‹ Prequel: Pieces of Me

A Burning Desire

Late Nights Lead to Late Mornings

I could see the worry in her eyes. And I realized I had to tell her. I had told Mikey about a week before we had left about us trying out a relationship. His reaction wasn't as well rational as Frank's but still a shock. He had promised to keep his mouth shut and I was going to slowly tell the rest of the guys.

I smiled and she smiled back uneasily as if nervous.

"I told him," I said. Relief washed over her, I could tell.

"I was scared that he had found out on his own and you would have gotten upset," she said.

"Well if that was the case I wouldn't have been upset. I mean he's my own brother." I replied

I was so relieved that he had told Mikey on his own. He was slowly coming out to people about our relationship. I smiled to myself at realizing this, it was going to be a slow ride but now I'm sure some day we can even tell my uncle.

"See there was nothing to worry about," he said and lifted my chin up, and smiled just as big as I was. I was so happy I pulled my legs away from his lap.

"Hey where are you going?" he asked.

"No where," I said and turned around and practically threw myself at him. I began to kiss his neck violently. He laughed and ran his hand through my hair.

"You seem happy," he said.

"I'm very happy," I said and headed for his lips, kissing him passionately he let his mouth open and grated me access. His hand traveled down to my butt and I couldn't help but to smile I sat up to get a breath of air. But no sooner had I sat up on him the he slid back on the couch and pulled me back down onto him so he could begin kissing my own neck, pulling at my shirt. He bit of neck softly, as he began to slide it up and off my back, only letting go of my skin to let mys shirt come off.

I bit my lip as I began undoing his own shirt.


I woke up with the sun splattered across my face. I slowly blinked my eyes, not wanting to move. Gerard lay sleeping under me, his chest making me rise and fall with it as he breathed. I picked up my head and looked at the floor, our clothes scattered around it. Today the guy shad two concerts, one in the afternoon and one in the evening.

I looked back down at Gerard his soft eyes closed as he gently...snored. I couldn't help but to giggle.

"Mmm, five more minutes," he mumbled as his arms wrapped around me and pulled me back down onto him so my face was pressed onto the space where his neck attached to his chest. He was warm and we had no blankets so I didn't put to much of a fight to get back up.

"What time is our first show?" he asked me.

"I think one," I said and yawned.

"What time is it now?" he asked.

Looked up to the ticking clock over above the kitchen counter. My eyes widened at the time.

"Ten!" I said panicked. I shot up off of him and began to quickly put on my underwear. Shit! We were already late! We needed to be there by at least eight. Two fucking hours late! You can make up a story for say fifteen hours late but two fucking hours? I am so fired.

"Gerard we need to go!" I said in a hurried tone as I threw his pants at him.

"Maybe you do," he said and smirked as he rolled over, burring his face into the couch's pillows.

"There can be a My Chemical Romance with out the lead singer," I reminded him as I tried to pull on my own sweatpants, I needed to quickly get back up to my room and change into something 'asistanty'.

"Grab someone from the audience," he said but got up and went into the bedroom part of the suit to get some clean clothes.

"I gotta go, see you there, love you!" I called as I threw my sweat shirt on and took off for the elevators.

After getting dressed I called a cab for myself and Gerard. Our story was that I was running out to the cab and he told me to wait for him because he slept in too and saw me from his window. When we got to the club he was going to be playing at there were tons of fans lined up waiting for the afternoon show.

"Crap, and they're at the back too," Gerard said looking out the window. I was to busy trying to put my hair up in a clip to notice, I put the bobby pin in my mouth while I tried to smooth my hair into a pony tail.

"Here," he said as he pulled back my hair and quickly tied it.

"Pin," he said and stuck his hand out. I stuck it into his hand and he used it to pin down my stubborn baby hairs.

"Try around the side," I told the driver.

The cab fair was going to be a hefty one, I would have to use my own money now. "Do you take American money?" I asked kind of embarrassed that I hadn't exchanged it for Euros.

"Yes," he said as he turned the car.

The side even had fans, because that was where the buses were parked.

"How are we going to get out with out them seeing us getting out of the same car?" Gerard asked himself.

"You get out first, just say you woke up late, then I'll get out saying I had to run back to the hotel to get my uncle's phone," I said as I put a hand on his back.

The driver parked directly next to one of the buses which hid the car fairly well. Gerard got out first, signing a few autographs as he got inside, I couldn't help to wonder if maybe one of those girls were the same one who was in my hotel room. I counted twenty seconds after I payed the driver to get out.

After I did a few kids recognized me. A few asked for autographs.

"I'm so sorry, I wish I could," I called as I tried to rush past them into the building.

"My Uncle, needs his phone," I said as I showed the guards my backstage pass.

My uncle was pissed. As soon as I walked in, the guys were on stage fooling around, trying to outplay each other on guitar, well Frank and Ray were and Bob was drumming random beats.

"Where the hell have you two been!?!" Uncle Steve yelled.

"You were supposed to have been here two and a half hours ago!" he yelled. I looked down at my shoes.

"Well?" he said impatiently.

"We both slept in," I confessed.

"Slept in!?!" he yelled.

"How the hell can you sleep in today!?! Roxy you knew YOU of all people especially had to be here and Gerard, you haven't even been this late even when we switch time zones!" he yelled.

"Alright I get it, chill out man!" Gerard said back in an annoyed tone. I wonder if he sounded like that as a teenager.

"You think you'd both had been up all night!" my uncle yelled as he went onto the stage talking into his microphone. Gerard smirked at how true that sentence was. I blushed and quickly rushed to catch up with my uncle.

"If you're late like this one more time your ass is on a plane back home!" he said to me as he handed me a clipboard with a lot of papers clipped onto it along with a pen.

"I'm sorry I let you down," I said with the sincerest tone I could give.

"Now go make sure all the lights are on check," he said and yelled at Gerard to get a microphone.

"Yes Ma!" Gerard taunted.
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Hey that's as steamy details as you're gonna get from me. I'm a Chastity Ranger!
I FIGHT teenage permiscuity, not write about it!

Bahahahaha sorry I haven't updated I was on vacation in L.A