‹ Prequel: Pieces of Me

A Burning Desire


Questions ran through my mind as I got onto the elevator with the man. Why would someone want to break into my room? And why a teen aged girl? Was she really looking for the guys? No, I don't think anyone would go that far to meet them...or would they? Who ever she was...I hope she won't be back.

I laid wide awake in my room wondering why that girl had broken in. How did she brake in? I was asleep the entire time. Did she come through the window? No, I would have heard that. But the again I didn't hear her messing around in that bathroom. I wasn't tired so I decided to go to Gerard's room.

When I got to his door I knocked softly and leaned against his door. Before long I heard him come to the door and open it.

"Hey babe," I smiled at him. He smiled, looked both ways down the halls then grabbed me from behind as if he hadn't seen me in three years and kissed me.


She wrapped her hands around my shoulders pulling my head down to her forehead I felt her smile in her kiss as she kissed me right back just as sweetly. I had been so worried when we got the call that one of the rooms had been broken into. I ran out of there and was one of the first ones on the bus. Though I could see it on everyone's face, especially Steve's we all were praying that it wasn't Roxy's room.

We ran into the elevator and as soon as we got to her I wanted to run up to her, scoop her up into my arms and not let go. She had said it was a teen aged girl with brown hair. And I can only hope it wasn't a fan.

I pulled her into the room with me and shut the door quietly to not wake up anyone on the floor. We went over to the couch and she sat next to me, her legs in my lap. I tilted up her head.

"They didn't hurt you to bad sugar did they?" I asked her.

"Nah, just a bump," she said with her best English accent. She giggled and I chuckled at it.

"So what happened exactly?" I asked.

"Well after you left I thought I'd just get five more minutes of sleep in before Steve got me, but I guess you guys never came," she said.

"Steve thought it best you got some rest, hah that rhymed," I said and smiled at her. She giggled and pulled my hands into her lap.

"I woke up and I thought it was you or Frank or someone in the bathroom so I got up to go check and there she as in a ski mask peeking out through the shower curtain!" she said and looked at me with a confused expression.

"So they didn't take anything?" I asked.

"No, she just wanted to get out of there when I found her," she replied. I nodded in thought, how did she get in then? The windows weren't broken and I doubt anyone would want to climb up several stories to get into a hotel room. It seemed to add up to the fact it might have been an obsessed fan. I love our fans, I really do, I love meeting them and seeing them and everything. It's just when they do stupid stuff like this to get our attention that can get me mad.

"But speaking of people running," she went on to say.

"Mikey said for us to more..." she seemed to hesitate.

" More, secretive," she said and looked up at me as she squeezed my hands.
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I know it's short but I just had to make it a cliffhanger.
Maybe I'll update....if I get some comments =D

Sound fair?