Journey of Alexandria

Chapter 6

Saying goodbye to Mr. Harper was hard.

He had done so much for me, him and his wife, and leaving…

Well, I’m just glad I didn’t break down in tears.

Following close behind Halt, I did my best not to sniffle or rub my eyes, staying quiet even when the sounds of Wensley Village had faded to background noise in my ears.

Neither of us said anything for a long time; me out of nerves and old caution, and Halt out of what I suspected was an appreciation for quiet.

Sprawled out across the back of my shoulders, tail twitching up to hit my cheek, Zilla rubbed her head and ears against my neck with a low purring meow.

It sounded like a “Go on, don’t be shy,” and I swallowed down the old knot in my throat with some difficulty.


He grunted, and I took that as a signal to keep going, fingers flexing into loose fists at my sides.

“I-I was…wondering…”

I almost ran into the Ranger’s back before realizing he had stopped, squeaking as I pulled back and instinctively curled into myself.

“You shouldn’t mumble.” He stated, firm. “Just say what you want and be done with it.”

Taking a deep breath, I nodded, making my voice come out at a more audible level.

“Why did you choose me to be an apprentice?”

With a sigh, Halt started moving again, though I hesitated for a moment before following.

“You have promise in the skills necessary for a Ranger. You’re small and fast, and your skill in silent movement is impressive.”

Curious despite myself, I hopped forward a couple paces to walk almost level with him.

“How would you know any of that, though?”

“It’s a Ranger’s job to know things.” He replied vaguely. “Just like it’s a Ranger apprentice’s job to listen and do as they’re told.”

Nodding absently, I fidgeted with my fingers, trying so hard not to retreat back into myself now that the silence was returning.

“What about…?”

“I’m not going easy on you, Alexandria.” Halt asserted. “I may have to change tactics, but that does not mean you get any slack.”

For a moment, I was overwhelmed by this sense of pride, the thought that this Ranger honestly believed I could do this bolstering my confidence.

“Alex.” I stated, turning my face away as a smile formed. “You can call me Alex.”

Halt was absolutely silent for a few moments, and I felt that nervous itch in my belly before he huffed, guarded.

“Then call me Halt. I get enough of that ‘sir’ business from my other apprentice.”

I paused for a moment once his words fully registered, smile falling into a concerned frown.

“Other apprentice?”