled and quickly scribbled my name trying to make it look as elaborate as possible. Actually a few people wanted me to sign a few of their things, one even wanted a picture. I stood still to make a funny face with the girl and have her press the button.

"You're still working!" My uncle yelled over the even louder screams as the guys got into the limo.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long. I have so much going on. No that they allow gay marriges in California my cousins (Nicole and Lori) can get married and I've been busy with all that stuff

and oh yeah! my school caught fire...well the entire fucking field did so read my poems and journals about that please!