‹ Prequel: Pieces of Me

A Burning Desire

Close Call

As the limo pulled into the hotel there were even more people screaming. They had obvious accents when they spoke but when they screamed they sounded the same as the kids from the States. The guys signed papers and photos as they made their way inside. Once inside we were all given our rooms and room keys. I wanted to get into my room and just sleep, but Uncle Steven had other plans in mind.

"Roxy, the buses should be in the back soon, would you please wait for them?" he asked me. I looked at the doors of the room with a longing to sleep.

"Alright," I sighed and headed for the back of the hotel.

"Come on buses, hurry up so I can go to sleep," I yawned as I leaned against the wall in the back parking lot. I closed my eyes as I heard birds begin to sing.

"Shut up," I whined. I could have fallen asleep right there but I had to work in order to be here with Gerard. I kept him in mind to help me stay awake. But it was taking the buses so long to arrive. I shut my eyes, just to rest them. I must have fallen asleep, because before I knew it someone was tugging on my arm and I was laying on the parking lot floor.

"Roxy," Mikey said softly. He pulled me up as I opened my eyes.

"C'mon get up," he groaned as he set me on my feet.

"Are the buses here yet?" I asked suddenly becoming alert and looked around, three extremely tall black and gold buses were over at the end of the parking lot.

"Oh no, Uncle's gonna murder me!" I said and walked over to the door as fast as my heels would let me.

"Damned heels!" I said to myself as I tried to take them off, falling on my ass as I did.

"Roxy, calm down," Mikey said as he walked over to me with his hands in his pockets. He helped me up again.

"I have to actually work to be here, I can't mess up," I said to him or myself I don't know.

"Well you can rest easy tonight," he said and smiled.

"I made all the drivers check in and fuel up and all that great stuff," he said.

"Thanks so much Mikey!" I said and quickly wrapped my arms around his skinny waist

"No problem, now let's get inside before someone mistakes you for a hobo or prostitute, or both," he said and held the door open for me.

I yawned and followed him but had to stop because something kept hurting my foot, probably a pebble or something.

"Bye the way," Mikey said and began to walk backwards to the elevators to talk to me.

"You an Gerard," he said getting to the elevators. I brushed off the few pebbles that stuck to my skin and looked up at him.

"Yeah?" I asked not thinking at the time that he was going to say something about Gerard and I. He stayed silent until he got to the elevator and the doors opened up.

"You guys need to be...more secretive," he said and smirked. My throat tightened as my heart leaped to it and began to beat faster. He was already going up to our floor before I could move from my shocked state,

What was that supposed to mean!?! Was it really that obvious? I began to run to the elevators as fast as my exhausted body would carry me. I slammed my hand against the button, my thoughts racing. We were that obvious? Oh no, this was in no way good. If Mikey tells Gerard he's caught on he might break it off with me.

But if Gerard told him himself then it was okay, then it would be one more step to telling the world we were together. But if Mikey himself had caught on...then what if he broke it off and for "our" own good sent me back home. I knew he wouldn't be above that. And Gerard is pretty persuasive. He might even be able to persuade all the guys that it would be better for me to go back to school down in the states.

That would break my heart...again.

I walked out of the elevators with a blank expression, tears threatening to come up. No, I can't be crying. I need to seem normal. I managed to find my room and stuck the key into the slot and went in. The lights were on but there was no Gerard sleeping in my bed. He must have fallen asleep in his own room.

My bags were sitting on a chair and everything of mine was already in the room. I went into the bathroom to wash my hands, from the oil that had been on the parking lot floor. After I came out I saw Gerard laying on the bed, eyes closed and breathing softly. I tried to shut the door as gently as I could. Again tears threatened to come but I was able to keep them from falling by thinking I was probably over re-acting.

"There you are," he said and smiled softly.

"I had to get the drivers checked in," I yawned.

"Why don't you get changed into something more comfortable," he said rolling onto his side while hugging the pillow.

"Good idea," I sigh and went into my bag pulling out my black and green sweats.

"Like nothing," he said. I blushed violently as I turned my head to look at him. He laughed and stuck his head into the pillow, I smirked.

"I'm sorry I just had to," he said lifting his face from the pillow that was now red from laughing.

"I might fall asleep while changing," I admit.

"Want me to help?" he asks.

"Nah," I said and took off my shirt and put my sweat shirt over my bra.

"Can't you keep the skirt at least?" he asks and winks at me.

"I don't see any shorts on mister," I say and wink right back at him.

"Wait right here!" he said and jumped up from the bed and ran out of the room.
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I'm so sorry it took this long to put up but give me some credit...I'm pretty drunk right now.....its what happens when mom leaves the Key to the liquor cabinet open ;D